Mireille entered Arcantes Castle, where he was led to the Castle Lord and met with the clan.

The clan sitting on a luxurious chair looked at Mireille with a slightly steep expression.

"Mireille... what can I do for you?" Did you get fired? Unfortunately, I'm not going to hire you. "

"I'm not fired... I'm not..."

Being careful to use polite language, I refuted the words of the clan.

"It's been a long time, Master Clan." I have a letter from my lord Arthur. "

Bowing, Mireille said so.

Looking at the polite attitude of Mireille, the clan frowned.

"...... It's disgusting, so talk normally"

"Oh, yeah? No, I'm not good at hard talk."

"I changed my body too soon..."

The clan muttered in amazement.

"So, Arus wrote me a letter... why did you come all the way here to bring it to me?"

"If you look inside, you'll see."

Having said that, Mireille handed the letter to the clan.

The clan received Mireille's letter and read its contents.

"You convinced Thomas...?" Will it succeed? "

"I'll do it."

Mireille replied with a nod.

"He hates me. I guess I never thought about you."

"Still, you're my brother." If we talk about it, we'll manage. But I don't think I can make it your direct servant. I want to take you to Canale. "

"It was written in the letter. Well, Arthur's ministers are just like my ministers. There is no problem with that. If there is room for success, it is better to visit. There's nothing wrong with keeping the same amount of greasy material locked up like this."

The clan gave permission.

After giving permission, the clan immediately instructed the Minister to escort Mireille to Thomas's cell.

Mireille followed the guide.

There is a dungeon in Arcantes, but Thomas wasn't housed there.

The dungeons weren't a good place to confine Thomas, who was planning to become a minister, because the environment wasn't very good.

It was housed in the bigger room at Arcantes Castle.

Two armed soldiers stood in front of the door to prevent escape.

“We will be present during the visit.”

I'd like to see you two alone.

It's settled, I can't do that.

Soldiers like the ones on guard duty in Arcantes Castle don't break the rules. Mireille thought that this would be difficult to convince, and decided to meet with the two guards.

The door opens.

Inside, Thomas Grangeon sat down in his chair, looking a little stuck.

Hey, looks like you're not feeling well.

When Mireille said that, Thomas stared at Mireille with a steep expression.

"What are you doing here?"

Thomas snorted in an angry low voice.

"Even though my sister came to see you, what was her reaction?" I would have been happy to cry. "

"Hmm, if you report that I'm dead, I'll be happy to cry."

"It's a terrible thing to say. I don't know who he looks like. I want to see my parents' faces."

Thomas was completely unresponsive to Mireille's bokeh.

"Hey, come on, you're with me, but I'm gonna stick around here."

"What are you really doing here? Teme..."

"I'm here to convince you. How long do you think you're gonna stay locked up in this spicy place? Let's get out of here with me."


Thomas answers immediately.

"Why? You like this place?"

Noooooooo. I'm not going to follow the clan that killed Bassamark, because there's no dust. "

"You are followed by my husband, Arthur Rovent." It's not like I'm going to be a direct minister to the clan. "

"That Ars is a clan minister, right?" If so, then we can go under the clan together. "

"Well, that's true." But I think Arthur and you will fit. And with a special eye for people, I think Arus will gather the best of them and create a great force. ”

Then you'll make someone other than me a household minister and grow to the fullest.

In a stubborn manner, Mireille exhaled with a strong "hahh".

"I wonder why you're shouldering the basamark." You're just a loser, aren't you? "

Thomas's expression gets more sophisticated as Mireille makes a fool of Bassamark.

"Don't make a fool of Bassamark-sama. I owe him a great debt. I can't forget that."

"Huh. Yeah. I know I owe Basamark a debt, but don't you remember that I owe you a debt?"

Listening to Mireille's words, Thomas had a look on his face that he had been struck by a star.

"Come on, since you were a kid. You've been saved so many times by me, haven't you? Have you forgotten? You think it's all thanks to you that you've become a vassal of Basamark? You've been a man who can't do anything but follow someone for a long time. Even if the ridiculous figure gets bigger, it won't change."


Thomas silences himself without saying anything back.

Mireille then whispered something with her mouth close to Thomas's ear.

Listening to the words, Thomas opens his eyes a little.

After Mireille took her face off her ear,

"Well, I'm not sure." You should see Arth once. "

That's what I said.

Thomas pierced silently for a moment.

"Let me think about it for a second."

and responded.

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