General Bassa Rupericor, the commander of the Pitts' army, was angry and took orders to retreat.

(This is also all the fault of the convoy!!)

His anger was justified.

Indeed, this would not have been the case if the convoy had been able to deliver the Magic Water to the front line without making a poka.

However, this does not mean that Bassa is not responsible.

As soon as I realized there was no magic water, if I pulled out my soldiers, I wouldn't have lost them for nothing.

If you were truly an excellent general, you would have decided to retreat instantly.

(This time, I will be able to drop it if I pull back and set up the system and invade again, but at that time, I wonder if I will be in a position to lead the whole army. Mmm, it was a great chance to emerge.)

She was worried about the aftermath of the retreat.

We're keeping the enemy soldiers at our side.

Since you left a little more, you won't be able to break through and come to the army you lead.

Considering that only the opponent could use magic, Bassa thought that retreat would undoubtedly succeed first.

However, his predictions fell well short of expectations.

"What's that noise?"

I came near the river and heard a strange sound, so Batha wondered.

But I didn't have time to worry about the weirdness, so I went anyway.

Then, looking at the state of the river, Batha looks up at the sky.

The river was flooded and the water was flowing with tremendous force.

This is impossible to cross.

"Oh, what do you mean, stupid... it's not raining..."

Thinking about it, Bassa came up with an answer.

The enemy forces were somehow sending a small number of troops up the river.

To be on the alert, the Citrix forces have sent a small group of soldiers.

(Probably a powerful magic soldier in that squad...... It was a terrible woman who was shooting at the magic of fire. The soldier you sent has been defeated......)

Magic doesn't last forever.

I managed to buy you some time and hope that you would wait until the river was restored, but that wish did not arrive.

"The Canary Army is breaking through!"

I instructed Charlotte to use Water Magic, and then Mireille and Leetz, who were fighting in the front, defeated the Shinjiki that the enemy had sent out.

It seemed that the enemy had fought harder than I expected, and it took some time, but it was not a delay that would interfere with the operation.

Then we march to hunt down the enemy.

Charlotte's Water Magic was working properly.

Water flows into the river with tremendous force.

If you jump in, you will surely lose your life.

After all, Charlotte's magic was incredibly powerful.

Perhaps the Citizens' Army was quite confused by something completely unexpected, and stopped moving perfectly in front of the river.

It seems that the general in command of the Citizen's Army is not very capable of responding to such unexpected things.

The strength of the simple soldiers themselves seems to be quite high as far as the Leats are concerned. He is also good at raising the morale of his allies.

I am good at raising my soldiers' training level and raising their morale, but I am not good at coping with unexpected situations. Well, you may not be qualified as a general, but if you don't have a good lieutenant, a sergeant, or something like that, it won't work.

Arm your troops to surround the opponents.

And I shot the magic all at once.

Magic attacks are unleashed on enemy soldiers who have lost their way.

I saw one enemy soldier after another.

There was still a lot of magic water left.

Charlotte is gone, so she has little firepower, but she still has no way of defending herself, which is very effective against the Citroën army today.

Some of the enemy soldiers had jumped into the river, but they were soon washed away.

That won't help.

And as they reopened, the enemy soldiers were coming our way.

So far, it was as expected.

It's from here.

The enemy's morale is at its peak.

A soldier who fights madly for his life is very scared.

Magic can also frighten enemy soldiers, but it won't work.

You can't let them get close to you. That's the weakest point of magic.

In front of the Magic Soldier, there are infantry to stop the enemy soldiers from approaching.

Deadly opponents are very powerful, and their soldiers are feeling overwhelmed.

It was the ability of the individual to restore the depressed soldiers.

First, Leetz leaps into the front line and slashes his enemies with his gorgeous sword moves, sending out his enemies and inspiring them.

Honestly, I didn't feel like seeing you fighting in the front.

I wanted to pull back now and skip the order to command with the rear guard, but the fact is that Ritz fought with the front guard, which greatly improved the battles of his allies.

Believing in Leetz's martial arts, we will have no choice but to keep an eye on him.

Beside Leatz, Zat, who didn't follow Brahm, fought alongside Leatz.

He is also very good at martial arts. She seemed to be doing a good job helping Leatheur properly.

Mireille said that she was not fighting in the front like Leatz.

Mireille, who is in good shape, is very good at melee combat among women.

However, compared to Leatz, who is a man, it is still inferior to one, so you can't fight it all the way there in the front.

In the case of Mireille,

"You know what happens if you get fucked up here!?"

I was flying a plane.

I didn't know what I was talking about, but the soldiers were moving better all at once.

The battles were getting closer, but the soldiers looked frightened.

What kind of training is Mireille doing all the time?

Thanks to them, the power of the enemy's backwater formations hasn't strangled us. After all, the power of human resources is great.

Because of the shape of the encirclement, the soldiers in the center of the enemy army have no choice but to devour magic without doing anything.

If this continues, we should be able to reduce the number of enemy soldiers considerably.

While blocking the enemy's onslaught, Mousha's magic exploded.

I've heard of magic that was as powerful as Charlotte's, but it was just that kind of magic.

It flew into the middle of the enemy army.

That's where the enemy's main force is likely to be.

I thought I had defeated the enemy general with this blow, but the enemy forces kept leading the way, so I thought it was there.

But with a single blow, we were able to cut down a considerable number of enemy soldiers.

Just after that, Charlotte's magical effects disappeared and the river flow started to return to normal.

The enemy soldiers retreat to hurry across the river.

As before, I left my soldiers behind. It looks like the Commander's main unit is trying to escape.

We tried to pursue them after we cleared the soldiers from the palace for now, but it seemed that they had successfully retreated and could not keep up.

Still, our original objective of destroying a large number of enemy soldiers was successful.

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