Kotori and her party steadily walked down the narrow corridor. It was hot. Almost unbearably so Umi had noticed Kotori's discomfort and had covered Kotori’s head in a thin cool blanket of water.

Kotori told her to stop once she noticed Umi was using mana to keep the water cool. She wanted her little battery to stay full in case they had to fight.

[What a troublesome spirit] she thought

The descending deeper the passage seemed to go on forever. Kotori felt as if she was diving into the earth. It was quite claustrophobic walking so deep with very little light and a constantly descending staircase.

At times the staircase would widen and narrow. Kotori had been descending for an hour before she noticed that their path was flattening. Soon they came across a cavern.

This cavern was much less decorated than Nero’s chamber.

In the middle laid an enormous collard fox. Its orange fur appeared to blaze as if it was on fire Kotori noted how the fox had 9 tails.

The fox appeared to be sleeping and guarding a door.

Kotori checked her stats


Race: [Heavenly Spirit] Age: 4,648


Mana: 3,759

Agility: N/A

Strength: N/A

Defense: N/A

Karma: N/A

Skills: [Flames of Amaterasu], [Form Manifestation], [God’s Guidance](Removed!)  

Traits: [Angelic Spirit]

[Too weird! What are these stats!] were her first thoughts

For once Kotori’s “Status” had failed her. This had never happened before. The screen that came in front of her was filled with missing information.

[What is this thing] She thought looking at the enormous fox in the cavern. It was nearly the size of a suburban house and gently snored as it slept. It had a name like Nero, and frankly, she wanted to keep watching the fox sleep. It was very peaceful to watch.

Kotori was not present with a dilemma. Fight the fox or not. Unlike, other dungeon bosses this one seemed non-hostile. The fox was held down with a collar and if Kotori woke it here, she didn’t think it would be able to reach her.

Kotori decided to have Shu gently nudge the fox while they stayed close to the entrance.

The fox awoke with a startle.

Noticing Kotori and her party it immediately snarled.

Kotori felt a wave of hostility radiated towards her through her [Spirit Seer] Skill

The fox began to prepare to cast something

Before it could Kotori quickly relayed her non-hostile intentions to the fox

The fox stopped casting and looked at them quizzically.

Kotori could not lie with the [Spirit Seer] Skill. Any hidden hostile intention she had would be laid bare through her contact with the fox.

The fox watched them scanning their reaction. Then it transformed.

The fox shrunk down her chain shrunk in tandem and still collared it.

Soon the form of a fox beast woman wearing a Yukata was in front of them. She gave off a mature sort of beauty. Her facial feature was well defined and strong. Despite this, on her face, she gave a mournful expression

The woman gestured for Kotori to come forward. When Shu and Umi tried to walk up the woman gave them a glare. Amelie tried to caution Kotori against it but Kotori didn’t feel like the fox lady meant her any harm.

Kotori strode forward into the chamber her shoes echoing in the air.

She walked closer to the beast lady who gave her a knowing look.

She gestured for Kotori to touch her chain.

Kotori followed in instructions and touched it. The chain felt hard and metallic. She pulled her hand off

The woman looked impatient and gestured for Kotori to do it again.

[Can she not speak?] Kotori thought

[What does she want me to do anyway]’

Kotori touched the chain again and that’s when she felt it.

A soft mana signature.

[Can I cast [Gourmet] on this] she thought.

Kotori looked towards the fox lady for confirmation who then nodded.

Kotori cast [Gourmet] and then an icy pain shot into her arm from the point of contact with the chain.

She immediately stopped casting [Gourmet].

Okateratsu looked at her with a sad expression.

Kotori could only shake her head. She couldn’t get rid of the chain. It seemed that the fox spirit was locked here intentionally.

The chain reminded Kotori of the chain that bound her in the dream the night she lost to Yooma. IS this chain connected to that?

Kotori tried to ask Okateratsu why she was bound.

She became awash with feelings of regret and sadness, but within that feeling, there was an intense love.

Okateratsu didn’t speak and seemed to be a spirit who spoke through feelings.

Okateratsu gestured to the door behind her

“Do you want me to enter?” Kotori asked her

She nodded

“Kotori walked to the door a pushed it open” The first thing she noticed was the lack of heat. Okateratsu’s body gave of immense heat but this room was quite nice. Perhaps a little warm, but nothing uncomfortable.

Inside it almost looked like a room. There was a bed but otherwise, it was empty. Kotori noticed that a beast girl was sleeping inside the bed.

She was slowly breathing in and out.

Her orange-reddish hair slowly bobbed as she slept.


Flame Spirit

Race: [Greater Spirit] Age: 1,783

HP: 35

Mana: 27

Agility: 32

Strength: 12

Defense: 17

Skills: [Flame], [Flame Cloak], [Heavenly Descent]

Traits: [Fire Spirit], [Heavenly], [Form Manifestation]

[So this is a spirit?]

Kotori didn’t bother the girl and left her alone. She went back to Okateratsu. Okateratsu looked very proud. The feelings she sent were very maternal.

“Was that your daughter?” Kotori asked

Okateratsu nodded. Looking back Kotori could see the resemblance between her and Okateratsu.

“She’s very pretty,” Kotori said

Okateratsu also nodded again.

Okateratsu began to motion to the door and to Kotori's party. This confused Kotori greatly who did not know what she was implying.

“I’m sorry I don’t know,” Kotori said

She was suddenly giving a mental image of a young bird leaving a nest

“You want us to take her with us?” Kotori asked

Okateratsu nodded once again


So we are trending today!


That's twice now!

Recently I applied to 6 internships! for security studies so I'm trying my best here. I tried to think of a reward for you all here's I came up with it.

One, I'm going to commission a new book cover because the current one is something I made on a whim and I would really like to have a professional book cover especially if I plan on monetizing in the future(Not that anyone would pay me)

Two, you are all getting an extra chapter today! It's purely fanservice and not canonical(Unless you want it to be) Not lewd but I'm sure you will all like it.

Lastly, Q&A Idk drop a comment and I will try to answer it. It can be personal or story-related. I might even be willing to drop hints about where the plot is going if I'm in a good mood.

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