Kotori awoke in murky darkness.

It felt warm and familiar, almost womb-like frankly

[Haven’t I been here before?] She thought realizing that this scenery was something she had seen before.

[It’s like that time after Yooma!] She thought. She felt slightly different, but this was the same place as before.

Unlike last time where there were two lights next to her now there were three of them.

[Curious?] Kotori thought

The chains that bound her were still there and dragging against her wrists.

Well, not wrists. She didn’t really have a human form she was more like a vaguely gaseous human-shaped cloud.

Kotori saw figures in the darkness once again. Like the last time, she was unable to interact with anything.

Soon a form appeared from the figures. It was a man wearing a grey suit with a pale face and complexion, his features were well defined and chiseled. He was beautiful, almost handsome. His platinum blond hair was expertly styled. A ravishing man by all account, but inhuman. He looked more akin to a sculpture that had come to life instead of a real human.

[Him!] Kotori thought

Gabriel was standing right in front of Kotori.

[Why am I here!] Kotori thought, panicking that she had died

Gabriel’s face was scowling. His perfectly chiseled face was scrunched up like he was just asked to do something unpleasant. When Kotori was in heaven, she didn’t ever see Gabriel’s expression change so this was a surprise for her.

Kotori had assumed that Gabriel couldn’t show emotions on his face so he must be particularly annoyed.

She tried to speak but her form was unable to do anything

[Eh?] She thought

Kotori had always been able to speak in heaven

Perhaps she wasn’t dead?

Gabriel grumbled while checking Kotori’s chains.

[Just where am I?] Kotori thought

Gabriel was talking absentmindedly to himself.

“Another light? Good grief, she’s being productive. My aid told me something was off, but this is excessive” he muttered

He seemed to fiddle with the chains that bound Kotori. The more he looked at the chain the worse his expression got until finally, he reached a tipping point.

“This fucking bitch!” He yelled throwing the chains down in anger. They clattered on the vaporous ground as if it was solid.

If Kotori could move, she would’ve jumped back in surprise.

Gabriel gave an expression like he was deep in thought.

He started examining the chains again this time light began to flow from his hands. The chains seemed to morph, becoming longer and less solid.

“That'll have to do…” he said grimacing it seems that he was unhappy with the result.

Kotori felt her form solidify slightly.

Gabriel looks up from the chain and looked into her eyes. Her heart froze.

Throughout this entire ordeal, Kotori had a feeling like she wasn’t supposed to watch this. She was terrified of the thought of Gabriel realizing that she was aware of him. She had no clue what this place was, but now that she knew he as related to it she didn’t want him to know she knew about it.

His eyes pierced into Kotori. The steely pupils not making a single movement. It was a glare that made Kotori feel infinitesimally small.

He pulled a small knife from his pocket. It was an extremely ornate-looking knife. Something that looked like it belonged in a jewel coffer instead of being a normal knife someone would carry around.

Gabriel held the knife to where her throat would be.

And began to push it.

Kotori then felt a sharp pain.

One that felt very similar to her reincarnation.

[OUCH OUCH!] she thought

Kotori wanted to scream but was unable to. She was firmly stuck as an observer in this scene.

Gabriel began to push harder The knife started to dig into Kotori’s neck.

The pain was near unbearable and she nearly passed out from the pain

His face morphed into a wide devilish grin.

“Feel that?” He whispered his voice sounded choked as if he was the one in pain instead of Kotori.

For a moment, Kotori thought he had noticed her, but it seems like he was just talking to himself.

Gabriel continued to hold the knife to her throat for a little while before he eventually stopped.

“If only it was that simple…” he said while twirling the knife in his hand, the jewels in it seems to glint and glow as if they were alive.

He looked wistfully off in the distance seemingly reminiscing of a scene. His face morphed into a gentle expression like a mother looking at their newborn child.

“Ah Celstine-sama, I miss you.” He started to say

“Don’t worry, I will take care of the trash in this world for you until you come back.” He said whole glancing at Kotori

He began to walk off. The sound of his shiny dress shoes echoing into space until his form disappeared into another one of the black figures.

Kotori was gasping from the pain. She couldn’t gasp but was somehow able to.

His vision darkened once again and soon became black as her consciousness drifted once again.


Gabriel's kinda an ass, if only I could spoil his character motivation...

Unfortunately for you all, You gotta wait a while to learn that...

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