Kotori spent the next day preparing to leave. No one stopped her and Amelie seemed to be supportive even going as far as to recommending things for Kotori to bring.

"Don't you think you need a raincoat? What if it rains?" Amelie said, holding a salamander skin coat.

"Amelie I told you I'm fine," Kotori said

"But if it rains you'll get wet…" she said, her face looking glum

Although, Amelie enthusiastically helped Kotori prepare she seemed quite sad about Kotori leaving. It felt like she was trying to use these preparations as a coping mechanism

Kotori looked empathetically at Amelie

"Look Amelie it's fine"

"Ok, I guess." Amelie said, her mood not improving in the slightest.

The rest of the evening went smoothly, and Kotori finished her preparation. She would be leaving the next day for the kingdom of Faramouth.

** ** **

The sun wasn't quite up yet but Kotori had already left Amelie's house. Amelie herself had woken up at the same time as Kotori and insisted that she see Kotori off.

As they approached the village edge Kotori saw the figure of the Boss. Evidently, she also knew that Kotori was leaving as well.

The Boss had the softest expression Kotori had ever seen her with. Almost on the verge of crying.

"Leaving welp?" she said hardening her face once they go closer.

Kotori nodded, a brief flash of fear over the fact that the Boss would try and stop her overcame her but she realized that if that were true the boss could've stopped her much earlier.

[What business does she have now]

The Boss held a sword in her hand and had a small sack in the other and gestured for Kotori to take the sack.

Kotori took it and opened up the contents of it inside there were a few Faramouth coins along with a horn made from the spikes of the lizard Kotori had killed. The outside of it was decorated with the scales of the lizard which gave it a shimmering exterior.

The craftsmanship was exquisite and she was surprised the Boss had made her such a beautiful parting gift in such a short amount of time.

Tears welled up in Kotori's eyes. Her time in the village may have been less than the time she spent with her original family, but the love given was no less. This gift was proof of that

She jumped into the Boss's arms for an embrace. The Boss stiffened in surprise but accepted the hug, gently patting Kotori's head. Her hard knotted muscles which should've made an uncomfortable embrace still gave Kotori a great sense of safety.

Sniffling she broke off the embrace, the Boss's expression was soft. She herself was likely about to cry as well but wouldn't let herself show such a weak expression in front of Kotori and Amelie.

The Boss looked at Amelie and asked her

"Amelie, do you want Kotori to leave?"

Amelie replied quickly

"Of course not!"

Then said defeatededly

"But I know Kotori wants to leave"

The Boss nodded and then said

"Then go with her"

Amelie looked shocked


The boss looked wistfully into the forest boughs which were being illuminated by the steadily rising sun.

"You know, Asha loved the village"

"What?" Amelie said bewildered about the sudden change in topic

"She loved it so much she actually told me that she didn't want to leave right before the day she left," The Boss said with her eyes growing tearful.

"It was me who gave her the strength to leave, The night before when she came crying to me about how she lost her will to leave the village it was me who told Asha that she should follow her dreams. Even if we fought up until the day she left, she still went to her older sister for strength" The Boss said with a pained expression.

"Amelie, You want to follow Kotori don't you?"

Indeed the Boss had guessed correctly, Amelie had wanted to go with Kotori from the moment Kotori said she wanted to leave the village, but she didn't want to worry the Boss and thus didn't say anything. Still, she was planning on sneaking out and catching up to Kotori and already had a bag packed to go leave as well.

The Boss now extended the sword she held in her hand towards Amelie.

"This is... Asha's sword. I managed to find it in a pawn shop before I rescued you"

"What's this for?" Amelie asked she took the sword into her hand. The blade was in an eastern style with a hilt that was a purple lacquered wood with an intricate golden handguard. Amelie was confused, she didn't know why the boss was giving her as a gift as well.

"Go..." the boss said, saying nothing more. The word almost seemed to hang in the air as Amelie realized the meaning of it.

"You-You're allowing me to fo with Kotori?" Amelie asked incredulously

The Boss nodded, then said

"I will take my leave" Then without warning, began to walk back towards the village leaving Kotori and Amelie standing alone at the village clearing.

Kotori and Amelie stood there for a while. Both of them were emotionally shocked at the sudden encounter. Both of them were still silent and processing the events that had just happened.

That was when Kotori rubbing her eyes, her voice trembling said

"We better leave then"

Amelie nodded and began to run back and collect the bag she had already packed and caught up with Kotori.

They left the wood elf village silently.

Not taking a single look back.

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