Reincarnated as a World

Ch.6 How Could I Not Come Bearing Gifts?

‘Month 4 of the 1st year, huh…’

In these past 2 months, Eridel had spent the time creating all non magical species that he knew of, filling the previously-silent-continents with noises that never ended.

Animals could be found all over the World, filling it with life and nature. Something that fell incomplete before.

From predators like lions and tigers, to prey like mice and sheep. All species from his home planet; Earth, were here. Something that the snake clan seemed excited about…

In fact, Jörma was able to reach the 1st stage of cultivation, growing an entire 5 metres longer. (From now on, the growth would me much slower, it only exploded like this because she broke into a new realm).

This event meant that she obviously  acquired mana. Now taking into consideration that the World had no magical energy yet, it was obvious that this snake (that managed to solidify her status as queen), had not wasted the potential of her bloodline, directly converting food into mana...

But besides that, everything else was pretty mundane. Although he created many new animals, he didn’t make any of them special. No bloodlines, no augmented affinities, no nothing. If there was any talents amongst them, it was by their own luck. Eridel randomized everything.

Something he should have done with the snakes too, but as his first created species, he couldn’t hold himself back from doing something a little special.

But despite that, he wasn’t bored in the slightest.

He didn’t know if it was a ‘World’ thing but each increase in species filled him with immense satisfaction. 

But screw that. Now, it was time to take another step forward with his plans. Creating the first ‘enlightened’ species. The race that will spur the progress of this World.

The enlightened species were a race that had obtained complete sapience and potential to learn. This could be something like Humans, Elves or Angels.

Evolved beasts didn’t count, they obtained their intelligence from their own abilities, not because it was an inherent trait of their species. And Eridel was not going to change that. It would be asinine to do so.

Moving along, Eridel had to choose which race came first. Angels were crossed off because he had bigger plans for them later.

So the remaining choice was between Elves and Humans.

After thinking of the pros and cons for a while, he decided to start with the Elves.

The Elves were a race that always positively affected their surroundings. A blessed race bearing a close affinity with nature in its entirety. Earth, Wind, Water and Wood. All these elements that are considered nature were easily grasped by them.

Although some could argue that fire was a part of nature. It was not. Fire was not natural, numerous coincidences must occur for fire to naturally come into fruition. For example, lightning striking a tree, causing a fire. How could that be natural?

In fact, Elves had a higher affinity with the eccentric lightning element than they did with fire. But nowhere near as close to Earth, Wind, Water and Wood.

But it could also be said that the reason it would be the case in this World was because Eridel willed it to be so. If he wanted to give the race major affinities with darkness, blood and undead, who was to stop him?

They were created by him and if he chose to change everything about them, he could. But Eridel would never create such abominations. Eridel was a really big fan of letting things naturally progress.

Not because he was some 10,000 year old fart who thought that messing with fate was dangerous. But because it was just so much more entertaining for people to do it themselves.

It would be 100x to 1000x more fun to see someone accidentally become a zombie because of some crazy incident, and then starting the undead race, spreading fear across the lands while becoming the undead king. WHAT A GREAT TALE!

Of course, he could still just create a zombie king, or even a zombie god if he wanted. Accomplishing the same feat or worse.

‘Oops, it would appear that I’m having dangerous thoughts.’

Eridel was naturally not foolish. Creating an undead king to terrorize his own World… Is there anyone that evil? If so, Eridel would be sure to erase such a person if he or she ever  came close, he was quite fond of his planet and would never let such a black star close.

[ In a completely grey World devoid of life ]

In what looked like a palace with completely dark furnishings was an extremely black and gargantuan throne that was decorated with bones of all kinds.

Sat on that throne was a 10,000 Metre tall skeleton covered in dark robes and adorned with a golden crown, golden flames rolling around in its eye sockets. Although horrifying, this skeleton radiated an aura of such majesty, that the true nature of this being was almost hidden. Almost, but not quite.

The ghastly aura that was filled with such vicious killing intent and death itself proved all too hard to be hidden.

A truly terrifying scene. 

What we didn’t know was that if any immortal or god chanced upon this skeleton, they wouldn’t think twice before using all their life-saving items to escape.

The golden flames in its eyes suddenly flickered.

“Hmm…? Who schemes against this King?”


Eridel would also never let things go too far. If it seemed like World destruction was possible, he would reduce the threat and all related individuals to nothing.

So the conclusion was that Eridel would leave most things to be regular. He would only change things that would help him with his goal in becoming a World that surpassed the Laws.

So If there was ever a mutative variant race of Elf, it was by their ancestors own doing.

But while he said all this… He couldn’t…

‘I can’t… I CANNOT RESIST! I must add at least one special person here, how can I not? My first enlightened species. IT WOULD BE A SIN TO NEGLECT THEM!’

Eridel was just joking around. He always planned to create a leader for this long lived race.

There was naturally a reason, and it would naturally be revealed in the most exemplar scenario. No need to even speak of it.

‘I could just create them in some corner of a forest, but…

How could I not come bearing gifts?’

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