[This is really difficult] Kotori thought while washing in a nearby river. After three days they had managed to kill 5 quiggles which was not nearly enough to make a weapon for Kotori.

All of the kills had been by Amelie. Kotori had spent those days sweaty and muddy slipping on the puddles in the swap and failing at her task. The Metal Slimes(Quiggles) were simply too hard to catch. She didn’t know how anybody would’ve managed to catch them. When she asked Winry how smith’s got Manatanium. All she was told that they usually waited for the Metal Slimes to die naturally and would pick up the Manatanium from the ground. Nobody actually tried to catch them like Kotori was doing.

Kotori took that as a challenge. She tried all sorts of methods. From trying to ambush the slimes like Amelie(Which she failed horribly at) to trying to snipe them from a long distance with a sound bolt using [Magic Musician](Turns out they were immune to magic)

Kotori was honestly ready to give up and ask Winry to make a normal Magisteel weapon for her. But Kotori’s pride wouldn’t let her.

[I wish they just came to me!] Kotori thought after another failed attempt on a Metal Slimes life’s

She sat down and began to play her flute. It was a relaxing exercise for Kotori since it reminded her of her family.

[Just come here…] She mentally pleaded while playing.

A song began to play and mana leaked out of her as she unconsciously activated [Magic Musician]

“Potential Charm Attribute learned!”


Kotori stopped playing

“Who said that?” She called out, but nobody responded.

[What that the system?] she thought

She checked her stats

Sato Kotori

Race: [Human] Age: 9

HP: 33

Mana: 30/32

Agility: 26

Strength: 17

Defense: 15

Charm: N/a

Karma: -100,008,248

Skills: [Magic Musician], [Gourmet], [Desire of Monte Cristo](Removed)

Traits: [Spirit Seer], [**ーか*-?O?]

Kotori had gained a new stat

“Charm?” She said unconsciously

It seemed pretty self-explanatory, it likely was a stat that charmed entities akin to “charisma. The N/a portion of it left her baffled though.

For one, she had never seen this stat on anybody before. The fact that she was unable to know what the exact number on it was frustrating to say the least.

Kotori began to play again activating [Magic Musician]

[What was I thinking about again? Oh right,

She played again while thinking about attracting metal slimes.

“Charm Attribute Learned!”

[Aha! It works like a skill] Kotori had been steadily figuring out how skills work in this world and it seems that her experimentation was coming to fruition. Skill were the result of being “proficient” in something. If you trained it enough you might get a skill. Skills had activation conditions that must be done twice before it is made permanent.

She apparently had figured out an activation condition to gain a “Charm” Attribute.

She saw something at the edge of her vision.

A small blob shape that was steadily getting closer.

[Yes!] Kotori thought

The blob was getting closer.




*SQUISH!* Kotori stepped on the slime. Since metal slimes had such low defenseive stats it instantly died turning to light unfortunately for Kotori the Metal Slime didn’t drop any Manatanium.

Kotori activated [Gourmet].

The slime made a larger than average MonMochi that pooled in Kotori’s hand.

Kotori took a bite


It was delicious!

It tasted fruity and refreshing. Like she was eating a ripe lychee.

[Another bite!] Kotori thought as she open her mouth for another taste.

[Ehhhh? It’s gone?] Kotori could’ve sworn all she ate was a small bite.

But it seemed that she had eaten the entire thing accidently.

[I need to find more!]

Diligently taking out her flute she began to play slimes began to plod out of the nearby trees. Kotori heard another voice in her head

“[Magic Musician] has become [Magic Minstrel]”

Kotori was stepping on the slimes as they came.


Slimes were appearing at a rapid pace.


Kotori stepped on the slimes until there was no more.


Strewn around her body were several small dowels of metal.

[This should be enough right?] Kotori had killed quite a few Metal slimes. She had defeated so many that she felt the mana concentration of the dungeon feel slightly less than before.

Activating [Gourmet] she began to prepare Monmochi that dropped from the Metal Slimes. They were all in a small pile in front on her and she started eating them. Soon she was stuffing handfuls of Monmochi down her mouth.

[So tasty!]

Her thoughts were interrupted by a voice


Kotori jumped in surprise. Looking over, Kotori saw Umi standing in a corner she looked embarrassed for having interrupted Kotori.

Kotori quickly composed herself. She must’ve look quite wild, while eating the Monmochi rivulets of mana where dripped down her mouth.

“Umm, How long were you standing there” Kotori said her face reddening

“the entire time, I’m sorry for not telling you” Umi apologized. She had seen a shameful side of Kotori and felt bad.

“You’re dancing was quite pretty though,” Umi said trying to be polite

[Dancing?] Kotori ponder for a moment not knowing what Umi meant when she said Kotori’s dancing was quite pretty

[Oh, that!]

From an outsider’s perspective, her frantic steps on the slimes probably looked like a dance.

“Eheheh, yeah,” Kotori said unsure of how to respond.

“Kotori-sama did you do something to yourself?” Umi asked she was looking at Kotori her face slightly blushing.

“Do what?” Kotori asked giving Umi a puzzled expression

“Well… you seen a little prettier than before.” Umi explained


Kotori after eating the first metal slime

"You took my only food and now I'm going to starve"

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