The man came forward and the woman and gave a small curtsy.

Kotori saw Fawks nod.

“Hello… Zachariah” He said carefully

The man smiled

“Oh, Fawks why so cold, we haven’t talk in so long. Can’t you be a little happier to see me” The man said with a large smile while putting a hand on Fawks shoulders

Kotori could see Fawks stiffen at the touch.


Fawks was usually a confident person so seeing him act this jumpy around someone else seemed odd.

Based on this observation Kotori assumed that this was one of Fawk’s brothers. They looked kinda similar but Kotori assumed that this one had a different father.

Zacariah maintained his smile

“I see you’ve finally chosen a queen’s candidate. I never thought that was going to happen. I would’ve bet on you hiding Faramouth with your tail between your legs. Though, the girl you’ve chosen seems a little underwhelming”

[Tch, annoying] Kotori thought. Zacariah had a haughty overconfident sort of attitude.

“She’s perfectly fine,” Fawks said defensively.

[Umu good answer Fawks!]

“Oh you might’ve been able to trick some second-rate princess whose retainers are prettier than her, but I assure you that it won’t be enough. ”

Kotori could feel a vein popping in her forehead

[Second rate!] She could feel Layla and Umi ready their mana

[Be still,] She told them with [Spirit Seer]

“Besides, have you seen my candidate? She’s a pure-blooded elf! Don’t get to see many of those anymore.”

The elf lady , in contrast to Zacariah’s brash attitude she seemed quite meek in comparison

“Hello, my name is Delia” she said bowing. Her voice was low, almost a whisper.

Kotori used [Status] on her.


Age: 19

Race: Moon Elf

HP: 15

Mana: 2,780

Agility: 10

Strength: 3

Defense: 8

Karma: 4,839

Skills: none

Traits: [Moon Elf’s Grace] [Luck]

[Holy mother of mana] The girl had a dizzyingly high amount mana. An amount that almost rivaled Okateratsu. The rest of her stats were fairly average and even on the weak side, but the mana was ridiculous.

“Heh stupid elf, I found her roaming around the warring kingdoms to the south cost a pretty penny too. Once she’s queen I’ll be taking the throne for myself.” Zacariah boasted loudly to the crowd.

[He’s so insufferable] Kotori thought. She now understood why Fawks disliked his siblings so much

Fawks instead gave a polite smile.

“We shall see”

Zacariah gave a loud “Hmm!” and walked off with Delia trailing behind him. Right before he left their vision Kotori could see Delia turn around and give an apologetic bow, as if saying “sorry for his behavior”

“My, he hasn’t changed much,” Fawks said scratching his head watching the figure of Zacariah disappear into the crowd.

“He’s always been like that?” Kotori asked

“Unfortunately, yes, He’s the firstborn after all. They generally win since they can monopolize early resources and have the most time to do their search.” Fawks explained

“Still, an elf? That’s unusual I wonder where he found her, he said the southern kingdoms, but even that sounds unlikely” Fawks was muttering to himself.

“Elves? I used to live in a wood elf village” Kotori said. She honestly didn’t understand what the hype around elves was. She lived with them for two years.

“I’m half wood elf myself,” Amelie said

“There’s a difference between wood elves and that one, she was a moon elf. Beings closer to divinity rather, than mortality the elves in the world are all derivatives of her kind” Fawks said.

[Divinity?] Kotori thought. Divinity did not seem like an apt comparison. The women had none of the presence that Gabriel had. In fact, she was quite invisible, Kotori barely registered her a person.

She didn’t appear to be controlled by anything, if anything she just looked like she lacked a sense of free will.

[Odd girl] Never before had Kotori seen such lifeless eyes on a person who looked so normal.

“Why are moon elves so hard to find?” Kotori asked.

“Their bodies”

“excuse me?” Kotori said flustered she didn’t realize that Delia was an E(ro)lf

“Ah it seems like you are getting weird ideas. I meant their bodies insofar as they make good materials?” Fawks said

“I still don’t understand,” Amelie said

“Moon elf's bodies are naturally filled with mana; their bones are purer than any mana crystal. Their blood makes potions that will restore any amount of mana. Their brains and organs make potent healing salves. The reason you don’t see many is because… they are hunted and slaughtered like animals” Fawks said his voice adopting a low tone.

“That’s why I’m so shocked that he chose one to be his queen’s candidate. Poor girl she probably won’t last long.” Fawks said his voice filled with pity.

All Kotori could do was stand there in stunned silence.

[Hunted… like an animal] She had seen plenty of races in this world but they were all treated quite well, now Kotori was confronted with such a reality that they were not all treated equally.

The thought of hunting an elf sickened her to her stomach.

She imagined the wood elves being slaughtered for materials.

Fawk’s could see Kotori’s suspicious expression

“Ah I don’t deal in that stuff it’s shady and distasteful, especially the breeders. I’m not a fan of selling lives. Plus, I usually only buy foodstuff anyway.” He said defending himself.

Kotori wasn’t displeased with Fawks. It was just the information upset her greatly. Kotori was a solid defender of the justice call “cute”. Delia was cute and thus she was naturally under Kotori jurisdiction.

“Cute is justice!”


Cute is justice!

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