Hectaire’s mental state was growing increasingly unstable. Originally he had only targeted the old man but now he was an uncontrollable ball of rage.

He seemed blind to the world as he hacked and slashed the other adventurers around him. The adventurers had begun to work together to try and suppress him. Although they had different employers, they were still adventurers and were held together by that bond.

Hectaire roared and swung his sword towards a lone adventurer who had managed to get himself caught out of the group.

In that moment, Shu, in his mana-powered spirit form jumped in front of the adventurer and blocked the blow with his limb crossed in front of him. Shu grunt as he took the full brunt of Hectaires blow. His long lizard limbs which were covered in earth rumbled and cracked as he managed to block the blow.

Despite his stance, he was still push back slightly, his feet digging into the dungeon floor and leaving marks.

Shu’s Hp bar had dropped a quarter from a single direct hit from the raged Hectaire.

[Impressive] Kotori thought in her mind. Hectaire was able to do so much damage to Shu who was the most defensively oriented among them. There were few people in the entire country who would be able to do so much damage to Shu in a single blow.

Kotori’s mana buff had become more sophisticated since the fight with Hatake and now she was able to amplify certain stats on her spirits that matched their fighting style. In Shu’s case, he was given a kit of stats that maximized defense and offense. Despite all that Hectaire’s attack still rocked him.

As if on cue two water blades shot forward and cut toward Hectaire and he deflected them with his broadsword using the flat of the blade like a shield.

[Troublesome] Kotori thought. Although Hectare was out of control he still had the fighting instinct to defend himself.

[Isn’t skill called [Berserker]! Why can’t he just be completely unhinged? It would make this so much easier] Kotori thought.

The word “Berseker” gave the impression of a warrior who forgoes all defensive options in favor of pure offense. But in Hectaire’s case, it seemed like all the skill did was give him a blanket buff in return for mental corruption and a heavy strain on the body. Although the strain on the body could be solved with the blood elixir the mental corruption would be another story.

In fact, Hectaire probably had excellent self-control being able to manage such a skill. Just fighting the old man forced him to push himself a limit he probably hadn’t been forced to take in a long time.

At the very least Kotori and her group would have to suppress him and incapacitate him for the skill to wear off.

Far more easily said than done. Although she wished to leave the adventurers alone with hectaire and call it a day, Kotori wasn’t sure if Lala would be willing to give her the mana orb if she took such an approach.

A golden orange fox ran into to assist Shu. It was Layla who was also a frontline fighter. She summoned 8 fireballs that circled around her for a brief moment before launching at Hectaire.

Hectaire took the blow head-on, and once the blast was over Kotori could see only a few burns on his body and singed clothing.

[He can just tank that!] Kotori thought.

Ryla shock to see Kotori's group sudden appearance.

“You! Why are you helping up” Ryla said confusion and shock evident on her face.

Kotori only gave a small grin in response

“Just having a little fun” She said.

“Get out! This isn’t your fight I don’t need your help!” Ryla’s shouted ordering Kotori to back off.

“Oh, can you really deal with him alone?” Kotori goaded the woman. Ryla’s adventurers were already tired after brawling with Zacariah’s adventurers and she was out of mana for sure. The old man who seemed to be her trump card probably couldn’t last much longer either.

Ryla looked down for a moment her calm stern expression dropping

“This is my battle. I will fight it alone and retrieve my crown. I don’t need an outsider to help me on my path. It’s mine alone to follow” She said. Despite her strong words, Kotori could hear her tone wavering slightly.

“Are you sure about that?” Kotori said as Hectaire launched one of Ryla’s adventures into a wall kicking up a cloud of dust.

Ryla hesitated at the scene. She didn’t speak.

Kotori ignored her and planned on how to deal with the man in front of her. She didn’t have time to converse with Ryla.

Ryla stood behind Kotori. Her shoulders slumped as she realized she needed Kotori’s help. Her demeanor had changed completely.

“Mou, just do what you want. I’m done with it all…” Ryla finally said softly.


Ryla time!

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