They had only settled in their room for a short while before a soldier came to their room saying that the queen wanted to see them.

Fawks upon hearing the soldier tried to run but Kotori had Hikari bind him and forcefully dragged over to the throne room where the queen was waiting.

The throne room was a large domed room. The floor was a creamy colored marble and the throne was upon a dais made of the same material. The throne was unlike any Kotori had seen. Instead of being a highback chair, it was a large gold ottoman.

Atop laid a chubby lady. Who had tanned skin like Fawks, and dark hair?

Two large muscular handsome men were flapping her with fans and another was hand-feeding her some sort of fruit.

[She’s doing quite well for herself] Kotori smirking while watching the scene, While the men were not her type Kotori thought being attended to by people like that would be great.

A herald announced the presence

“Prince Fawks and his queen's candidate have arrived! You are graced by the presence of Queen Nepherta”

The woman noticing their presence got off her throne to greet them. Her movements were surprisingly graceful considering her chubby appearance.

Her next action surprised Kotori.

“My wittle Fawksy!”

She suddenly shouted running towards toward and smothering him in an embrace.

“Mo-” was all Fawks could squeak out before he was crushed in the embrace of the queen.

“Mou, Fawks you’ve gotten so thin, are you eating well? Is everything alright? Are people bullying you again? I won’t hesitate to send the queens guard you know?”

[Eh?] Kotori thought seeing the scene.

Her impression of the queen was of an imposing and draconian woman, but rather all she saw here was an overly doting mother.

The woman notices Kotori presence broke off from Fawks and walked over to her. Kotori could see Fawks collapsing to the ground gasping for air as he was released from her embrace.

“Oh is this the girl you chose Fawks? She is quite cute, a little young though, Don’t tell me you are into little girls! Umu I’m sure she will turn into quite a beauty in a few years. She better be smart you know! The trials are pretty tough, Mhmm nice hips, I wonder when I will see grandkids.”

[Hold it lady, that ain’t happening.] Kotori thought upon hearing that last line.

Even though the woman was bizarre Kotori still decided to be respectful. She gave a curtsy,

“Hello, Queen Nepherta, my name is Sato Kotori I am here to attempt the trials.”

The lady smiled

“Oh my how polite, I like this girl Fawks,” She said pinch Kotori’s cheek

[Ouch!] Despite her appearance, the lady was quite strong. Her pinch felt like it was about to rip Kotori’s cheek off.

“Mother,” Fawks started saying with an official tone.

“I would like to give my report”

“Oh! Yes, that let’s hear it then”

The queen went back to her throne and listened intently to the report Fawks gave. Which explained how he met Kotori and the events that led to them getting kicked and then reinstated into the Sea Lord council.

Once Fawks finished Kotori could see a vein bulging in the Queen's forehead. Her face had changed from the previously soft and approachable expression

“Fawks!” The queen yelled out

“Yes?” Fawks said sighing.

“What did I tell you about plotting? You are only as powerful as your worst-case scenario! Jeez, I thought I taught you better”

“I understand mother,” Fawks said his face looking away in shame.

“Anyway,” the queen started saying.

“Send those two over to Eric and have them bring me the heads of these merchants” She ordered to the attendant near her.

Fawk instantly panicked

“Mother you can’t do that it would be an international incident if you directly ordered it!” he said his voice rising in pitch

“Why can’t I?” the queen said innocently

“They bullied you no?”

Fawks gestured to Kotori,

“She already dealt with it”

“Really?” The queen said narrowing her eyes on Kotori. Her eyes had changed once again to a cunning look, a far cry from her previous lackadaisical and angry attitude. It was here Kotori could see how this woman eventually became queen.

“Take back those orders then,” She told the other attendant near her, who then ran off to catch the previous one.

“My, My, this girl is a little more interesting than the others at least. Maybe she will be able to match your sister.” The queen said smiling.

[Sister?] Kotori thought upon hearing the words. She had thought that Fawks only had brothers but it seemed like that was not the case.


Sorry for being a bit late, Pokemon Unite is still taking over my life.

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