Reincarnated as a… Completely Average Person?

Chapter 67: I’m a Magical Girl!

“This is my weapon?” Kotori asked holding the item Winry just gave her.

“Yep!” Winry said her eyes had heavy bags under them as if she had forgoed any sleep for the sake of finishing the weapon.

She was holding a long baton. On both ends were inlaid with larger mana crystals. The grip was also inlaid with mana crystals they gave a slightly ridged texture which made holding the baton feel more ergonomic.

One of the sides was inlaid with three in the shape of a heart. The baton was about the size of Kotori’s forearm. Unlike Manasteel it felt quite solid actually and very light. According to Winry the benefit of Manatanium was that it would hold it’s form better. But it was still quite soft compared to other metals. It had a much better mana efficiency which meant that it would be able to hold the charge of the mana crystal better.

The weapon gave Kotori a feeling like a certain sailor should’ve been using.

“Winry are you sure you used all the metal for this?” Kotori asked. The sack she gave Winry to make the Baton was filled with more material the Baton was using.

“Of course!” Winry said pouting.

“It just looks small because I made it that way. Please charge it and you will see” Winry said motioning for Kotori to use [Mana Minstrel]

Kotori set the baton down on a nearby table. Then, Kotori took her flute out and started to play it. She felt a steady flow of magic out of her. Noticing that her magic was being drained at an excessive rate she motioned for Umi who was nearby to help. The baton glowed and then vibrated as it absorbed the mana being used. Kotori felt all her mana leave her as well as Umi’s mana run dry and she ended the song before mana exhaustion overtook her.

She took a look at the Baton, the shape hadn’t changed at all but. One of the crystals on the baton glowed dimly.

Winry looked at it with no surprise

“Well I guess that much would happen, the mana crystals I uses were very pure after all” She commented

“What do you mean by that?” Kotori asked

“Well since the mana crystals I used were of a particularly pure variety it means that you need a lot of mana to charge it.” Winry explained.

“It should still have enough juice in it…” Winry said holding the baton. The surface rippled and then elongated. The area Winry was holding turned into a hilt and the Baton grew into a basic long sword.

“Ehh?” Kotori said watching the bizarre scene.

“Manatanium doesn’t really have a set form you see? So, it’s size is very deceiving there’s a reason why it’s sometimes called “spirit metal.”” Winry said.

“I see” Kotori said.

She took the sword out of Winry’s hand. It felt very light. As if she was holding a light switch.

The moment she took the sword out Winry’s hand it transformed back into it’s baton form.

“Ehh?” Kotori said

The sword had suddenly transformed back into it’s original form.

“Hmmm” Winry said

“That’s odd? It shouldn’t do that, try changing it back” she said

Kotori imagine the weapon she was envisioning when Winry had said that she would make a weapon. The baton seemed to morph and shorten and grew into a conductors stick.

[It’s not listening?] Kotori thought

“Very weird, maybe it’s because of the metal purity?” Winry said

Kotori was in fear that her weapon was now a dud.

The conductor stick in Kotori’s hand seem to vibrate

“Kukukuku” a metallic noise rung out from the baton almost like it was laughing.

“Ah!” Kotori said nearly dropping the stick in surprise.

The weapon then split itself and put itself back into the form of the baton and a small tiara.

The tiara floated in the air and then alighted itself on Kotori’s head

Kotori tried to pull the tiara off. It was stubbornly stuck to her head.

“Kukukuku” The metal rung

[It’s alive? Wait! what did Winry call the material again wasn’t something like “Spirit Metal” don’t tell me… ] Kotori thought

Her thoughts were interrupted by more laughing from the Tiara atop her head.

Kotori had made the stunning realization that her effort had accidentally created a new spirit.

“Are you alright?” Winry asked a concerned look on her face. It seemed she did not know what had occurred.

“No, it’s fine it’s perfect…” Kotori said.

“The tiara seemed to vibrate as if it was in a good mood.”

“I’ll be taking these then…” She said picking up the wand that was part of the tiara.

“I see, are you really fine with this. I can make you a new one if that is defective” Winry asked she looked like she felt bad for the situation that Kotori was in.

“Look, it’s fine, I’ll figure it out,” Kotori said.

She motioned to Umi and they left Winry’s small shack with the tiara still stuck upon Kotori’s head.


My name is magical girl Kotori!

By the power of... Eating I will smite you down!

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Also according to the new stats apparently most of you are from the U.S. and then... Germany?

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