He went as far as the prison where the prisoners were being captured and began to appraise them.

Depending on the identity of what was captured, there was only one cell or one cell containing more than one person.

The living environment doesn't seem very good. It's a prison, so it's natural.

Looks like quite a few of them are captives. Hundreds will be over at ease.

Since it was originally a massive battle, there seemed to be so many prisoners, because there were so many stubborn people, who pledged allegiance to the Belzd County Chief and Starz Castle owners and would never fall back on the clan.

If we all appraise it, it'll drain your eyes considerably. You might want to take a couple of days instead of appraising them all in one day.

Seventy people were appraised on the first day.

There were more competent people than I thought.

It's an important battle, so it would be the result of putting in the elite at all costs.

The second day appraised ninety more than yesterday. On the second day there were competent figures who had an average of 80. In addition, there were some samurai with 90 martial arts and some middle-aged men with a marginal value of 94 or so, who had a figure of 57 of their tactics.

I'd like to have someone as my own minister because I appraised them, but at the moment they don't seem willing to serve on anyone, and all those people in a suspicious position to have them served if they don't have that kind of treatment ready in the first place, so it would be hard to get me to serve on anything but a lord of a weak territory right now.

There are about sixty more to go. It will be over tomorrow.

Appraisal day three.

After fifty appraisals, I try to appraise the fifty-first because I don't think I have that many good people today.

"Hey, you! Chibisque! Get me out of here!

And the yell went up.

Confirm the Lord of the Voice.

He's still a young little man.

The man told me he was little skanky, but small enough to wonder which mouth he was talking about.

Just a little bigger than I am now. My face feels like a little boy, too, and I would still be a teenager.

Why would a child be a prisoner? I thought so, but when I saw the flesh, I was convinced.

Pretty well worked out, and this would be strong if we fought.

I'll try to appraise the man.

Bradham Joe, 17. ”


Control rate 50/102

Wuyong 91/92

Knowledge 9/61

Politics 5/55

Ambition 88


Infantry s

Cavalry A

Archer B

Magic Soldier D

Tsukijo C

Weapon D

Navy D

Air Force D

Strategy D

Something very extreme.

Takeo is very good. Better than that. Is 102 the best you've ever seen?

9 of current knowledge, however. This is too low.

Is that all right? Can you live your daily life properly? and a worrying level.

If you're so low on intelligence, you're losing a one-on-one battle because you're stupid even if you're high on martial arts.

The limit values are just not that bad.

Seems normal if you let him study.

When viewed in terms of current values, it has the potential to be a fairly good general when viewed in terms of limit values, although the drawbacks are noticeable status.

Let's also see more information.

He was born on March 3, 194, in Starz, Belzd County, Meesian, Samaforce Empire. The father and mother are both in the other world. Simple personality. I like meat. Fighting is my hobby. I like young, strong women. I am dissatisfied with Stefan, the Lord.

My parents already have no brothers in the other world. You're still young, but you don't have a body?

But mainly dissatisfied?

The only ones here are those who refuse to serve. Except for the loyal ones, they should be making choices when they serve the clan lightly.

Why didn't you come down to the clan?

Because if you do ambition, you're the type who doesn't serve others... then you wouldn't even be serving Stefan.

Don't worry about it.

"Hey, what are you staring at? You're selling fights? I'll be happy to buy it!

He looked at me and said things like chimps.

I've been through a lot of battlefield and I'm somewhat gutted, so I'm not upset to this extent.

I decided to ask why, mainly because I was dissatisfied and wondered why I didn't serve as an officer.

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