That night, Kotori’s family was awoken by heavy knocking at their doors.

Her father rubbing his eyes walked to the door grumbling about the type of person who would visit at this hour.

When he opened the door, his body stiffened.

Standing at the door was the Baron’s Retainers, a group of men with swords at their hips.

He audibly gulped

"Hello… Do you need anything?” he asked meekly

The leader of the group smirked and spoke

"It's tax time"

Her father looked confused at this response

"Taxes at this hour? You must be mistaken"

The man looked bored by her father’s reply.

"No mistakes here, it's tax time, unless of course, you aren't going to pay" He said while waving his sword hilt at Kotori's father

Her father balked at the threatening gesture.

"O... Of... Course we'll pay, how much?"

Kotori’s father was trying to hide it but his face was filled with worry. Their family had spent much of the money they had on supplies yesterday and were waiting for the spring harvest. This sudden need for taxes was out of season since it was usually collected in autumn.

"Ten gold" The man said.

Her father's face which was already unsteady went completely white in shock.

"C-can we take some time to gather that amount." he stammered

Kotori knew that her father was trying to buy time. Her family usually only used copper coins in basically all transactions. The most money she ever saw was the one silver coin her father used to buy a cow. She knew that her family had nowhere near enough money to akin to gold coin levels of value. Let alone the ten gold coins the man was asking for.

"M-Might I ask what the new Baron would need this money for" Her father asked.

"Restitution, A small little bird hurt our plaything. If you can’t pay there’s going to be punishment" The man answered with a sadistic grin creeping up on his face.

"You must be mistaken; We didn't do anything that man" her father protested.

"You're calling me a liar! That man escaped tonight" The man said.

"We promise we didn't touch him!" Her father argued

"You sent your spawn to loosen the bindings! All of you trash are in on it!" The man snarled.

Something didn’t line up here. Kotori didn’t touch the man’s binding at all.

[How… Did he escape?] she thought

Her thoughts were interrupted by her father thrown to the floor.

Her mother screamed in response.

"Please!" Her father pleaded trying to stand up "just give us time"

The man scoffed

"I don’t care"

Her father went silent. He realized that the men had not intention of letting them go for free.

The rest of the Baron’s retainers pulled out their swords.

"Filthy peasants who can't pay deserve to be punished." The leader said stepping towards

Kotori’s father quickly threw himself at the man to push him away.

"Hana, take the kids and run!" he said

The leader grunted pushing away Kotori’s father and then slashed at him.

Kotori’s father gave a pained groan and then collapses in a heap next to Kotori. A wicked crimson gash laid across his chest, from his nape to his waist. Rivulets of blood began flowing from the wound.

"Run" he whispered, right before life flickered from his eyes.

Kotori watched this senseless scene of violence with horror. She watched as the life of the man who taught her the flute and the man who often gave her piggyback rides was extinguished so easily.

Like a pig to slaughter.

Her body felt paralyzed as the Baron’s retainers approached them.

She had to do something fast.

Kotori grabbed the small reed flute her father gave her and began to play. She didn't know what she would be able to do, but this was the only way she could fight.

She began to play a song, a song she didn't understand quite yet but a song, nonetheless. It was a song with no rhyme or reason. A song that she was never taught, but still she played it.

She felt her mana explode out from her and a discordant shrieking tone was played from the flute

The men kneeled and held their ears in pain upon hearing Kotori’s music.

The tone only lasted for a few seconds before Kotori's mana reserves were completely exhausted.

A voice resonated in her head

“Skill acquired [Magic Musician] has become permanent!”

Once it ended, the men slowly removed their hands from their ears in bewilderment. For a moment they were stunned in surprise.

Only for a moment though…

They approached Kotori again at which point her mother push her out of the way to stood in front of Kotori and Ryuji. She was cut down in much the same way. The men kicked her body away and they got even closer.

Kotori feebly raised the flute to her mouth again.

This gave the men some pause. But once they her trembling they carefully approached again.

Kotori, feeling her body screaming at her, used every ounce of will to once again play her flute, She was able to make a note for a split second before she felt all strength leaving her.

She felt her legs give out under her felt herself being grabbed by the men.

Her vision began to darken as a result of extreme mana exhaustion.

She was only able to get a glimpse of her dying parents before her vision grew to blurry to see them.

A sense of great regret overcame her

Although Kotori had done great things in her past life. She was in truth, a lazy person. She had only solved the world hunger because she was tired of wasting time cooking her own meals. Not out of any sense of altruism. Kotori thought she was a genius like people told her.

She had built so many plans, all assuming that she could do no wrong, but now she was confront with the consequences of that thought process.

She had killed her new family.

There was no excuse.

and then she heard a voice.

"Potential Skill gained [Desire of Monte Cristo]"

[I don't care about my skills] She thought choking back tears.

Her hand gripped the reed-flute her father gave her

There would be no more flute lessons,

The only thought in her mind was the image of her parent's bodies.

She cursed the world.

She cursed the new Baron.

She cursed herself for not being strong enough.

She felt her heart boil with anger, as her consciousness slipped away from her.

"Potential Skill [Desire of Monte Cristo] removed!"

"Trait gained! [Monte Cristo]!"


Sato Kotori

Race: [Human] Age: 5

HP: 10

Mana: 10 (+5)

Agility: 6

Strength: 5!

Defense: 2

Karma: -100,007,472 (-7,500)!

Skills: [Magic Musician] (New)!, [Desire of Monte Cristo](Removed)

Traits: [Spirit Seer],  [Monte Cristo](New)!

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