The next day, I dressed myself for the day and headed to the corner of the garden by myself.

I picked up a fallen broom and twirled it with one hand.

Mmm, it’s so refreshing!

A clear, crisp sky and a pleasant breeze;  It was a perfect day for exercise.


「Ah~ It’s been a long time since I’ve worked out, so I feel stiff. I need to exercise.」


In the days when Aurora was a legendary wizard, her main magic weapon was a slender, specialized rod made of wood or metal.

She didn’t carry swords or spears like swordsmen because they were too heavy.


(If they were as good as me, they could always use lightweight magic, but there were many kids who couldn’t.)


The majority of wizards at that time were poor intellectuals rather than burly soldiers.

There were even some who became wizards because they lacked confidence in their strength and stamina.


However, there was nothing better than having both muscle and physical strength.

This was why I started working out ever since I awakened as Aurora.

However, the intervening time when I was Ram had made my body slow and stiff.

My body couldn’t keep up with my movements, and I got tired easily after a short exercise.


(As expected, she’s indeed a frail Countess…Tough. I’ll start with muscle training.)


I was already exhausted and taking a break when I heard a rustling in the bushes nearby.

As I turned my eyes towards it, a familiar looking boy appeared within.

He had blue hair that was different from Shar’s and mine, clear light blue eyes, and a clever-looking face. His body was toned and fit, probably because he’s been working out at the school.




In fact, I had felt his eyes on me earlier. However, it was harmless, so I left it alone.

Kanon lost his bearings and looked at me, saying, 「Mother…」It sounded novel.

I’m 20 years old. Kanon is fifteen. An unbelievable age difference for a mother and child.

Incidentally, Shar and his late wife were 25 years old, making him ten years older than Kanon.


(The Mercure family are terrific, aren’t they?)


Still, he is my son, so I will try to treat him like a mother.


「What’s the matter? Is there something I can do for you?」


I tried to smile the best I could and looked at Kanon, but he kept fidgeting for some reason.


「Uhm, Mother, your magic yesterday…it was amazing. I’m sorry my teachers and friends were so rude to you.」


I was touched by my son’s apology as he looked at me.


(Good boy!)


In this life, I’ve experienced people cursing at me, but never experienced someone apologizing to me.


So I smiled and replied to Kanon. 


「It’s okay. I don’t mind.」

「Where did you learn all that magic, mother?」

「It’s self-taught.」


I tried to smile like a mother and gently spoke to Kanon, but…my son’s cheeks were twitching.


(Ara, does he suspect me?)


I had to deceive them, so I prepared a creative story and folded it up.


「Cough, I was so weak so I’ve been studying magic alone in my room. I was too weak to actually use it until now! My parents didn’t know much about it because I was so weak! No one asked me in particular…」


Anyway, I blame my frailty for everything.

A new repertoire has been added to the previous「I was sick.」


「…I see.」


My momentum convinced Kanon.

No, he may not be convinced, but he will have to nod.

At least I was able to block all questions, so that’s good.


「By the way, Mother, would you mind sharing that magic with me?」

「It’s a combination of spatial magic and illusion magic, you know? It’s okay, but…」


Since Kanon and I have different specialty attributes, I need to alter the magic control methods a bit.


(Hmmm… build it up here, make it stronger there, adjust that too… Yeah, something like this might work)


I organized everything in my head and instructed him on the magic that best suits his attributes.


「You’re good at water magic, so use that to your advantage. Mine is a little different because it’s based on light magic. Don’t worry, the results will be similar. Water magic, along with light, is great for illusion magic.」


So, we got right into it.

I instructed Kanon, hand in hand. My motto is to have fun!


「Is this about the right amount of adjustment?」

「Don’t worry about the details. You can adjust it to your liking once you’re done.」

「It’s hard to stabilize magic power when there’s more than one.」

「Ara, it’s good practice for you. Stick to it.」


As he is said to be the next Count of Mercure, Kanon has a good streak and understands quickly.


However, he is inflexible.


「Mother’s method differs from mage theories… What kind of interpretation did you adopt?」

「Hmm? How are you feeling now?」

「In what literature have you read about this magic?」

「I don’t know. I think it’s magic that existed around 500 years ago.」

「500 years ago? It wasn’t new magic? But I haven’t seen it in general magic history books.」

「Oh? Maybe it’s been forgotten somewhere? It used to be rather common…ahem-ahem. Forget it.」


Modern magic is kind of boring.

This is because over the past five hundred years, education has switched to a more practical approach.


「I would like to read the magic books that Mother had.


Such requests are a problem because they don’t exist.


「I’m sorry, my parents got rid of it. But you can ask me about magic and I can tell you. I remember everything in the book.

「All of it?

「Yeah. I was so weak, so that was all I could do.


A weak constitution set up – it’s quite handy.

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