Reincarnated As Pennywise

Chapter 14 - Overlord Arc Final

[Third Person P.O.V]

The Re-Estize Kingdom home to most adventures of various ranks, shapes and sizes but it is mostly known to house one of the most strongest if not the strongest adventure in the world Momon of Darkness, the normally busy and loud city of the capital of the Re-Estize Kingdom stops and quietens as the Adamantite team Darkness proceeds to stay near the front gate as if he was waiting for someone.

Outside of the city a man wearing a wide brimmed traveler's hat, a faded black long coat, wearing a blue pendant and a combat utility belt It's also noted that he carries a curved longsword strapped on his back walks to the front gate and shortly afterwards is allowed to pass as the guards gawk at the Adamantite colour dog tag plating, passing through the gate all citizens stare as Momon walks up to the strange garbed traveler before holding out his hand in the form of a handshake to the figure.

The figure reaches out and shakes Momons hand before he is pulled in for a hug by the armoured juggernaut this naturally shocks the crowd as Momon has ever before shown this much affection towards a person but before they could make ȧssumptions Momom's loud voice full of laughter could be heard all the way to the castle.

"Hahaha D! How are you my old friend! Have you been well?" Momon shouts out as he proceeds to unconsciously try and brake the disguised Rob's back but stops once Narberal Gamma also known as Nabe interferes which causes Momon/Ainz to let go of D/Rob.

"I have been well my dear friend, i'm just a little tired from the long journey." D replied in a humorous and joking tone with a hint of tiredness attached to it.

The two close friends plus Nabe began to make their way to the pub unaware of the crowd around them moving out of the way and clearing a path for them, once arriving at the bar/pub the group of three immediately head to VIP lounge area which was free to all Adamantite ranked adventures but once they sat down they began to drink and laugh this continued for over an hour that's when they decided to head home and thus parted ways but not before exchanging new information mainly from Rob.

[Time Skip]

After the capture and death of the 6 Arms and 8 Fingers which went smoothly Entoma Vasilissa Zeta was encountered by the all-female adamantite ranked adventurer group Blue Rose or we'll most of them and of course she easily beat nearly the whole group until Evil Eye interferes and uses Vermin Bane to defeat Entoma but instead of just Demiurge appearing he was accompanied by a tall, long limbed, broad shouldered ȧduŀt man of indeterminate but reasonably young age.

His usual outfit is comprised of a charcoal suit, leather riding boots, and an intricately knotted red cravat, covered by a full-length, and red frock overcoat (similar to a duster coat) with a cape. He also occasionally wears a red fedora with a wide, floppy brim and a pair of circular, heavily tinted, wire-framed orange sunglasses with goggle sidings. He also wears a pair of white gloves which each have a five-pointed seal adorning their backs.

This of course was Alucard one of Rob's creations but instead of rocking his usual high powered semi-automatic handguns he wields two silver and black coloured swords, Demiurge under the alias/persona of Jaldabaoth begins to completely have a one side battle with most of the members of the Blue Rose who are down to half of their members in just a few seconds, the Blue Rose continue to fight Jaldabaoth until just Evil Eye remains and on her last leg.

This guy is a monster no a devil, he's too strong there's nothing I can do he already wiped out Tina and Tia in just one attack now he's approaching me the only thought in my mind as he was just a couple of steps away from me is that I am dead, that was until a loud sound of something slamming into the ground next to be shocked me out of my stupor causing me to turn to what made the sound which brings my attention to the large dust cloud formed next to me.

Once the dust settled I got to see the famous Momon of Darkness next to him was another adamantite ranked adventurer that I've never since or heard before but that doesn't matter there's no way they can stand up to Jaldabaoth let alone his partner next to him.

[End of Evil Eye's P.O.V]

[Rob/D's P.O.V]

Both Momon and I landed in the middle of one sided battle/fight between Evil Eye/rest of the Blue Rose and Demiurge also know as Jaldabaoth but honestly if your going to have a persona at least change your outfit like what Ainz and I did. but wait I forgot i'm in an anime world that means as long as they have a mask even if they have the same tone of voice which may or may not change their entire voice (cough Obito cough) unless they physically have their mask destroyed or removed no one will ever find out who you are unless you pull a Code Geass type a*s pull.

"No it can't be." Momon gasp in shock at the sight of Alucard while D's eyes widen to their at most capacity before his eyes start to glow greenish blue.

"It is, that's Alucard the immortal and enteral vampire whose legend was stated to be the first and oldest vampire in the world thus claiming the title of "True Vampire"." D said much to the shock of both Momon and Evil Eye while Momon was shocked that Alucard was here Evil Eye was shocked that another strong or should I say stronger vampire was around.

"Are you sure you want to approach him alone." Momon asks as D slowly walks forward before speaking in a whisper that almost couldn't be heard almost.

"Yes" and with that Momon/Ainz could only sigh as his comrade clashes against his creation.

[Time Skip]

A few days pass after Jaldabaoth's appearance and as such the city begins to prepare for the large battle coming up ahead, time passes once more and the battle for the city began both sides clashing against each other with the humans side gaining the most casualties even though they are fighting against low level demons.

Ainz begins to enter the fight alongside Rob as they begin to rip and slaughter through the hordes of nearly endless demons causing them to be out of view of any humans, just as Ainz finishes off one of the demons Rob goes behind him and bites his head off killing Ainz instantly before consuming the rest of the body allowing Rob to absorb the knowledge of all the spells Ainz has in his memory.

Killing Ainz wasn't going to cause much of a hassle as nearly all of Nazarick if not all of it fully supports his actions and has been secretly calling him the true ruler of Nazarick but due to their loyalty to the 41 Supreme Beings they can't go against their words so naturally once they saw Ainz favoured the humans they slowly began to switch over sides.

Rob quickly made a clone of himself transformed into Momon now due to the fact it will have half of Rob's level it become level 100 which was far stronger than anything that existed in the new world, after the war was over Rob began to slowly over take the kingdoms and empires sure it took him a few years but it worked out in the end.

[Ding! due to host exceeding power he has been given the opportunity to evolve and class of "Great Old One"]

[Host's Eldritch form matches up with the Evolution form, host will now undergo a transformation cycle.]

Once the messages from the system ended I began to hold my head in pain before collapsing back into my throne in Nazarick.

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