After defeating the enemy cavalry, the enemy soldiers tried various formations to defeat their own forces, but under the command of Leaze and Mireille, they kept bouncing back.

Although the enemy forces were unable to use their defensive magic, the two men had a very high command.

The soldiers are instantly sending the right instructions.

At the moment, no significant damage has been done to our forces, and we continue to take out enemy forces unilaterally.

When this happens, I think the enemy will have no choice but to retreat.

Thinking about it,

The Citizens have begun to retreat!!

There was a report.

It went well so far.

All we have to do is work well with Charlotte and push the enemy into the river.

Once we're on the river, there 'll be reports of sound magic.

Someone like Charlotte who is good at magic can use sound magic to deliver sound farther than usual.

From now on, my main unit will also move to push the Citrus Army, but they won't go far beyond the magical range of Charlotte's sound.

The problem is the soldiers who turned to Charlotte.....

Well, I sent Brahm and I think I can handle it...

I'm a little worried, but I'm starting to believe that I'm putting a plan to push the enemy into action.

Charlotte waited on the river and waited for a signal from Arthur's main team.

"I'm free..."

The magic water was already in there, and I only had to shoot it.

"Hey, I'm free." Don't you have time to spare? "

"Mr. Charlotte... I'm not nervous..."

One of the soldiers I was with blames Charlotte.

"If you're free, why don't you go fishing?" I do it when I'm free. "

Serious soldiers recommend fishing.

"Fishing? How do you do it?"

"We use fishing rods to catch fish." There's just a river. "

Serious soldiers take out fishing rods.

"Oh, you're the one who brought such a thing!" If you think you're carrying something long! "

"It's okay, isn't it? Even with this, you can fight."

"That's not good!! I'll report it to Mr. Leats next time."

"Ha!? Don't do that!" Next time, I'll buy you a drink!! "

Charlotte took the fishing gear he had while a serious soldier was threatened, and Charlotte started fishing.

Put the bait on the pole and throw it into the river.

In a few minutes.

"I can't catch it. It's boring."

"Um, Mr. Charlotte?" It's only a few minutes, isn't it? Fishing is not so easy to produce results..... "

"But you're just sitting there." It's the same as if you didn't do anything. "

"No... that's what fishing is all about... is it time to catch it?" It's like enjoying the excitement. "

"Boring. I quit."

Charlotte threw the fishing rod to the side and began to look for anything else she could use.

"Um... aren't you guys a little too sulky?" Right now, we're pretty pinchy, aren't we? "

That's what the pale soldier said.

He is trembling a little.


"Yes. I hear enemy units are coming towards us... you've heard the reports."

“You're here, but I sent reinforcements, so he said it's okay.”

"Is that really the case?"

Well, it's going to be fine.

Charlotte is not particularly impatient. I maintain my usual pace.

"Charlotte always has the same attitude, but aren't you afraid to die?"

"I'm not scared."

Without thinking about it, Charlotte replied immediately.

The soldiers are puzzled.

No matter how brave you are, you fear death. I said I wasn't afraid of it.

"I mean, I'm out there killing a lot of enemy soldiers." I don't even remember how many people I killed anymore. If he says he's afraid of dying, is there anything wrong with him? "

"I don't know if it's nasty or disgusting." Is that the problem? "

"Isn't that right? Well, I'm weird." Maybe it's not normal. "

Charlotte says that and looks for something to spare again.

At that time,

"Oh no! I've seen the enemy soldiers!"

That's what the reconnaissance team was telling us about the area.

"Are you here?" How about reinforcements from allies? "

"I still can't see her..."

Could it be that you can't make it?


That way, the soldiers will be dark.

It's a pretty bad situation.

"I can't run away." We have to keep this place to ourselves. "

As usual, Charlotte was at her own pace.

With the Commander not in a hurry, the soldiers have become a little easier mentally.

"It's okay, just destroy it as usual."

That's what Charlotte said to reassure everyone.

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