Reincarnated as a… Completely Average Person?

Chapter 35: Collared, Shackled, Chained

[An offer?]

A common negotiating strategy means that two parties can only agree to an "offer" if both sides have something to give.

In the situation she was in she didn't have anything of "worth" to give Yooma.

Naturally, she was very suspicious.

"What kind of offer," she asked very plainly, trying to betray none of her emotions.

Yooma sighed "Look, I know it doesn't make sense, but you don't have to be so tense"

Apparently, her efforts to hide her emotions had failed

"I don't like to see woman and children be killed"

Kotori was shocked, she would've taken Yooma to be someone who had a blind adherence to the law instead of this old fashion value system

[So he does have a soft side]

"A girl as young as you shouldn't try and act so old" he added

For once Kotori was happy she looked so young. It apparently had allowed her to garner sympathy.

"I assume you are all aware of the decline of adventurers," Yooma said

Kotori nodded.

"Well, we need more"

"What do you mean," Kotori asked

"Look," Yooma said "We don't have enough adventurers the collapse of guilds means that the kingdom is desperate for young blood"

[Ahh that's the problem]

Kotori had realized what Yooma was alluding to. It seemed that although the kingdom now had control over adventurers it also was hard for them to hire them.

[Well, that's self-inflicted anyway]

It would make sense that with a lack of guilds, collectivization of dungeons, and lack of support structure for new adventurers the kingdom would have a hard time finding new ones.

[How are you supposed to find promising talent if you can't even develop it]

Kotori thought about a certain sport in her past life. It was a very expensive sport and the best teams would only hire those who had already proven themselves. The sport declined because they could find any new recruits.

Kotori nodded knowingly

[Talent development is very important indeed umu*]

*thinking sound use in Japanese light novels

Yooma walked over and quickly knocked on the door.

The door opened once again and two shapes barged in.

Shu and Umi who were once separated from Kotori now desperately ran to her side once again.

"A token of goodwill" Yooma said,

[wait is he balding?] Kotori thought in an unrelated manner

Despite his movement in the sewers Yooma actually looked quite old. Kotori who had been unable to get a look at Yooma earlier now saw the visage of a tired old vaguely Asian looking man. He was starting to look and sound like a used car salesman. It seemed despite his dislike of killing women and children the Faramouth kingdom really DID need new adventurers to fill out their rank and he was quite intent on getting them to join.

He really looks like an old Japanese salaryman. Although Yooma was a brave person on the battlefield it seemed he was also quite a timid person outside of it.

[No wonder they hired a person like him in the first place]

Honest adventurers would likely be indignant over the fact that the profession was on the decline but Yooma honestly just seemed like he wanted a comfortable life.

[Ah I used to be like that] Kotori thought reflecting on her time in the afterlife

[It would be nice to go back one day.]

Yooma seemed uncomfortable with the silence that was caused by Kotori's reflecting.

"If... you become an adventurer you become above the law in some aspects so we can ignore some of the laws you may have broken before. I can smooth things over with the earl here."

Kotori knew that this was not going to come free

"What do you want from me"

Now, Yooma's expression had changed from the timid man to back to the sleazy car salesman.

"Loyalty," He said

"you will swear fealty to the kingdom, we will put a slave collar on your partner over there to keep you in line."

[How bold] Kotori thought.

It seemed they had already thought of ways to keep her loyal

"In addition" Yooma continued "You will help our dungeons teams with your song skill"

[So that's why]

It seemed Yooma had discerned that Kotori's [Magical Musician] skill was distinct from the magical songs of most of the people.

This was something she had noticed already. The magical melodies her father taught her would allow her to imbue a spell with magic and it would perform a fixed outcome. Her magical musician skill would attempt to make her "will" into reality. It was a much more flexible skill than just memorizing songs.

Kotori could in essence be the bard for an entire party instead of need 2-3 for music diversity.

She nodded half-heartedly knowing that she didn't have much choice in the matter. She was still concerned about Amelie though

"Ahh don't worry!" Yooma said realizing Kotori's hesitation "we won't do anything to your companion"

[Well that settles it.]

Yooma quickly pulled out a thin metal collar with a small magic crystal embedded on it and installed it on Amelie. Amelie didn't struggle as the collar was put on her and activated. At first glance, it just looked like a silver choker but obviously, it was a tool meant to keep Kotori in line.

"There," Yooma said

"You are free to go, I will send you your assignments in a couple of days"

He knocked on the door once again and the door opened. Yooma gestured for them to leave. Kotori and Amelie quickly shuffled out of the room they had spent the greater part of the day in. A man who they assumed was their jailer gave them two sacks that contained their items and they left the prison building.

Taking the first breath of the fresh air after leaving the stuffy cell was bittersweet although they had avoided being executed they were now metaphorically shackled to this city. In an ironic twist of fate, Kotori and Amelie had become de facto adventurers at the cost of their freedom. It was quite literally golden handcuffs

They quickly made their way back to the inn. The innkeeper paid them no heed as their rooms were paid for the rest of the week.

Once they got back Amelie flopped onto the bed and became unresponsive.

[This must be tough] Kotori thought

Her first visit to the city had gone drastically worse than she had expected. Despite all the tribulations, Amelie had never voiced any complaints to Kotori even after they got caught smuggling which was initially Kotori's idea in the first place.

[I have to do something to make up with her] Kotori resolved.

She would get stronger and would free Amelie from the slave collar and get back at the kingdom that had chained her to them.

[Be careful not to wake the sleeping dragon] She thought

Random Author thoughts 3/16/21 ish

Hello! Usually, I put something silly here but I've been feeling rather pensive recently. I've been thinking about the nature of stories and why we tell them. In some aspects, it feels like generational memory and stuff but then why would we tell fun stories. I read quite a bit and I'm always disappointed I can't be transported to the amazing worlds the author constructs and wish I could know more. In some respects writing this novel has been extremely fun since I know what's going to happen. Still, it saddens me knowing I am creating rather than consuming and I wonder how my albeit small amount of readers when they see Kotori's journey. Anyway, this is dragging a bit. Thanks for keeping up with me and I hope you will be here for the hundreds of chapters to come.

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