As Leatz instructed to retreat, a nearby sounding magic soldier made a massive hyper-voice sound telling the entire army to retreat.

Hyper Voice is a magic that amplifies the sound and delivers the user's voice as it is, but naturally it does not say "retreat".

In the case of the Canary Army, if it withdraws, it will sound "Operation D".

This will allow us to be alert to what the enemy forces are going to do, and we will prepare to flee, so that we can buy more time.

Of course, with each use, the signaling voice needs to be changed, so the next time, Operation D will signal a change to another operation, not a retreat.

We must not think only of winning, but also of minimizing the damage when we lose.

The Kanare army has plenty of training to retreat, and when Leatz gave the order, Tequipaki and the others began to prepare and retreat.

It was the soldiers who were fighting on the front lines.

The more HyperVoice echoed across the battlefield, the louder it became.

Instructions to retreat also reached the frontline soldiers, and they fought to buy as much time as possible.

Prepare to retreat and retreat with Leats at the forefront.

We have a pre-built position at the rear, so we can retreat there.

It seems that the soldiers in charge struggled a lot, and the pursuing soldiers did not come.

With minimal damage, Leatz successfully retreated.

What's the damage to our army?

"About 250 people."

Retreating to the rear, Leeds was trying to get an accurate view of the situation.

Many of your soldiers were captured or captured by your enemies, and a few returned.

Most of those who came back were injured and unable to fight now.

The damage to our own forces, in terms of the total number of troops, was not light, but the damage to the enemy forces seemed substantial.

I don't know the exact number, but it seems that at least a thousand people were incapacitated by magical strikes.

Your soldiers were also struggling, so they would have taken out quite a few of their enemies, and they could have done no less damage.

When retreating, the speed is slowed down when you bring supplies, so you can't ignore the damage you've lost some.

Although we have received support from the clans, Kanale has limited resources.

I don't think we have more resources than the Citizens.

(However, it seemed that the enemy had dropped it without worrying about becoming an enemy.It was surprising that I had such high morale... This battle didn't have a negative impact on my own command, so even though I was able to retreat with minimal sacrifice, it hurt.Anyway, we have to report it to Master Arthur as soon as possible.)

Leatz felt that way and immediately wrote a letter and had it delivered to the Khmer Fort in Ars.

Khmer Fort.

I was reading Leatz's letter, along with Mireille and Rosselt.

The person who carried the letter was able to read it on the day that Liese wrote it, because it was delivered fastest using horses.

It is written that the enemy forces are strong and have retreated.

After all, I said, "Mummu," wondering if that didn't work.

Your enemies seem very motivated.

Mireille was surprised that the enemy soldier's morale was quite high.

"Oh, what should I do?" If we keep up the momentum, we'll be here in no time.The enemy has quite a lot of troops, and no matter how many Leats and Sister Charlotte there are, there are still a lot of them out there..... "

Roselle was upset.

You seem to be in negative thoughts.The situation may be the only thing left to do.

"In the meantime, maybe we should try negotiating peace."The enemy seems to be doing quite a bit of damage, so if you make a lot of tributes, you might even come aboard. "

What is a tribute?

"Well, it might be a good idea to give them things of value, such as supplies, gold, resources, and art objects."You can write the terms in a letter and have them delivered to the soldiers. "

"All right, let's do it."

I decided to conduct peace talks as Mireille advised.

I thought about how much money, resources, and art in the castle I could get out of the current situation, and I wrote the conditions on the letter and sent it to the messenger.

In the end, it was a failure.

The enemy didn't abandon the messenger I sent to negotiate peace, but they sent me a letter of refusal.

Instead, the terms of peace are written.

"To make the County of Canale the territory of the State of Cité.Lord Arth Rohvent could have been the county sheriff.If there is any hope, I will respond as best I can... If the Mycian clan attacks, I will send reinforcements... "

It said something like that.

"Hmm. He's not hungry to take over Mycian right now, but he wants to have it in Canale County."Canale isn't a worthy county, but if you keep it, you'll be able to make Mycian look good.Given his future strategy, do you want it?Well, even if he attacked Shoot 'em, Mycian would have to be vigilant, and it wouldn't be worth keeping the canary. "

Mireille analyzed it that way.

After all, he needs to make enemies out there and put them together in the state.

To do so, battle is essential.

From now on, whether it's attacking Mycian or Shoots, having a canary is definitely somehow convenient.

Now that Mycian province is rattling around, it's a chance to capture Kanare, so I guess they're after it.

If this is true, you may want to think about accepting it.

That's what Roselle said.

"I don't know what will happen if I keep fighting like this."If we accept this, at least we can keep Ars as sheriff. "

With that much murmuring, Roselle began to mutter her thoughts of denying her opinion, saying, "No... but..."

"This is just a lie, and the possibility of being killed afterwards... even if it's true, I can't trust the Rovents to betray the position of receiving reinforcements from the clan... trust is important after all..."

There is a choice to betray here, but it seems to have many disadvantages.

I don't think I should betray you.

Lisia, who was near me, spoke.

Klan-sama is a very good person in Als-sama's eyes, isn't he?


So, you seemed to think highly of Arthur, and if you betrayed him badly, you could be crushed.

To be crushed... or... to be scared.

It's just not a mistake.

I am highly regarded by the clans, which means that when they become enemies, they become so vigilant.

Once betrayed, if the clan is the type who thinks they will never trust you again, they will most likely be executed for losing Canale.

"It would be a normal lie to remain in the position of the County Mayor of Canale, so if you want to be the County Mayor, you should stop."After dropping it, Canale won't make someone he can't trust the county governor, even though it's an important piece of land for the Citrus.If the boy can successfully appeal to his abilities, he may become a servant of the great man, but the Sheriff will be removed after all. "

Mireille, who initially agreed that it was better to surrender, also objected this time.

Overall, there is no such thing as betrayal.

In the first place, I promised Le Mail that I would betray him, but I didn't feel comfortable.

"However, if you don't follow the enemy's story... peace will be impossible..."

We're going to have to win the battle.

Mireille said so with a pale expression.

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