Reincarnated as a World

Ch.49 War Of The Legendary Birds

A few decades later the continent had been divided in 2 by the constant fighting between 2 Legendary Phoenix Clans; The [Ice Phoenix Clan] and the [Pure Phoenix Clan]. The Northern side was obviously inhabited by the Honourable Brother and his clan which leaves Chad in the South.

On each side you can see beautiful majestic Phoenixes that were giving orders to the other species in their respective territories.

For a while, they had discovered that their subordinates, including a few Phoenixes, had been disappearing unnaturally. Such a reality was incomprehensible to the 2 forces but nothing could be done, so they decided to put it in the back of their mind.

Somewhat of a mistake.

It was when a colossal Bird Beast that was even more domineering than both Chad and the Honourable Brother appeared with soul-shaking killing intent that the 2 Clan Leaders knew they were in serious trouble.

The 9 Flame Queen appeared in the Southern region with blazing might, her killing intent striking primordial fear into the hearts of all life forms and her ‘beauty’ tantalizing the 2 hegemons.

The Honourable Brother even breached into the Southern Region just so that he could get a closer look. Like a moth to a… flame.

Both Clan Leaders were equal parts enamoured and fearful of the newcomer but nothing other than righteous rage appeared on their faces, it was like they were looking at a the murderer of their children. Mmh, they indeed knew the experience.

The Honourable Brother was obviously good at hiding his feelings and on the other hand, Chad was Chad.

Hmm? Were they also squinting their eyes? Light-skin face?

Noticing that the situation was dire and a perfect opportunity had been presented to him, the Honourable Brother was the first to flee back to his territory in the North.

Unfortunately, with Chad already being in his territory, he wouldn’t have that opportunity.

Unless he wanted to follow the Honourable Brother; a foolish idea, he would have to somehow fend off this newcomer by himself. But he knew the odds of winning were heavily against him. Even though he was a Law Beast, he could still feel the hopeless difference in strength and he couldn’t comprehend why.

The 9 Flame Queen opened her magnificent beak as a dark red fireball formed inside.

Just as Chad was thinking he was done for. A chorus of melodious but mighty Phoenix cries swam through the sky with indomitable spirit. Beautiful amber coloured Phoenixes broke through the tall tree tops and soared into the sky with fury stained on their faces as they glared at the 9 Flame Queen.

Seeing his family ready to die for him, the turbulent emotions in Chad’s heart slowly dissipated. How could he cower in front of family? As the Clan Leader, he wouldn’t leave until death accepted his courtship!

The glare he then gave to the 9 Flame Queen even having a hint of provocation.

The 9 Flame Queen paused. She knew things could become very annoying and it grated on her nerves. She knew she could take the leader of the Phoenixes by herself with ease, but with the hundreds of phoenixes there to help him, it was almost certain that she would suffer major damage.

On top of that, a nagging feeling of jealousy was seeping into her heart. Seeing the tight relationship between the Phoenix race and their Ancestor was bringing up memories of herself with the Elementals. But even the Elementals weren’t as closely knitted with her compared to the sight before her eyes.

Monsters weren’t built to be all that cosey with each other after all. Their main priority was killing. Tribal systems just helped in efficiency, nothing more, nothing less.

Just as Chad was about to begin the battle of certain death, the 9 Flame Queen made a few motions towards him.

The Beast ‘Language’.

The Beasts all around the World had already formed their own signals and signs to achieve cross-species communication. How could the Beasts in the West Continent be lacking?

The main reason the 9 Flame Queen had been laying low ever since she had arrived on this continent before now was because she was learning these very signs.

When Chad deciphered the messages performed by the 9 Flame Queen, he was shocked.

The 9 Flame Queen wanted to split the territory of the West Continent once again!

Chad was shocked but he quickly made the motion for ‘agree’, he couldn’t waste this opportunity!

40 years later (Year 90)

The West Continent was in the middle of a dreadful war that had blood spill all over the continent like a liquid plague. Where blood was shed, more blood was shed.

It’s area of influence would always increase and nobody was safe.

Why was there another war despite the equilibrium that should have been maintained between the now 3 legendary races?


This was the result of the Honourable Brother finally accomplishing his nearly a century long goal.

Taking his former leader’s wives.

Obviously this didn’t go well with Chad. With blinding fury, Chad made a path of corpses towards the North with only the idea of slaughter on his mind.

At this moment in time, the West Continent had been split in 3 sections. It was the Honourable Brother in the North aka [Frozen Territory]. Chad in the South-East aka [Pure Society] and the 9 Flame Queen in the South-West aka [Purgatory Forest].

