[Odd] Kotori thought.

They had steadily progressed into the dungeon and it was beginning to be apparent that something was not quite “right”

Although Kotori couldn’t pinpoint what was causing the feel, it was like they were being watched. It was odd considering there was nothing to give that impression. Even Tyrella their guard had no sort of feeling.

Only Kotori was the one to notice this. She looked around and found nothing besides the monsters that there were currently fighting. The dungeon was made of hard rock, so there were likely no peepholes driven into the wall. Using the mana manipulation portion of [Gourmet] Kotori scouted the nearby area and all she could feel was the mana of the dungeon and the nearby monsters.


For a moment Kotori felt a presence.

Still, Kotori could not shake the feeling like they were being watched at all.

Umi, the most perceptive of the bunch seemed to notice Kotori’s change in mood. She pulled back from the front like and asked Kotori

“Is something wrong?”

“I don’t know I just feel like something is odd.”

“Odd?” Umi asked a confused expression on her face.

“Yes, Like we’re being watched”

Umi frowned and looked around

“I don’t see anyone”

“I know,” Kotori said exasperated.

“I just feel like something is watching us”

A normal person would think that Kotori was going insane but Umi trust Kotori and thus didn’t have such thoughts.

“Do you want me to scout the area? Perhaps there are some hidden adventurers nearby? Or would you rather leave”

“No it’s fine, we can stay,” Kotori said.

She didn’t sense any hostile intent besides the presence for the moment she felt it. Rather, it just felt like it wanted to watch them.

[Who are you?]

** ** **

The rest of the quest progressed smoothly, and they had bagged several minotaur horns. Kotori and her party took the horns to the counter to trade them in. Although Kotori didn’t need the money it was still nice to be paid for their hard work.

The clink of the coins in her pocket felt quite nice.

Kotori was about to leave when large muscular man walked up to them. Tyrella immediately put her hand on her rapier readying herself in case the man decided to do anything.

The man only laughed.

“Calm down, pup. I ain’t got nothing bad. I just wanna see the girl.” He said.

The man was tall and had broad shoulders. His skin was tan and slightly red, he had a rough sort of handsomeness to him, with feature that looked as if hewn from a rocky crag, and he wore leather armor that had metal plates to cover important part of him.

Kotor took the time to use [Status]


Age: 34

Race: Human

HP: 153

Mana: 0

Agility: 136

Strength: 156

Defense: 129

Karma: 5,506

Skills: [Denial],[Berserker]

Traits: [Adventurer]

[Hmm, Well rounded] Kotori thought. It had been a while since she had seen an adventurer with stats that were even across the board. Although, Hectaire's stats were quite strong for a human. The lack of mana meant he was probably just a melee fighter.

“it’s fine Tyrella,” Kotori said walking forward

“What do you want,” she asked the man.

“Oh, I just wanted to see yah, my employer is interested in you,” The man said

[Employer? A merchant]

Noticing Kotori’s expression the man laughed again his voice was a loud boom that took up the space.

“Ah, by employer I guess I mean one of those Queen’s Candidates”

[I see] Kotori thought

“You mind telling me who?” Kotori said.

“It’s that Zacariah fellow. He’s an odd man, but he pays well so I don’t complain”

“You’re surprisingly honest,” Kotori said. She expected Hectaire to be hostile, but he seemed friendly, nice even.

The man scratched his head.

“Ah I guess, this whole scheming business is not really my thing, I like to know who I might be fighting so I came to see you. I’m an adventurer you see, but that guy told me that he wanted my services and it sounds like fun being able to fight stronger people” Hectaire explained with a sheepish expression

“Hmm, and what do you think of me?” Kotori asked

“Well, I guess I don’t know girl, it’s hard to put my finger on it but it feels like you will surprise me?”

[He’s perceptive] Kotori thought. Hectaire was one of the few people who could tell that Kotori was stronger than she looked. Unlike the other adventurers here he had a good sense of strength.

“Well, I’ll leave you to your own devices.” Hectaire tipped an imaginary hat at them and walked past them deeper into the guild

“Oi boys! How’s the haul!” Hectaire called out to the adventurers who were currently seated and eating at the guild

A bunch of replies shot back at him and Hectaire instantly was a part of the conversation among the adventurers. He was walking around and even greeting some of them by name.

[He’s well liked] Kotori noted. Hectaire must’ve been a regular at the guild which is why he was so familiar with the patrons.

Kotori felt a bit of jealousy well up inside her but quickly cast it aside. She had her party, and that was all she needed


I started a new book!

I Don’t Know but it Seems Like I’m a Deer!

It's going to be pretty similar to this novel so if you like this one check it out. The tentative release schedule is Tues/Thurs but for the first week, I will be releasing daily.

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