The new transport hub for the Citizens was built on a rapid pitch.

It looks like we've mobilized some of our best magicians to create a base underground. It seems that there was no problem there because of the large number of people.

It is a problem if it takes too long to create a site. Right now, Lets are buying time, but it's not infinite.

We must finish the work as soon as possible.

Lactor was a fast man, and this time he was in a good shape.

The new transport hub is built in an unobtrusive location, such as in the woods, which is usually difficult to find.

However, since Lamberth participated in the military agenda when deciding on the location of the operation, the location has been cut off.

The transport hub itself was not built in one place, but in six places.

There are three bases where you can stock up on supplies.

There were three bases for storing Magic Power Water.

However, it was not impossible to steal supplies from all three bases.

Simultaneously complete the plan.

In that case, we're going to need a little more personnel.

After the bases were completed, supplies were brought in one after another from the previous transport hubs.

After being carried in, he started to act as he could.

I dug a hole in earth magic near the base that served as a transport hub, secretly carrying enemy resources.

If you are an army that normally uses this transportation base, you can easily use earth magic to drill holes from the outside, so you can do magic work, but because it was a base that was built in a hurry, there was no such system.

Successfully stole the results.

We have successfully carried the enemy resources to the Khmer Fort.

When I was in Khmer Fort, I watched the loot from Shadow's craft and was loosening my mouth.

That was quite a lot of magic water.

When I hear about the strategy of stealing, in addition to greatly losing the magic water, it would certainly be good if I could do that, but would it be so convenient? I was wondering.

But Shadow was a much more capable bunch than I thought.

I didn't expect you to do this much good.

Next time, we'll have to raise a lot of rewards. If I can't pay you well, I might quit my ministers and go somewhere else.

That's all we have to do to get around it.

Both Roselle and Mireille were surprised by the outcome of the battle.

It seems that they both thought it might work, but they didn't think it would work out perfectly this far.

Seeing the results, I decided to discuss the battle again with Roselle and Mireille.

"This time, we successfully took a large amount of the enemy's magic water." I think this has greatly improved the chances of winning the battle..... "

"This is a big battle, but I still can't feel safe." We must not forget that we were originally underdeveloped. "

Roselle warned me.

It seemed like it was a little soaring with a big battle effect. It hasn't been decided yet that we can win for sure. I have to reflect.

“Have you come up with a plan for victory?”

I asked Roselle and Mireille.

For once, I made full use of my knowledge of the battle and thought of various solutions, but I didn't think of a solution that would work.

I knew I would need the help of Mireille and Roselle.

“Rather than coming up with a solution, the success of Shadow's workmanship made it clear what needed to be done.”

That's what Mireille replied.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Gather your soldiers and launch a field battle against the enemy."

What, what?

I was a little upset by the unexpected answer. It was still inferior to my strength, but I wondered if I could start a battle in the field.

"This time, the opponent was greatly stolen from Magic Power Water, and it was greatly confused." The convoy has been dysfunctional for a while, and the magic water has not reached the front line satisfactorily for a while. Aim for that state. Over time, we will have to put together a new transportation system and rebuild it, because we can see it, and we have to do it as soon as possible. ”

"I have the same idea as the master." If we're going to beat up the Citizens, we're going to have to do it now. "

That's what Roselle said, who is usually negative and rarely proposes bold strategies. There is no doubt that this is our greatest chance.

"In this battle, considering that there is a lot of magic water, I think it can cause great damage if you lure your enemies to places where it is difficult to move." There's a problem if we can get away right away, and we need to lure them in somehow. "

Ranged attacks, such as bows and magic, are more effective when infantry maneuvers are reduced.

In this battle, it is important to cut down a lot of enemy soldiers. Even if you win the battle, if you do less damage, you will escape, get ready, and be attacked again. It will buy us a lot of time, so maybe the clans will give us a basemark and come back for reinforcements in the meantime, but we should stop making plans in anticipation of the uncertainties. If we're going to get rid of them, we're going to have to do a lot of damage here.

But is it possible to lure the enemy forces in? Normally, the enemy forces would not move until the chaos subsided.

Where can I lose my mobility?

"Forests... wetlands?" around here.... "

Roselle checks the surrounding maps.

But after a few seconds, I couldn't get an answer.

"This place... it's too far... it's not good enough to cut mobility... isn't there a good place to go?"

Greetings, it seems that there is no ideal location nearby. How to lure them in is impossible without a place before.

"... there is a river... I wonder if there are any documents that summarize the kind of magic water that we robbed from the Citizens this time?"

That's what Mireille asked.

The breakdown of magic water is summarized in the material. They should have been brought to me.

I kept it in the shelf. I take it and give it to Mireille.

Looking at the material, Mireille laughs.

The magic power of water is quite strong, isn't it?

“What are you going to do?”

"If we increase the water in the river, the enemy forces will not be able to retreat easily." Don't lure me into it, just drive me down to the river. "

The amount of water in the river was normal enough to walk across, but if the water volume increased and it became impossible to walk across, the enemy forces would also cross the river and it would be hard.

"Drive into the river or something... but it feels like a backwater..."

Backwater formation?

There was no such word in this world, was there?

If you fight in a pushed situation like a river on your back, your soldiers will fight in a deadly madness, so it's a tactic that makes you pretty strong.

"Oh, I see. It's like Harmant's backlash." Basically, such a backlash drama is one of the factors that boosts morale, but it is also caused by the fact that the side that is pushing it is alarmed. In addition, in this era of magic, no matter how high your morale, you can't fight without magic water. If you fight to the death, you will certainly be stronger in close combat, but you will be powerless against attacks from magic. "

Mireille told me why she was all right. I've heard of Harmant's counterattack somehow because I've studied the art of war in this world.

In a similar situation to the backwater formation, Harmantle must have been the place where the battle was fought back.

Specifically, I forgot where Harmant was. I think it was somewhere in Paradise.

"But do you think the Sites will retreat to the other side of the river?" Even if the transport is disrupted and supplies are scarce, the Citrix forces are still better off in numbers. If the transports are properly carried out, the situation will be restored and we will try to endure it without retreating? If the Citizens are too late to invade, they will know that Basamark is defeated and that the clans are coming for reinforcements. ”

"Well, that's right. Maybe we need to fight once to create a favorable situation, and then get Shadow to work for us, so that we can give the enemy the information they need.”

What is unfavorable information? Once again, the Canary Army has managed to seize the supplies of the Citrus Army, and the magic water will not reach the avant-garde for a while.

Or maybe the clans have won the Bassamark and a lot of reinforcements are headed for Canale.

It's important to trust whatever information you have, but Shado will do it for you.

We're in need of another shadow round. I'm sorry I let you work so hard.

"The basic plan is Mireille's idea." Defeat a large number of enemy soldiers and be sure to defend Canale. "

I vigorously declared so.

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