After falling Starz Castle, it was getting pretty cold, so we were supposed to stay in the castle until winter passed.

First aid for the wall was also terminated, and the clan ordered everyone to rest until winter had passed.

However, the entire army could not enter Starz Castle, so some soldiers were camping outside with tents. I am a little worried that I will be able to rest there.

By the way, I rented a Starz Castle room and was sleeping there. The ministers were sleeping with us because we were able to rent a pretty big room.

Heating appliances using flaming magic stones were installed to make them comfortable.

One morning.

"Wake up. - Master Ars, wake up."

Yummy and shaken I woke up.

The voice now... that's Charlotte's voice...

Unusual. I don't sleep well and always wake up when it's breakfast time for me and Leeds.

"That's unusual. Did you wake up yourself today?

"I don't care about that, I'm coming outside!

They pulled my hand and woke me up.

Charlotte walks out of the room, holding my hand.

I don't know what the hell you mean, but I can't resist well in my sleep. Being left, Charlotte went out with me.

The moment I got out of the room, the very cold hit my body.

Inside, it was warm thanks to the heating appliance, but extremely cold outside. Cold days so far are as cold as I think they are for the first time since I was reincarnated into this world.

Shortly after I put on thick clothes, they took me out, so I freeze in too cold.

"Sa, it's cold. Huh, clothes."

"Take a look, outside!

Ignoring me completely, he pointed toward the courtyard of Starz Castle.

I wonder what it is, but when I look in the courtyard, I get a bright white view.

Apparently, it's snowing.

It is the first snow accumulation of the year.

Charlotte now remembered that she liked snow so much that it was going to snow around every year. He is childish.

I also like to see a snowy sight, but now it's too cold to be where it is. Or it's getting even colder watching the snow.

"I like snow, don't I? All right, let's go outside."

That's what I said, so I'll do everything I can to stop it.

"Ma, wait! If you go outside in your current outfit, you'll die of cold! Let me wear it thick!

"... if you look closely, you'll wear it thin. Why do you look so good? That's cold."

"It's your fault..."

"Bring it on quickly. Because I'm down in the courtyard."

Frightened by Charlotte's words, I went back to my room to dress thick. I thought I'd sleep like this twice, but I went down to the courtyard because the minister asked me to.

There were other people in the courtyard besides Charlotte. Looks like the young guys are playing with the snow. It's the first time there's been snow, so maybe it's getting worse than usual.

"Oh, Master Ars, it's late. I don't know what to make today. Help me, Master Ars."

After that, Charlotte made me help her play with the snow.

I made cats and dogs and all kinds of snow statues. If you look from the side, you won't know what you're making. I'm even afraid they suspect you made a statue of a cult.

"I'm starving. I'm going to dinner."

So Charlotte went back inside the castle.

What a free guy. After I was knocked up too, I went out for breakfast with him because I hadn't eaten anything and was hungry.

After breakfast, when I thought I could slow down, they took me out again. Leeds and Roselle were also to go out with them and play the snowball games we taught Charlotte before in the winter months.

At first I did it in small numbers, and then I saw it and the others started to participate, and it became a big number, and if I did something, it became a full-scale snowball fight.

Until just now, those who fought a real battle had become a powerful battle because they were in a snowball battle.

I was tired so I was turning to the side of the tour early.

Watch how things go with Mireille, who is also not in the snowball battle.

"Everybody, relax. I guess he thinks he's won for sure."

Mireille shrugged.

"... it's relaxing indeed... but the battle itself is definitely already in your favor, right?

"Right. I just don't think Atashi's brother is giving up winning, or something could come. Don't get distracted."

Brother, you mean Thomas.

I failed to ambush the clan before, but now I might come after something.

Sure, Mireille's right. It's forbidden to be alarmed...

"Why are you drinking while you say that?"

"Huh? I need to drink. Tomorrow we'll have a big war or something."

I was heartbroken by Mireille, who was acting like she was only alarmed that she swallowed it from the morning.

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