Kotori and her party quickly made their way to the merchants’ quarters and docks after asking nearby passersby.

The smells of the food in the air soon turned into the salty bite of the sea. It was a nostalgic smell for Kotori. She used to live near an ocean in her past life and it was something she quite enjoyed

She wanted to go to a fish market that was nearby but unfortunately, they had other plans.

Before Kotori went to the merchant’s quarters, She actually wanted to visit the docks first. The answer was simple, only sailors would know what most of the merchants were trying to buy. They would have much better information than the average person. They would know what the buying habits of the merchants were since they were the ones that shipped the goods in the first place.

There were several burly men walking around the docks and the smell of tar and wood was not mixed with the fish smell of the sea.

Several treadmill cranes were scattered around the area and all the ships were quite large for the sake of blue ocean waters and carrying cargo.

Kotori and her party went up to one of the burly men walking around who seemed like he didn’t have much to do.

“Hello!” she said

The man looked at her and then proceeded to ignore her.

The man kept walking this time looking more irritated.

To him, Kotori was an obnoxious brat that wanted to talk to him. He probably thought she was some rich merchant girl that had become enamored with stories about sailors and wanted to talk to one.

Since he had glanced at her Kotori and her party she assumed that he was intentionally ignoring her.

“Hello! Excuse me sir.” She said again, she was going to bother him until he responded

Kotori frowned as he kept ignoring her and walking away.

[This is harder than I thought] Kotori thought

“Would you like me to bring that rude man back for punishment Kotori?” Shu asked. It seemed he wasn’t ready to tolerate the man being so rude to his master.

“No, it’s fine Shu” Kotori said she didn’t want to cause a ruckus

“Hey!” Kotori heard another voice behind them.

She looked around the see the voice belonged to a young man calling out to them

The man had fairly dark skin and had a vaguely Indian look to him.

He wore light clothing and seemed to have a very easy-going attitude.

“Yes?” Kotori asked

“My lady what are you bothering Grendle for. Everybody knows he’s one of the grumpiest sailors around her.” The man said

“I am trying to find a sailor to talk too,” Kotori said

“Well, you’ve got one right here, so what do you want to talk about? My dastardly deeds or my adventures out at sea! Anything for such a beauty like you” He said giving a charming smile.

[LOLICON!] Kotori internally screamed. Although she mentally and physically older than her actual age the man was still trying to hit on her.

[He must think, I’m one of those girls who are in love with the concept of sailors. Well, he seems nice enough at least] Kotori thought

Besides his obvious attempts to flirt with her, he seemed like a nice enough guy

“No, I am looking for a merchant to sell some wheat to do you know anybody who could help with that” Kotori said.

The man frowned, surprised to learn that Kotori was here for business instead of personal reasons.

“I see…” he said giving a thoughtful expression.

“Go down to the Merchants quarters and look for a merchant named Fawks Nahari. He should be able to help you out.”

He gave another charming smile

“Tell him Doran sent him,” He said. He explained the process to find Fawks and then sauntered of.

Information in hand Kotori left the lolicon mana and began making their way to the merchant quarters near the ships.

The merchant questers were basically an area specially made for merchants or sailors who didn’t want to stay near the city and wanted to be closer to their wares.

The rooms in the area varied from extravagant to extremely cheap. The extremely cheap rooms would be little more than straw mat and a room without a lock. The extremely expensive rooms would be luxurious enough to house a king

There were a wide array of merchants moving around the area. Since they all came from an assortment of different countries the style of clothing they wore.

What was helpful for Kotori was the fact that the location of all the merchants in the quarters were kept in a public registry that she could access at any of the larger inns.

She went to the closest inn and asked the receptionist for the location of Fawks Nahari.

The receptionist pulled out a large leatherbound book and began scanning it. She quickly told Kotori the location of the inn he was staying at.

Kotori and her party made their way to the inn. It was an inn of middling quality. It was a fine enough establishment that the beds were clean, and rooms had locks, but it was not something that an extremely wealthy merchant would patron.

Kotori asked the receptionist of that inn if Fawks was currently residing, but the receptionist said that he was out for business at the moment.

Kotori frowned, it would be difficult to try and chase Fawks around the city so she decided to wait at the inn until he came back.


Bleb, Bleb, Bleb

That is all

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