The aftermath of the bandit's raid on the village had left it in shambles. Although Umi and Kotori had managed to put out the fires the lost lives were not something she could easily return.

She did go up to the girl who had lost her mother and said a few words of comfort. The girl's name was Mera and incidentally, she was also a spirit seer.

Mera seemed to really enjoy playing with Shu and Umi so Kotori let Mera play with them for a whole day.

Despite her best effort, Kotori had found another dirt spirit where she had originally buffed her party. She gave it to Mera who evidently needed a friend in the trying times. She had heard about EMT giving teddy bears to kids whose parents had died from car crashes in her previous world and it seemed right to give it to Mera.

Still, even though Mera seemed to like Kotori the other villagers had changed how they viewed her. Initially, Kotori thought she had sacred them but she soon realized they were watching her with a sense of awe. It was quite awkward but at least Kotori's Karma value had gone up.

Kotori and Amelie stayed in the village for a couple of days and then continued their journey. Many of the villagers tried to give her gifts but she declined them all. Kotori didn't really care about money and frankly, the extra things they were trying to give her would only be a hassle to bring along on the trip. The villagers insisted they did something and Kotori just told them to be nice to each other hoping that she would be able to pick up some spare karma by the good acts the villagers did as a result of her missive.

"You sure you wanna go?" Brom asked.

He had sheltered Kotori and Amelie during their entire short stay in the village and hadn't once asked for extra compensation excluding their first night,

"I really need to get to the city my aunt is waiting for me"

Kotori and Amelie had made up an alibi which was that she was the daughter of an adventurer who was moving to her aunt's house for a more stable life. It would explain why she was coming in the direction of the forest as well and explain why she could fight. It was a useful little lie.

"Ah, well I guess you have a family as well," Brom said looking at his wife and his son, Wally.

Wally's crush on Kotori had developed even more and now he would go stiff at seeing Kotori.

[Well kids are cute in their own way] Kotori thought, not recognizing the fact she looked like a kid herself.

Amelie and Kotori left that morning and continued their journey.

It was more peaceful the closer they got to the frontier city. Of course, the seeing bandits was going to decrease the closer they got to it, so they quietly walked along the dirt road. Occasionally, waving to carriage drivers who passed by.

[I wish I had a car]

Kotori was beginning to realize how inconvenient this world was. Amelie and Kotori seemed to be moving at a snails paces and she desperately wished for faster transportation

[Why can't there be a bullet train or something]

Unfortunately they were stuck taking bus 11*

*Chinese expression it means walking to a destination since 11 looks like two legs.

Still they managed to reach the frontier city right before dusk.

The city was surrounded by a low stone wall that was meant to serve as protection against invaders. Although, Kotori was unsure of what kind of invaders would attack this city in the first place especially since Faramouth and Atlea rarely had any issues and there hadn't even been a major invasion from both sides.

As they approached the gates Kotori saw that the gates had some lettering on them. Back in her home village Kotori was unable to read. But Amelie had taught her and Kotori read the letters on the gates that said "Feran" She assumed that was the name of the city.

All travelers had to be inspected and obviously, Kotori and Amelie were no different. So they waited in the queue as well.

The guards were very diligent, it seemed they didn't accept any bribes from any travelers and carefully inspect every person going through the gates

Soon it was Kotori's and Amelie's turn to be inspected. They were rather lucky considering they were in the last batch of people to enter the city before they closed the gates. Anyone who didn't make it in time would have to camp outside and wait for the next day to requeue.

"Purpose for visit"

The guard asked. He seemed very ready to finish his shift and go home

"Just visiting this girl's aunt" Amelie said

For convenience Kotori let Amelie appear to be the leader of their little travel group since it would make more sense for strangers.

His eyes looked suspiciously over at Shu and Umi who follow Kotori.

"And what are those?"

"My pets I'm a spirit seer" Kotori answered

The guard sighed, obviously not caring. Kotori and Amelie looked harmless enough to him, plus it was late so he let them pass.

And before they were let through they were told some basic rules which basically amounted to if you make a commotion and ruined the peace you will be expelled, more serious crimes would be punished with execution

With that small explanation out of the way, Kotori and Amelie entered the village,

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