The next day after the banquet Kotori took a trip to visit the city.

It was something that Fawks had initially protested but allowed it after Kotori explained that she likely wouldn’t find the other candidates there.

The other candidates were all royalty. They didn’t mingle with commoners much less go into the city. Kotori had no sort of inhibitions and wanted to visit the city.

If she was going to be queen, she might as well know and learn the people who she would be ruling.

** ** **

The city of Xernos was planned in a curious manner, the roads were small with the exception of the 8 mains roads which radiated from the center of the city in a spoke pattern. Ironically the city didn’t have a palace in the center of the city. The palace was actually located towards the northern end of the city.

The center of the city was reserved for the most important thing of all.

The flagship dungeon of Xernos, the endless dungeon, is known as the “Labyrinthos” or “Lab” among the adventurers. As Fawks had explained, the entire country of Eris had the most dungeon out of all the countries in the world, as a result, the country also went by another name “Adventurer’s Paradise”, and it showed how many adventurers roamed the street.

All sorts of adventurers were roaming the streets and much of the markets seem tailored to this audience. There was a wide assortment of weapons and armor shops on the streets. Merchants even had impromptu stands set up on the ground, stands that were little more than a wide mat laid on the ground.

It was quite a sightseeing the various people walking around, and for once Kotori felt like she was in a fantasy landscape, the adventurers in Faramouth were disappointing to say the least.

Kotori was having plenty of fun walking around and just taking in the atmosphere of the city.

Many of the people were giving her odd looks. She was a Queens candidate after, none of them would leave the palace and if they did ever leave, they would be in a carriage. Watching Kotori walking around was akin to seeing a celebrity in the public.

Thankfully, none of them bothered Kotori since she was accompanied by Amah who scared off any near ‘do wells. Messing with the Queen’s candidate while the Queen’s guard was around was basically a death sentence. Not that it mattered that much, Kotori also had Amelie, Umi, and Lyla with her, all of them were people who would mop the floor with any second-rate adventurer.

Kotori did have some experience with being higher status than commons, she was basically a noble in the Faramouth kingdom, but it didn’t compare to the amount of attention she was currently getting.

People were stopping in the street to gawk at her. When she first arrived, she had be mostly insulated from this behavior since she was basically placed in a carriage the moment she got off the DaiMaru but now she was put in the thick of humanity.

Kotori’s wanderings had led her to a large three-storied building. The building was make out of stone and had a blocky structure.

She could see in large plain lettering on it that said “Adventurers guild”

Quite a few people were streaming in and out of it.

Kotori, with her curious piqued decided to walk into the building. She wanted to see a true adventurers guild and this seemed like the perfect opportunity.

As she walked into it, she almost had a nostalgic feeling, a feeling that felt like “ah this is right”

The adventurer’s guild was a lively place but Kotori’s arrival had caused a bit of a ruckus.

[Shun and Anya would like this place] Kotori thought. This was the adventurers guild that they probably envisioned when they were in the frontier city of Feran. Just thinking about those two made Kotori realize how far away from home she had come.

The guild was filled with all sorts of adventurers and towards the back of the building, there was a large counter with several cute receptionists at the desks.

Along another wall was a large wooden board that was filled and covered with several paper notices and requests.

Kotori could see various adventurers pulling the requests from the board and taking them to the desk.

Despite the hustle and bustle the whole guild suddenly went silent at Kotori’s arrival.

Feeling very self-conscious Kotori could only squeak out a few words

“Um… Hi?”


So yesterday was not a good day for me.

I'm very thankful that one of my friends decided to discord message call me out of the blue. If any of you can't tell I suffer from high functioning depression, or at least that's what my therapist says. In truth, as a person, I derive a lot of my self-worth out of my achievements. Writing this web novel filled me with so much pride because for once I was actually decent at something, popular even. I've decided that I'm going to take a bit of time to enjoy myself more. Not necessarily in a mindful way, but hopefully in a way that is healthier than the way I approach my writing now. I put a lot of pressure on myself to succeed which sends me into negative thought spirals when I realize that my vision of success is unattainable/unrealistic. It's a state of mind that leaves little room for moderation, either I'm succeeding or I've "failed" mentally. Regardless, that's my personal ramblings and airing of dirty laundry

Here's some happier music.

Thanks for reading


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