When Kotori opened the door she saw an unfamiliar sight.

Amah was sitting on a matt on the ground cross-legged with his eyes closed.

He was wearing light-fitted clothing that allowed for movement which was odd since he was sitting completely still.

[Meditating?] Kotori thought.

His room was very barebones. There was only a dresser for clothing, and a hammock but otherwise it was empty.

[He travels very light no?]

Amah didn’t seem like a person with very many items. He was almost monk-like in a way.

Amah ignored Kotori who had entered the room and was still meditating.

Shu walked up to sniff him, and Layla proceeded to curl up in his lap, yawn as if she was about to sleep in it. It was an odd sight.

[Warm] Layla said.

[Layla!] She scolded her. Kotori felt like she was already intruding but it didn’t even seem like Amah had noticed their presence.

“Hello?” She called out.

Amah didn’t respond obviously lost in the process of his meditations

“Excuse me?” Kotori called out again.

This time she saw a slight twitch from Amah. He must’ve heard her this time.

His eyes flickered open.


His eyes flickered open. He looked around the room and his eyes immediately trained on Kotori.

“Yes?” He said expectantly.

He didn’t seem annoyed which Kotori was grateful for.

“Umm hello… Amah” Kotori hadn’t really talked to Amah before and she was realizing how awkward it would be to just ask Amah to follow her. She had been used to people doing that for her not having to ask for it.

“Hello do you need something?” Amah answered back.

“Will… you escort me?” she stammered out. Kotori cursed herself, she was nervous and felt like a young girl asking for her father to spoil her.

Amah nodded

“Very well, give me a moment to prepare.” He went to the sole dresser in the room and began to pick out several pieces of battle wear that he wore the day he fought Hatake.

Kotori was busy slapping her face. She was surprisingly nervous around this man.

Amah didn’t take off any of his current clothing and instead was layering the battle wear atop the thin tunic that he wore.

So he was dressed in a few layers of light-fitting clothing that seemed to sway. They seemed very breezy and refreshing. Something that Kotori wouldn’t wear in the kingdom of Faramouth which had a cooler climate on account of being in the north.

Amah stood there for a moment before Kotori realized that he was waiting for her.

[Whoops] she thought as she set off to leave the ship and enter the city of Flare.

** ** **

Kotori had spent a lot of her time holed up in the ship thinking.

She didn’t have much time before someone stronger than Hatake was sent after her, and although her spirits were currently stuck in weakened forms she would have to move quickly. Kotori had not told Amelie she was doing things, or else she was sure she would’ve been scolded.

While they were walking towards Kotori’s first destination she chatted with Amah. He was a many that spoke very little, and Kotori wanted to learn how Amah could damage Hatake.

Kotori noticed that like Yooma Amah didn’t carry any weapons. She suspected his [Sword Smith] skill was the reason.

“Do you not have a weapon?” Kotori asked

Amah grunted and a wispy transparent sword appeared in his hand.

Kotori took the opportunity to use [Gourmet] to examine it.

It was unlike the Mana swords that Yooma used. Yooma used mana to create physical swords in the case of Amah Kotori could see that Amah’s swords weren’t physical in the slightest.

In fact, they felt almost prickly, like the mana in them was rough and coarse. Like a shark’s skin. She could now see why being pierced by that sword would hurt so much.

Kotori had never really thought it was possible to change the composition of mana. In a way, her mana shock from her flute was similar but it was still basically an extra-strong sound wave.

While walking she pulled out her flute and tried to emulate the mana that was in the sword, Amah was using.

It was difficult, she hadn’t ever attempted to change the nature of the mana she used. She managed to play a few tunes that seemed to grate on the ears. Many of the bystanders were giving her a stink eye.

Eventually, she was able to make a mana type that was similar to what Amah was able to make.

Upon making the mana, Amah seemed to raise his eyebrow

“Oh? You’ve learned it?”


Finally off vacation. For my Patreon readers, I will be writing a lot to compensate for the missing chappies.

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