Chad had already become a Seeking Beast, enabling him to summon forth the bare minimum of the Fire Laws, but just that was enough to strike fear in the heart of the 9 Flame Queen who was Stage 9 Elite Monster, not to mention that she was several times stronger than any other Monster of the same level. It should also be mentioned that a regular Monster was stronger than a regular Beast of the same level.

The point is, his newfound strength on top of the presence of the Honourable Brother enabled them to keep the 9 Flame Queen in check despite her fully developed clan of her own.

However, this changed when the Honour- Nay, the Despicable Brother had successfully kidnapped the 2 wives of the Pure Phoenix King, causing Chad to throw all caution to the wind in his path of vengeance.

Naturally, the 9 Flame Queen wasn’t going to let this wonderful opportunity waste. Although she didn’t need to kill like before to become stronger (She had found out long ago that she could absorb essence from eating essence-rich resources after she became the legendary bird she is today), killing was still very resourceful and she could use this war to break through to the Greater Demon realm.

And like this, there was no location on the continent that carnage’s revolting legs didn’t reach.

2 years later (Year 92)

One of Chad’s claws was wrapped tightly around the Despicable Brother’s neck, the rage in his eyes even more ferocious and malevolent than the hate that had consumed him 2 years ago.

That was because a few minutes ago, he had finally located the Despicable Brother who had disappeared a year ago along with his 2 wives.

But they were no longer the wives he knew.

They were still, calm and unreactive to his presence.

Silent, dull and… lifeless.

They were dead.

And right between their legs was a Phoenix Egg that thrummed with life.

That was the moment the Phoenix who had specialised in the Laws of Fire and Life had nearly become an abomination.

Luckily, the Law Body that he gained when he evolved at the Spirit Beast Breakthrough allowed those 2 Laws to encode itself in his DNA. Such a powerful body was obviously resistant to all forms of ailments including Abomination conversion, but even then it was a close call.


When Chad came to, the literal flames of rage that exploded outside of him almost consumed everything.

The Despicable Brother who was only a few inches away from him with his icy flame wielding claws stretching forth was blasted away, almost dead in a single blow.

His plan had failed and he was finished.

He knew it.

The Despicable Brother had planned for this very moment since he laid his sight on Chad’s 2 wives many decades ago. He knew that there was no other scenario that allowed him to kill his previous leader unless he obtained a supernatural power. Becoming an Ice Phoenix wasn’t enough.

So he plotted and plotted. Revised, refined and polished his schemes until he got to this point.

But even that was not enough.

At this point, he was simply tired.

He was done contending with monstrous existences. He was done with having to withstand the grating envy that would never leave him alone. Just let him die.

The Despicable Brother slumped even further down the cave wall. The very same cave that he had hid in when he evolved, becoming the Ice Phoenix.

The very same cave that was in Chad’s territory even now.

The Despicable Brother watched as Chad grabbed the bodies of his 2 dead wives and the only remaining egg that wasn’t destroyed in his anger before flying off into the distance.

The Despicable Brother was a little confused, killing him wouldn’t take much effort so why clear out the area? He didn’t have illusions that Chad was sparing him, he knew that his previous leader would never let him go.

And indeed, Chad returned a few minutes later only to grab the unresisting Despicable Brother by the neck and fly off once more.

Now the Despicable Brother was beginning to panic, he didn’t like things that he couldn’t predict, it was rare and oftentimes very deadly. Even if he had already accepted death, he was still afraid.

They passed many  sceneries before delving deep underground and arriving at an underground cavern.

Chad carried the limp Despicable Brother to the floor of the cave before abruptly biting into his chest with his beak, reaching deep and tearing the Beast Core right out of his body.

This was a procedure that directly crippled the prone recipient, causing them to lose all their cultivation for the rest of their lives, unable to make a comeback ever again.

This normally happened to Beasts before they were banished from their territory, but now it was happening to the Despicable Brother and he was not happy.

Before he could even process thoughts. Chains made from golden flames appeared and wrapped around his neck and limbs, including his wings before plunging into the ground.


The flames burned him so viciously that he thought his very sense of self (soul) would be erased, causing him to shriek out in agony.

But then the effect of the flames changed, they started to heal all the damage around his body in a purposefully crude manner, causing the healing process to also hurt. Just when he was about to gather his thoughts


The destructive element of the Phoenix Flames returned with soul-stirring force that caused him to wheeze, already unable to summon the energy to scream.

The last thing he saw before he blacked out was the pair of sinister eyes that promised nothing but suffering.

And he was very, very terrified.

This brings us to the last and final major war. No, that was not right, nobody would call it a war.

It was… 

Devastation at it’s finest.

A calamity that was so abominable that it wiped away almost all life in the North Continent. And it was the result of a single being.

[The Abomination Of The North].

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