Apparently, Layla had told them something that would allow them to activate their [Form Manifestation]

“Ummmm” Kotori mumbled.

She was confused as to how they had managed this.

“How did you two transform?’ She asked puzzled

“Layla told us how too!”

[It was that easy!]

“Can you please explain” Kotori asked them

“We combined the traits!”

“Pardon me?” Kotori said

“Well, I have [Water Spirit] I combined it with [Form Manifestation]!” Umi explained, Shu nodded in agreement

Kotori checked their status

Water Spirit (Umi)

Race: [Greater Spirit] Age: 0

HP: 19

Mana: 36

Agility: 20

Strength: 11

Defense: 14

Skills: [Water blade] [Mana Flow]

Traits: [Water Spirit Manifestation].

“It’s not perfect but look!” Umi said gesturing at her body.

Kotori looked closer and could see that Umi’s body was not solid. In fact, it was slightly shimmery. As if she had used water to make.

Kotori inspected Shu’s body and saw that it was the same way except, he was cover in a slightly rough rocky layers.

[Oh I see, they are using their elements to imitate their forms] Kotori thought

It was indeed a nice workaround although it wasn’t perfect unless someone was looking very carefully they looked like “Humans” although Umi and her scale would make her look more like a beastperson anyway.

[Are there Lizard beast people?] in the first place Kotori wondered.

[Wait’s doesn’t that mean I can combine my skill and traits?] Kotori was unsure how it worked but it seemed like a temping prospect perhaps she would be able to figure out what the [Monte Cristo] and [**ーか*] trait did after all.

“So how do you do it?” Kotori asked

“Ehhhh?” Umi said she looked down and shuffled her feet

“Umm, I don’t know it just made sense for them to work together” Umi said.

[Hmm, this is unhelpful… perhaps?]

Kotori tried something

Kotori felt something in her mind click. It was like she had suddenly righted a gear in a machine, and it was finally working.

She looked at her status again

Sato Kotori

Race: [Human] Age: 9

HP: 33

Mana: 32

Agility: 26

Strength: 17

Defense: 15

Karma: -100,008,248

Skills: [Magic Musician], [Gourmet], [Desire of Monte Cristo](Removed)

Traits: [Spirit Seer], [**ーか*-?O?]

[What is this!] She thought

Kotori’s [Monte Cristo] skill had disappeared but in return is had made her mysterious skill grow even larger.

[Now this is annoying] Kotori thought

[Is this even a game system? Why doesn’t it explain anything! Where’s the strategy guides? How am I supposed to min-max like this!] Multiple thoughts rifled through Kotori’s head, but unfortunately, she was not able to get an easy answer.

[That damn angel…] Kotori thought.

It always came back Gabriel. The mysterious angel who had forced her to reincarnate on this world.

“Goshujin-sama?” Umi’s words snapped Kotori out of her ruminated

“Ah! Sorry” Kotori said

“Are you really ok? You been spacing out an awful lot since meeting Okateratsu” Amelie asked

“It’s fine really” Kotori said

Amelie gave her a concerned expression and then dropped the issue.

[Ah I can’t tell them] Kotori was once again wracked by the guilt of her lie. She couldn’t tell Amelie about her past life. If Amelie knew that she had been putting them in danger because of her own selfish reasons she didn’t know how Amelie would react.

[Well for now we have to deal with this] Kotori thought

Their current situation hadn’t changed much despite having a new member they were still currently on the run.

[What do I do with this] She thought further

Now that Shu and Umi had physical human forms she wanted to use them to an extent.

[Still…] She thought

[Why are they so good looking!] Shu and Umi’s human were abnormally good looking. Kotori was being hypocritical here. She herself, was still a child and it was difficult to say for certain how she would turn out looking but she was at least becoming quite good looking in some capacity.

But Shu and Umi looked positively otherworldly.

[That’s noble face! Are you trying to sleep around you male giggolo!] She said looking at Shu’s profile. His features looked chiseled out of rock. It was a mature and responsible look with an irresistible boyishness that would make women swoon.

[Are you trying to seduce me!] Umi was much the same way. Her almond-shaped eyes were milky white slightly wet as if she was on the verge of crying. She was positively an ethereal beauty, the kind that grabs your heart and makes you want to protect her.

“Is something wrong” Umi asked Kotori  

[Kyun!] Kotori nearly swooned as Umi said that

[These damn spirits]

“Kotori-sama do you need anything!” Shu said

Kotori moved closer to Amelie

“Ahh this feels more natural” she sighed. Amelie’s wasn’t a bad looking person, but she was only slightly above average all things considered. Standing next to her made Kotori feel better.

“I feel like I’m being insulted right now…” Amelie said

Layla watched this scene with bemusement.

“Fufufufufu” She giggled

“Perhaps I can stick around you shomin*” It seems amusing.

Kotori gave her a look, “Layla you will have to work with us. Don’t expect to get away with doing nothing”

“Hmm! You should all listen to my commands!” She retorted.

“Umuuu… I guess if it’s like that we don’t have to let you join our party…” Kotori said her voice trailing off to let Layla considering the consequences of such an action.

Although, Layla was a spirit it was still unsafe for her to walk around alone in the wilderness. Especially in the girl-form she had now.

“Wait! Please reconsider!” Layla said quickly her ojou -sama expression dropping in a pitiful look

“I’ll… join” She said very quietly

“Oh?” Kotori said

“I couldn’t quite catch that” She said teasing Layla

“I said… I’ll join” Layla said again a little louder

“Hmm I still can’t hear anything” Kotori said

“Do you hear anything Umi?” She asked

Umi quickly understood Kotori’s intention and replied

“Nope, nothing at all!”

“I said I’ll join!” Layla said practically yelling her face was red from embarrassment

“Fufufufuf” This time it was Kotori laughing.

*low class person/peasant


Happy reading. I will try and post earlier from now on as I get back into the schedule.

Fun fact: Layla was originally supposed to be a boy fire spirit named ShangYun

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