Kotori turned her attention to the remaining queen’s candidate, Zacariah had been locked in a stone prison created by Shu.

Kotori walked over to him, although she had to look up at him due to his height she was the one wearing a haughty expression.

“Surrender?” She asked him.

The man spit on the ground in front of her.

“I’d rather die”

Kotori rolled her eyes at Zacariah’s statement. She had no intention of killing Zacariah, now that he didn’t have Hectaire or his influence he was nothing.

Out of the corner of Kotori’s eyes, she could see Ryla watching with concern in her eye. She felt her lips turn into a wry sort of smile.

“Hmm, I’m not really in the mood. Regardless, you’re coming with us.” Kotori said.

She turned her attention toward Ryla who had heaved a sigh of relief after seeing the scene.

“And you?” she asked the woman.

Over the course of the battle the aura Ryla gave had deflated somewhat. Still after asking Ryla the question the woman’s expression sharpened.

“What happened to Mathias?”

“We beat him and he was transported to the front of the tunnel” Kotori told her honestly.

After hearing her response Ryla gave a difficult expression. Still, she reluctantly bowed her head towards Kotori.

“I see… This one… accepts your rule” Ryla slowly said, she did not have much choice, either way, but upon hearing Kotori’s explanation she realized that Kotori was willing to spare them. If Kotori had said that she killed Mathias with no remorse then Ryla would’ve tried to fight her regardless of if she could win or not.

Kotori nodded and then snapped her fingers, the stone cage around Ryla instantly disappeared. The woman seemed shocked.

“You’re letting me go?” She asked incredulously.

Kotori shrugged her shoulder.

“Go home, take a rest.” She grinned slightly.

“I’ll handle it.”

A strange expression filled Ryla’s face after seeing Kotori’s expression. After looking at it she realized that perhaps the winds of fate had shifted ever so slightly, and relief filled her chest.

She Harrumphed

“Fine, I’ll take my leave… My queen” She said before walking down the tunnels with Gildron who had appeared by her side. The man had a slight limp and his gait belied his age, but there was a youthful expression of giddiness on his face.

“Did you see that Ryla dear! That girl! She’s exactly what I’ve been looking for! A story for the ages.”

“Shut up old man, did you get hit on the head too hard and grow senile?” Ryla said.

The pair began to quip at each other, each more vicious than the last but despite that Kotori saw no ill intent behind the words.

In a way, she felt like she was looking at a father-daughter duo and another smile crept up her face as she watched the amusing scene.

As she watched the two figures disappear into the tunnel, another familiar figure entered the clearing they were in.

“Sebastian!” Kotori called out.

The spirit gave a wince.

“My name is Bartholomew,”  He said, although his tone was polite Kotori could sense a hint of defeated frustration in his voice.

“So what are you here for?” She asked him.

The man pulled a small crystal from his sleeve.

“This is the self-refilling mana crystal that you were promised for clearing the dungeon. The lady is currently napping and told me to deliver it to you upon completion.

Kotori felt herself frowning as she took the crystal. It was smaller than the one that Lala had made back when they first met. The crystal itself took the shape and appearance of a chunk of quartz with a dazzling sparkle inside of it.

Despite the smaller size, Kotori could tell that the quartz had even more capacity than the one Lala had made previously. The crystal was about twice as powerful as the previous.

“Thank you” Kotori told the spirit.

Upon receiving confirmation that Kotori had received the crystal, Bartholomew disappeared into a nearby tunnel, rather it was more like he walked into the darkness of a tunnel and disappeared.

It was then the realization of her current situation now hit her.

[We… won?] Kotori thought.

Once she left the lab, she would be crowned the winner of the queen’s trial. Although Kotori had experienced quite a bit of renown in her past life she had never been put in a position of power. The realization washed over her in waves and she felt a cold sweat begin to appear on her back.

[I’m a scientist! I didn’t study political science!] She thought.

She thought for a moment and suddenly paused as a lightbulb went off in her head.

[Wait? I’m going to have a ton of retainers and stuff like that to manage my affairs right? And I’ve got Fawks, I can just toss it all to him, no?]

She felt her head unconsciously nodding as she began to imagine her royal life.


Hey folks, did you know I can update more than one time in a month?

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