Delia looked up at Kotori and gave a sad smile.

“They are no longer around.”

“Ah, I’m sorry for asking” Kotori immediately apologized in response.

Another awkward silence emerged

[Idiot me! Of course, she doesn’t know much about her family she probably has some sort of tragic background.]

Then Delia spoke.

“My mother and father were born in the southern kingdoms in a small moon elf village. The southern kingdoms are a good place to hide. There’s very little stability in the borders so people rarely explore the land. Still, that doesn’t mean we were safe of course, we moved a lot to hide from people, but at least we were together” She said smiling softly, reminiscing about a memory it seemed.

“Were you happy?” Kotori asked

“Yes, it was a happy life,” Delia said smiling.

“Why are you in Eris then?” Kotori asked, it seemed like Delia had no reason to be here.

“Well, the village was discovered, they took my family, my mother hid me under our floorboard and by the time I broke out, the village was razed…” Delia said her smile breaking.

[Oh] Kotori thought. She realized that Delia did in fact, have a painful backstory. Looking at the sad figure of the elf in front of her she wanted to hug her.

“I... can’t really remember their face anymore. They just look distant and blurry even if the memories are happy” Delia said her eyes moistening.

Suddenly, Layla, who was waiting on the side pulled up Delia into her arms in a hug. She shielded Delia with her body from Kotori. The figure of the delicate elf in Layla’s arms was quite a sight

“Kotori! Don’t bully Delia. She might be our enemy, but this is mean!”

Kotori panicked.

“AH! I didn’t mean it like that. I’m sorry for prying so much” Kotori asked. It was truly rude of her to ask so much of Delia having just met her.

“No, it’s fine, I shouldn’t have spoken so much,” Delia said wiping her eyes.

[She’s just like me, isn’t she] Kotori thought. Kotori had also grown up in a small village and due to powers outside her control also lost her family.

Unlike Kotori though, it didn’t seem like Delia had much power at all. Her stats were pitiful and she was not strong enough to defend herself.

Kotori realized that she was quite lucky. Having found Amelie and the wood elf village. Delia in contrast didn’t have the same sort of luck

That’s when Kotori instantly expelled that sort of pity.

[No, she’s strong, stronger than me,] Kotori thought. Despite going through such a tragedy Delia had managed to live. Managed to survive without the strength to defend herself. Kotori realized that although she was “strong”, the weak elf in front of her had infinitely more force of will than she did., even if the elf didn't realize it yet.

“There, There,” Layla said stroking Delia’s head like a mother would to a child. Delia had pale white hair that was flat and tumbled down her neck and shoulders.

She really was quite beautiful. With delicate doll-like features.

“I walked around for a while, hiding my ears… and Zacariah found me. He said he would make me queen and I went with him” Delia said.

[mhmm, makes sense] Kotori thought. Delia was powerless after all. At least going with Zacaraih would protect her.

“Aren’t you scared? What if you lose?” Kotori asked. The impression that Zacaraih gave to Kotori was that Delia was just a pawn to him. Nothing more than a pretty face to accompany him to functions.

Delia gave a weak smile in response

“At least I don’t have to run anymore. I live in a big palace with maids to look after me. My life was already forfeit a long time ago.”

Kotori realized that Delia had long since accepted her own death.

Her anger at Zacariah only grew. Instead of saving this elf, she was just a toy to him. Nothing more than an exceptionally rare piece of art that he would toss at the moment's notice.

“Once you're queen you can protect yourself, you’ll be strong you can get rid of Zacariah,” Kotori said encouraging Delia

[Wait, why am I acting like I want her to win?] Kotori said. It was an odd thought especially since Delia was technically part of an enemy faction.

“I can’t throw away the man who saved my life, I own him that much” Delia said. She took Kotori’s hand into her own.

“Kotori, you are nice. Please run away, I don’t want to hurt you. I’ll try not to send guards after you as long as you keep a low profile.” Delia said.

Delia’s hands were cool but exceptionally soft. Kotori grasped Delia’s hands in response.

“You can’t just give up like that, you should find your own happiness,” Kotori said staring into Delia’s large azure eyes.

Delia looked away in shame.

“It’s not that simple, I have nowhere else to go…” She suddenly stood up and dusted herself off.

“I really must go. Thank you for the company” she said politely.

She began to walk towards the exit.

“Wait…” Kotori said her voice trailing of.

“Delia turned around and smiled

“It’s been nice to reminisce, another time Kotori.” She said giving a genuine smile.

Kotori could only watch as the figure of Delia walked off.

[I will make her happy] Kotori resolved herself.

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