The Adventurer’s Guildmaster’s office was small. Well, the whole office was small.

It was a small room for a small person. Tiefa had always been short, and blond hair was tied up in a bun to avoid it from blocking her vision.

She was busy working over several pieces of paperwork. Not that there was much to do anyway. Tiefa Ord had been the Adventurer’s guild master ever since the old one resigned. The decline of the adventurer’s guild had been too much, and he now lives a quiet life in a city as a retiree. The only one who was willing to take up the mantle was Tiefa and she has worked as the guild master in his place.

Ever since the dungeon proclamation by the kingdom, Tiefa had slowly seen the number of new adventurers dwindle

She sighed as she signed off on another guild closure notice. This one was particularly hard to sign off on.

Tiefa was a former adventurer herself. The closure notice was for the guild she had originally started her career as an adventurer at. Tiefa had tried to use what little influence she had to keep that guild open, but she was no longer able to keep it afloat. The rent was simply too expensive.

The guild’s receptionist had been working there for a long time and Tiefa was trying to keep the guild around to wait until she retired, but even then, it seems like that was impossible.

She heard a knock on her door.

“You have a visitor Guildmaster Tiefa” the soft voice of her secretary passed through the door.

“Let them in” Tiefa called out.

Her door opened with a creak and a tall woman walked through.

Tiefa’s face lit up


The figure of her friend was standing in the doorway

Evelynn gave a grin.

“It’s been a while”

They gave each other a strong embrace. Tiefa nuzzled Evelynn slightly she’d been touch starved recently.

“What the kingdom work like?” Tiefa asked.

Evelynn was one of Tiefa’s former party members and had gone to work for the kingdom once the dungeon proclamation was made. Tiefa had been buried by work at that time and didn’t have much time to see her. Soon the years slipped by and she’d realized she hadn’t seen Evelynn in over a decade.

“Oh so and so, I don’t do that much nowadays,” Evelynn said.

“Why’d you not visit!” Tiefa said pouting.

“Well, that’s only recently I had some free time previously I was managing people” Evelynn explained

“That’s such a shame! You didn’t go dungeon roaming?” Tiefa asked.

“Not like I have any time, do you know how much work it is to be the managers of the Bishops,” Evelynn said.

“I can guess it’s probably more than what I have to deal with now,” Tiefa said grimacing. Evelynn was a strong spell caster she had the skills [Lightning], [Wind blades], and even a [Barrier] Skill. She was the perfect combat mage.

It was no surprise she was chosen to lead the mage division of the kingdom’s recruited adventurers.

“Hey Tiefa, let go adventuring,” Evelynn asked?

“Eh?” Tiefa said in surprise at Evelynn’s sudden proposal.

“I found a dungeon nearby newly formed and it even has some pretty strong monsters!” Evelynn said

“A dungeon? don’t you have to report it?” Tiefa asked

“Shhhh don’t speak so loud. It’ll be a secret between you and me” Evelynn said smiling.

“Just explore it for old times’ sake and then I’ll  report it once we’re done”

“I don’t know…” Tiefa was concerned. There was a large punishment for not reporting dungeons and if she was caught as the adventurers guildmaster it would cause a scandal. Their already low reputation would fall even further.

“What, too old to explore dungeons with a friend anymore?” Evelynn teased Tiefa.

“You’re calling me old! Aren’t you getting wrinkly yourself Eve!”

Evelynn seemed taken aback.

“Me? Old? Dear, in comparison to me you look practically ancient. You need a break from work you look like a skeleton!” Evelynn said

Despite the harsh conversation Tiefa was not offended in the slightest. She would often squabble with Evelynn like this. In fact, she was enjoying herself quite a bit.

“Ok, Ok we can go to the dungeon, when are you free?” Tiefa asked

“Hmm, next week Wyrday should be fine” Evelynn said

Tiefa grimaced

“That a little inconvenient but I’ll make adjustments”

“Is there something wrong with the day?” Evelynn asked

“No, I just have a meeting, I can reschedule it’s fine,” Tiefa said

“Besides how can I say no to a friend!”

“Ah by the way do you know anything about that girl the king put a bounty on,” Evelynn asked.

Tiefa put on a trouble expression

“That girl? We haven’t heard anything about her for months the trail went cold near the mountains”

In truth, Tiefa hopes she would be able to show up again. Once they started selling information on the girl the guild was able to pay off a small portion of the massive debt the adventurer’s guild was in.

“Hmm, the king has been in a panic over it. I thought you might know something, but I guess not. Don’t worry about it I’m sure she’ll turn up.”

“I see..” Tiefa honestly felt bad for the poor girl. She was currently being hunted down and it was no way to treat someone so young

[Good Luck]


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