First, Leatz sent a message to the soldiers who were nearby.

Since I fight on the front line, I can't send thin instructions, and I can't get an accurate picture of the situation, so I can't figure out when to deploy the cavalry.

Therefore, we had to tell Crammant and Brahm that the timing of the cavalry's arrival would have to be decided by both of them.

Brahm is a delicate judge, but Cramant is a mercenary of a hundred battles.

It would definitely be good to measure the timing of the piercing.

After sending a message to the soldiers, it's finally time to fight on the front lines.

"Then I will charge! Go ahead with me!"

Ritz led the infantry to intercept the enemy soldiers.

The Archers of their army shoot arrows at the enemy soldiers.

On the front lines, Leetz fights with his voice raised anyway.

One enemy soldier after another. Mobility-focused Soldiers move faster than defense.

Whether you take them down with a bow or slash them with a sword, they come one after the other.

With that in mind, Leetz's work was incredible.

They slaughtered the incoming enemy soldiers one by one.Ignore the opponent's attacks at all.It was bathed in blood, and its armor was dyed red, and it fought like a god.

Zack was very active right next to Leatz.

Ars was a powerful instantaneous force, and Zack was less capable of leading his troops, but the strength of his white soldiers was very high.

Leetz struggled to keep Zach's back to himself.

The battle intensified.

The other soldiers struggled with the struggle.

Charlotte's enemies kept advancing without fear, but Kanalei's soldiers charged at them with such force that they were frightened.

Gradually gaining the upper hand.

Haa, haa

With a bunch of enemy soldiers slaughtered, Leez was beginning to get tired.

No matter how strong it is, its health will not last indefinitely.

You'll never be able to fight.

When the limit of my health comes, I have to pull back to the boulder.

Leats are also well aware that the Canary Army will suffer heavy losses if they are taken down here.

However, it is not possible to achieve the goal of buying time by simply pulling it out.

(Still... I can still fight...!)

We're still far from our limit.

We can fight harder. We can take out enemy soldiers.

He continued to wield his sword as his heart gathered.

Well, it's time to go.

That's what the Maitreya Mercenary Clamant said on the horse.

Crammanto has determined that the enemy soldiers' consciousness is tailored to the heavy footfall of the infantry and will be able to turn around now.

"What?? Can I go now?"

Brahm had no idea if it was okay to look at the battlefield.

He has been on the battlefield quite a bit.

However, since it was perceived as a pawn with only individual combat power, it had little experience fighting on the front lines.

It was impossible to get an accurate picture of the current state of the enemy forces.

"Well, you know better than I do, and I'll follow you with confidence!"

Previously on Brahm, I would have stormed here according to my instincts, but I learned to obey others.

He had grown a little under the guidance of Leatz.

Kramant and the cavalry led by Brahm began to move quickly.

This time it was an ambush, so the total number of cavalry wasn't too large.

If there are too many of them, the enemy will be noticed faster and the overall cavalry will be degraded.

This time, the total number is about a hundred people.Only the most capable cavalrymen would join the ambush.

The Maitro Mercenaries had more cavalry than the Canary Army cavalry.

It was led by Kramanto, but purely Maitreya mercenaries were better at handling horseback riding.

There seemed to be a lot of people who were well-trained and could fight together.

The elite cavalry quickly and without disruption aim for the enchanted soldiers behind them.

In a brawl, enemy soldiers who can't afford to look around don't notice the cavalry approaching.

We have approached the Magic Soldiers.

The enchanted soldiers, who were focused on using defensive magic, noticed the approach of the horse and panicked.

First, Kramant and Brahm wave their spears from the horse and stroke the magic soldiers.

At this point, the enemy magicians began to use magic to defeat the cavalry rather than defensive magic.

Magic flies from a close range.

Some of the cavalry were enchanted and fell, but only made up of people who were very good at handling horses, so they avoided it.

Not only the soldiers who control the horses, but also the horses are highly capable.

When magic was used, horses were in chaos and could not fight properly, but even when magic was used, horses that ran without chaos seemed to be very well trained.

The Magic Soldiers are very weak when approached.The cavalrymen take them out with little to no damage.

An enemy magician uses sound magic to inform his allies of their pinch.

But it took me a while to let you know.

Only one type of magic water can be put into the catalytic converter.

Because I was using defensive magic against fire, what was inside was the magic water of fire, not the magic water of sound, and probably few magic soldiers had magic water of sound.

It seemed to be very slow to tell them that the magic soldier was attacking us.

Hearing the sound of magic, the enemy infantry knows the magic soldiers' pinch.

We can't help you anytime soon, because there's been a war.On the contrary, it seems to be in disarray.

The cavalry continued to defeat the magicians.

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