"Yukio" the girl said her voice trembling slightly. It seemed like she was remembering something.

“Do you recall him?” Kotori said.

“Yes…” The girl said as if she was searching her mind. Her eyes grew distant.

[they must’ve not known each other for very long] Kotori concluded by the way the girl acted.

“Do you mind telling me your name?” Kotori asked her

“Arene,” the girl replied.

“I see. Then Arene, you have two choices. Either I give you some cash and I leave you in this city, or you come with us.”

“Excuse me?” Arene said.

[Oops, she’s been cooped up in this room she likely doesn’t know much of what has gone on] Kotori thought, she then explained the situation to Arene. From how Kotori was a wanted criminal to how Arene was rescued in the first place.

“Do you understand?” Kotori told Arene.

“I’m not quite clear on some details but I get the general points,” Arene said slightly bewildered at the explanation Kotori gave her.

Arene had spent most of the time in a catatonic state under the influence of Sweet Leaf and thus didn’t have much impression of the time before she was taken to be one of Gerard’s playthings.

At least it didn’t seem like Gerard had ever used her as entertainment yet.

Kotori then asked Arene another question. Something that would be much easier for her to answer.

“I’m going to put that man down, would you like to come?” Kotori said

“Absolutely” Arene said. There was a shred of doubt on her face.

[This girl really does have a strong will] Kotori thought

Although Arene hesitated on whether to follow them, She was determined to get her revenge on Gerard.

“Then that makes things easy, You can decide while following ok?” Kotori said.

“Agreed” Arene said

** ** **

Kotori with Amah, her Spirits and Arene looked at the large building. It was much more opulent than the buildings around it and the eves were made of elegantly carved wood. It was a building that oozed class.

There were very few visitors and those that entered usually came by carriage.

Rich people didn’t need to walk after all.

Kotori was waiting for a certain person to arrive.

Gerard had had gotten overconfident. He was under the impression that Kotori was stuck on the ship. They may have been able to fend off Hatake but they couldn’t leave the ship.

At least that’s what he thought.

There was a fatal mistake in he thought process. And that was his impression that Kotori had the sensibility of young teen girl. He thought she would meekly wait in the ship and eventually leave.

Unfortunately for Gerard, Kotori had the sensibility of Leeroy Jenkins.

Two lives and a multitude of close encounters had given her an attitude that trended towards risky gambits. It was an attitude that would either be the death of her, or something that harden her.

She watched a horse drawn carriage pull towards them.

[Bingo] She thought

The carriage stopped and a figure walked out. It was Hatake, his arm was bandaged but otherwise he seemed in fit condition.

[Fucking tanks] Kotori thought.

She was once again feeling that sort of welling feeling in her chest again. She was almost overwhelmed by it before she had to mentally remind herself that he was not the target of this operation.

Layla, Shu, and Umi all gave a low growl upon seeing him.

[I guess they are mortal enemies now?] Kotori thought.

Hatake sensing the killing intent turned in their direction.

“Now!” Kotori ordered, and Amah tossed a glowing spear at Hatake.

Kotori watched as Hatake responded to the sudden attack by instinctually raising his defense stat.

It was useless, Amah’s spear pierced right through his chest with no resistance. Kotori watched his HP drop dangerously low. She was not planning on killing Hatake her, but she couldn’t say that she would be opposed to the idea.

[Wait can’t I get rid of him now?] She thought

Upon being struck, Hatake keeled over and gave a pained moan.

“Get Gerard out of here! It’s the blasted girl!” He barked at the carriage driver.

Kotori saw a head peep out of the carriage window. It was indeed Gerard.

Kotori wasn’t so stupid as to let them get away that easily, Shu blasted the carriage wheels with [Rock Bullet] and Umi slashed the ropes binding the horses to the carriage with [Water Blade]

The carriage crashed to the ground tipping over while the horses, now unbound, ran off frighten by the sudden attack and sounds. The bystanders ran off, obviously not wanting to be involved in the commotion

She heard a screech from the carriage.

[Did I hurt the goods?] She thought. In her mind, Gerard was no longer a person rather a troublesome insect.

A man came crawling out of the window at the top of the carriage.

Gerard was clutching his right arm which hung limply to his side.

[He must’ve broken it] Kotori thought upon seeing Gerard’s mangled arm.

For a moment Gerard looked dazed shocked at the sudden actions that had occurred.

Kotori walked over to the man who had trampled her and Fawk’s plan.

“Sup, insect” She said grinning


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