Reincarnated As Pennywise

Chapter 11 - Overlord Arc 1 (18+)

[Time Skip 12 Years Later]

[Pennywise/Rob Gray P.O.V]


12 years has passed since entering the game for the first two weeks I took advantage of my head start and nabbed nearly every possible good item that can easily raise me to mid or late game in just a few days!, by the end of the two weeks I was already level 36 due to my massive head start on exp and loot since then I just was just left wandering on my own hunting other players that wanted to challenge me, before I know it months go by and I was wondering the forest when all of a sudden I hear a noise that causes me to venture deeper into the forest where I see a mage skeleton being kicked and bashed around by a bunch of humanoid players.

I was about to intercept them when they were about to attack this low level Heteromorphic skeleton player but they got quickly destroyed by a silver armoured paladin player, I step out from behind the trees revealing my presences to the skeleton mage and silver paladin seeing me he went into a defensive stance while the skeleton mage hid behind him.

"Woah woah I'm not here to fight friend, I just came here to check out the commotion." - I said as I shifted into my clown form while holding up my hands in the air to form the surrendering position.

"I think we got on the wrong foot, allow me to introduce myself, you may call me Pennywise the Dancing Clown Ho oh ho." I laughed at the end while performing a bow with my right arm going across my ċhėst.

"Yeah...names Momonga nice to meet ya." - Momonga/Ainz said while rubbing the back of his head in a nervous shy manner.

[Flashback ended back to current time]

[Third Person P.O.V]

[Name: Pennywise (Rob Gray)]

[Level: 200 (Error/Error]

[HP: 100 (HP: 100/100)]

[MP: 95 (Mana: 50)]

[PHY.ATK: 100+ (Strength:80)]

[PHY.DEF: 50]

[AGILITY: 100+ (Agility: 90)]

[MAG.DEF: 80]

[RESIST: 100+]

[SPECIAL: 75 (Energy: 45)]

[Stamina: 5000/5000]

[Stat Points: Error]

[Race: Eldritch Interdimensional being (True Form: Deadlights Unlocked)]

[Ability: Control over the Deadlights (X), (Shapeshifting (SS*), Telepathy (SS*), Immortality (SS*), Illusions (S*), Mastery of disguises (S*), Trickery A*), Regeneration (A*), Echolocation (C), High intelligence (C)]

[Skills: Lumokinesis (SS*), Essokinesis (S*), Insanity inducement (S*), Telekinesis (A*), Megethoskinesis (A*), Superhuman strength (A*), Superhuman speed (A*), Superhuman flexibility (A*), Teleportation (A*), Chlorokinesis (B*), Somnipathy (B*), Possession (B*), Partial invisibility (C*), Summon Clone (C*)



[Fear Points: 5534]

[Reputation: 78 World Known (Your name has been spread all over the world due to the media's influences and as a result you've have gain a lot of attention in the form of fans whom are crazy enough to form cults in your name, commit a large amount of genocides to hunger games type massacres and more than a few devoted fans want you to either ɨmprėġnȧtė them, their wife's and or children. With this the world knows of your existence and as such made lot of content of it, the children shriek in fear at the mere mention of your name in games and other forums, in certain times of the year you appear in their dreams terrifying them to the point of causing them not to sleep for days, everyone in the world knows your name but refuses to speak it for the fear of you coming after the one who spoke it, except for your fans who call out your name in celebration.)]


It is currently the last day of the game and Rob made sure that he obtain every World Tier item possible as well lots of resources and equipments that were going to be sold off basically for free as the players didn't want any doing so made Rob one of if not the richest player in the game as well as one of if not the only player to have a personal guild sized base that's not form or for the guild, the base was a giant Dyson Sphere that made it nearly impossible to invade it due to being in the sky and the fact it could transform into various modes.

As it was the last day of the game Rob made sure to visit Momonga as he moved and parked the mobile Dyson Sphere base over The Great Tomb of Nazarick before teleporting down into the meeting hall where Rob encounters Momonga and Herohero sitting down chatting with each other.

[Pennywise/Rob's P.O.V]

"Only you showed up Herohero, man that's just disappointing." I say as I appear in particles of light.

"Well what did you expect Penny, the games dying out and everyone else has there own life to focus on." Herohero said causing Momonga to unconsciously tighten his grip on the table.

"Dammit this was our home we built it together through virtual sweat and blood! how could they abandon us." Momonga raged before his passive race ability calmed him down.

"Momonga you and I both know that we can't blame them for leaving as the guild rules state you must be a functioning member of society and they somehow have make a living, honestly I could never understand why we need such a rule as being a functioning member of society entails you to work for more than half of your life before being able to retire and receiving less that what you'd work for until you are forced to spend it due to medical and such must take multiple pills and tablets that slowly destroy your body." I say as I begin to go into a trace while Momonga looks at me.

"In other words theirs more to life than just working you need to experience it while also enjoying it, now if you would excuse me I'll meet you in the throne room." I said before getting up and started heading towards the throne room as Momonga starts to process my words.

[Third Person P.O.V]

A few minutes later Momonga enters the throne room with Sebas and the Pleiades follow behind him, upon looking up at the throne Momonga could see Rob in his clown form messing with Albedo's settings due to his administration privileges, Rob quickly gets his attention drawn to Momonga as he is approached by him.

"I see your messing around with Albedo's settings as well, first Shalltear now Albedo if I didn't know any better I would say your creating a harem for yourself aren't you." Momonga jokingly says causing Robs eye to twitch in annoyance before smirking.

"Well at least I have something to offer them compared to your avatars boney body that's lacking one special bone heheh." Rob mockingly said much to the anger of Momonga.

"Hey look on the bright side, at least your not in your avatars body that would suck wouldn't it." Rob says as he leans against the right side of the throne which Momonga sits down in.

"Well I'll have to long out soon after I got work in the morning." Momonga says as the servers count down reaches 10 seconds.











[Momonga P.O.V]



What's this did the devs push back the server shutdown this is weird let's try calling the GM, what's going on the GM function is not working this has to be some sort of dream no a nightmare, I was awaken from my thoughts by a sweet heavenly voice.

"Is something wrong, my lords?" Albedo asks with confusion, but before I could say anything a raspy but cheerful voice intercepts me.

"Yes it would seem that some strange magic has summoned us to a different world." The owner of the voice one of my best friends Pennywise or Rob said causing everyone in the room to gasp in shock or have their eyes widen even I wasn't immune to this.

"Sebas I want you and the Pleiades to survey the area outside of the tomb whilst also putting the tomb on lockdown to the highest level." Rob continued in which Sebas followed the order, I was shocked that the NPC's can follow such complex commands.

"What shall I do, Lord Pennywise." Albedo says as she blushes wait did she just blush what did Rob put down in her settings.

[Lime 18+]

"Well I want you to gather all the floor guardians except for the 4th and 8th flood guardians and I want you to bring them to the 6th floor, but first." Rob says walking up to Albedo before cupping and squeezing her brėȧsts.

"Ahhhhhh~" Albedo mȯȧns due to his squeezing her brėȧsts.

"Are you going to take me right here and now, do you want me to take off my clothes or keep them on." Albedo hastily says as she is consumed by ŀust.

"I'm afraid we can't do such things right at this moment buuut their will be times, now Momonga I will meet you in the 6th floor as of right now I need to check on the Dyson Sphere." Rob said and with that he disappears in a orange light, shortly after he left Albedo runs out the throne room leaving a wet slimy trail behind my only thoughts about this moment is.


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