Then the clans sent reinforcements to the Khmer Fort.

I told them about the battle, so I decided that I didn't need a large army, and many didn't come.

The clan has completely surrounded Arcantes Castle with Paradise soldiers, where Basamarque lost a large number of troops in the failed assault on Bertuzd.

The clan moved very fast, and it really did move as soon as they defeated it.

Judging by the opportunity now, the clan seemed to have this amount of equipment at their fingertips.

I did not participate in the Arcantez assault while the clan was surrounding the Arcantez and kept an eye on his movements. The clan told me to keep an eye out for the trouble of coming back.

There was no movement to attack. Well, they won't come anymore.

Originally, Canale was on the state border, so it was impossible to fully defuse the vigilance, but I relaxed it a bit.

Personally, I didn't want to fight for a while, so it was easy to relax.

It was the Battle of Arcantes, but the Basamaku seemed to be sticky, but no matter what I thought, it wasn't something I could turn around.

All castles near Arcantes Castle have been captured by the clans, and the allies are no longer completely isolated and helpless.

After all, Basamark's resistance was in vain, and Arcantes Castle fell.

It fell on June 15th, three months after Bassamark's Berzud offensive failed. Winter days. Arcantes fell and Mycian was united under the clan.

To celebrate the end of the war, a feast was to be held at Arcantes Castle, so I decided to head there.

Take the guard to Arcantes.

Even if it was an escort, it didn't mean that I would take Leats and the like with me.

After all, we still need to be totally alert to him, so I don't need Leetz or Charlotte to help us.

This time we were followed by elite soldiers such as Brahm and Zat.

There are hundreds of them.

I can manage without it.

Blaham and Zat are strong, so they are good escorts.

Arcantes is about thirty days away from Canale by carriage.

It went smoothly, arriving at Arcantes on the thirtieth of June.

It was my first time in Arcantes, but it was also the state capital and it was quite large.

The castle of Arcantes, a symbol of the city, was enormous.

Compared to the castle with the Emperor of the Imperial Capital, it was smaller.

I know it's a great city, but in terms of the vibrancy of the city, I feel like Sempler is superior.

Sempler is a port town and an economically viable place.

In terms of financial strength, I think Sempler is superior to Arcantes.

Before the feast was held in the castle, Basamark, the mastermind of the enemy, was to serve his sentence.

I initially thought that I would not kill my brother because he was a stony man, but that was a sweet idea.

The clan has decided not to forgive Basamak and will execute him.

Even though it's a family, I can't ignore the existence of a rebellion.

No, it's more of a family, so you can't overlook it.

It is because of the split blood that the aim for the position of Governor Mycian will be fulfilled as long as Basamak is alive.

Killing them was the surest way.

The method of execution is beheading.

Cut his head off with a giant axe. It's the most common method of execution in the world.

If you want to show off, you can do more cruel punishments by burning with fire or tearing your body apart, but it seems that you can't punish your brother that severely.

Basamark's execution took place in the square in front of Alcantez Castle.

There are a lot of people gathered here because I was warning you.

I was bothered to see it, but I thought I should see the last of my enemies in battle.

I had never seen Basamark's face in the first place, so I wanted to see it once.

No appraisal will be given.

It doesn't make sense to appraise someone who dies now. It would be a shame if you were capable. Perhaps Bassamark is a capable man.

Bassamark rises above the execution table.

I've seen it for the first time, but it doesn't look much like a clan.

My hair is black and my face is not as tidy as a clan.

There was no frightening colour in his expression.

He seemed to accept his destiny and understand it.

Bassamark took a deep breath and shouted.

"I'll give you a prophecy!" Mycian will eventually split! Killing me doesn't make any sense! The clan doesn't deserve to stand on top of people! "

I thought that was what you were saying in defeat.

The clan is clearly competent and a good leader. I don't think so, such as not being qualified to stand on top of people.

"I know his true nature best!" He's a lowly man with a narrow arm! You will lose the trust of your servants! I can see it in my eyes! ”

The clan was silently listening to Basamark's cry.

I don't particularly panic or react.

Do you think that there is nowhere to listen to Basamak's screams seriously, or do you think it doesn't matter because it's too out of place?

Anyway, Basamark's scream didn't seem to resonate in the clan's mind.

The clan puts their hands in the air.

At the same time, the executioner with the axe hoisted the axe.

And the clan waved down.

The axe swung down toward Bassamark's head, which danced in the sky with a splash of blood and fell to the ground.

The life of Basamark Salemakia, the second son of Governor Meancian, closed that day.

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