Kotori who had woken up in such an unfamiliar place was orienting herself to her surroundings. She was in a room with the hammock she was currently laying, and there was a nightstand and a desk bolted down to the ground, the nightstand had her belongings on it. There was also another hammock next to her with a figure that was partially hidden by the upturned sides of it. The was also a port hole that peered out into the open sea.

The room swayed again which made her stomach turn. They were likely in the hull of a ship of some kind.

She looked at the other hammock and saw the sleeping figure of Amelie in it. Her sides were bandaged up and she was snoring softly.

It seems like Kotori’s healing was able to take the edge of her broken ribs.

Kotori stepped out of the hammock. She walked to the door and found it was unlocked. The door opened with a click and she moved out.

It was then, Kotori realized that she was wearing only a nightdress, Someone must’ve put it on her, at least she still felt the familiar weight of Hikari on her head. Although, Hikari appeared to be uncharged and dormant.

Kotori had used every once of her mana to try and land a hit on Hatake after all.

She decided to wait in her room. She spent the time looking out the porthole. It's scenery didn’t appear to change.

[Are we still in Flare?] She thought. If they were in the Eris ship it would make sense why it was insulating sounds. The ship was so large that it wouldn’t be a surprise if she didn’t hear anything.

Kotori waited around for a few hours. She felt groggy but her mana was actually in a good spot. She was gently playing her flute infusing Shu, Umi, and Layla with mana. Their spiritual forms had taken damage which was why they were in such a small state. Maintain anything larger would be extremely difficult for them.

They huddled against her. Shu trying his best to squeak in happiness.

Kotori felt a little wet where Umi was huddled against her, but she endured it. Umi’s form was currently a result of her own selfishness after all.

She was holding the flute and playing with one hand while sofly stroking Layla. It was one of the few times where she could pet Layla and she was making full use of it. Layla was supremely fluffy like her mother.

Kotori when activating [Magic Minstrel] didn’t need to play the flute. Rather it was an automatic effect that activated when she used it.

The song Kotori was playing was a lullaby from her mother. Something that dwelt in her mind somewhere. The soft melody permeated the room, a melody that gave a warm feeling, like sitting at the edge of a campfire.

[Perhaps a past memory of the original Kotori?] She thought. The person who Kotori had taken over was someone she had never really thought much about.

She thought it was odd she took over a body rather than being born.

[Reincarnation huh…] She thought. She was beginning to wonder why she was placed on this world.

Based on what Gabriel told her she could’ve been placed in a world much like the world she came from. A world with no monsters and dungeons, with humans who would use technology to advance.

Instead, she got placed in this world.

She gently cooed, stroking her spirits. They had worked very hard for her sake.

[Rest well] She thought.

She heard a knock on the door which she ignored and kept playing her flute.

A man who was likely a sailor walked in.

Upon seeing her play her flute and petting her spirits, he froze.

“umm,” he mumbled

Kotori stopped playing.

“Yes?” She said,

They were obviously surprised to see Kotori awake. What Kotori didn’t realize was that she had accidentally added a new fan to the Kotori fan club.

The sight of Kotori playing her flute, for her spirits was something that looked ephemeral.

“Kyun!” The man suddenly said

[Kyun?] Kotori thought

“I will get Fawks!” he suddenly said and dashed out of the room

[What an odd man] Kotori thought.

Fawks soon came in.

“Kotori?” He said

“Yes?” Kotori replied

“Did you do something to that sailor? He was babbling like a fool, it took me time to even figure out what he was trying to say” Fawks said rubbing his temples. His face looked even more haggard than before. He must’ve been under a lot of stress.

“I don’t believe I did anything” Kotori said.

“I see, well I’m glad to see you awake” Fawks said

“Thank you, by the way where am I?” Kotori asked

Fawks grinned,

“Well, your on the biggest ship over by the desert kingdom of Eris, the Daimaru.

[“Big ship” huh, not very creative are they] Kotori thought

“Why am I on here then?” Kotori asked. If they were still in Flare wouldn’t it be better for her to remain at the inn.


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