Reincarnated As Pennywise

Chapter 21 - Harry Potter (5) A new member of the family

In Hogwarts it's been a few months since Severus Snape got that book and since then he's been acting 'weird' according to his housemates and other fellow students who happen to share the same class as him.

Snape has been caught and seen 'tinkering', reading and speaking with and in 'dark' magical artefacts, scriptures and books, due to this many teachers has raised their concern about the boy to both Snape and Dumbledore one thing led to another 'forcing' Dumbledore to use Legilimency on Severus.

[Flash back]

Severus Snape enters the Headmasters office after being called by him, walking through the office Snape was pale than normal and was beginning to grow dark rings around his eyes indicating he wasn't sleeping often or hasn't even slept that all, with Severus sitting down Dumbledore started the interrogation.

"Ah, Severus my boy you've came right on time." Dumbledore says as he pours himself a cup of tea while also doing the same for Snape.

"What's this about Headmaster." Severus says in a cold monotone voice.

"Well my boy, the other teachers and students are concerned about your health." Dumbledore says as he sips on his tea.

"I have been ... fine, I was merely studying for more advance subjects as such i've been more ... occupied with my research." Severus spoke.

"Hmm and what research would that be young Severus?" Dumbledore puts down his cup and asks while staring at him.

"I cannot see how this is any of your concern Professor." Severus coldly stated.

"Well my boy I believe it is, especially when I hear about certain rumours." Dumbledore says in a grandfatherly like tone while narrowing his eyes at Snape.

"Rumours can hardly be considered as evidence and facts, only simple minded idiotic fools rely on rumours as a reasonable source of information." Severus stated causing Dumbledore to lay back into his chair as he hears him out.

"Every well." Dumbledore coldly says.

After Dumbledore finishes speaking he uses Legilimency to try and enter Severus's mind, after pushing and breaking through a mental block Dumbledore then delves deeper into Severus's mind and encounters something that will horrify him for the rest of his days.

Inside the enteral void that is the mind of Severus Snape was a large eldritch creature that stood way above any skyscraper, it had hundreds of yellow, green and orange coloured eyes that burnt and glowed like miniature suns plastered all over its body but most at its head, in the centre of this eldritch horror and under watch of the eerily glowing eyes was young Severus Snape floating in the air in a crucified state.

The creature sensing that someone intruded on its territory split apart the middle of its head revealing thousands of building sized teeth and unleashed a nightmarish sound.

{SsssssHhhreeeakkkkkk RaaaaaaRoooooolu}

The sudden shriek and howl of the creature echoed through the endless plain causing all those who heard it to enter a case of intense pain, horror and despair, this caused Dumbledore to clasps his hands over his ears before dropping onto his knees.

Just as the tentacles were about to hit, Dumbledore stood up and with a flick of the Elder wand he summoned a barrier/shield to protect himself, howe refer this did not stop the tentacles for long as they increased in speed and continued attacking until they reached the speed of sound.

Dumbledore's shield broke and he was instantly impaled and crushed by the tentacles causing his mental attack to fail.

Outside Severus's mental world Dumbledore was launched back into the wall behind him granting Severus enough time to run away and hide from Dumbledore.

[Flash back ended]

In the Great hall multiple students were seen eating and drinking happily except one particular student from Gryffindor, that student was Lily Evans who was worried for her friend whom she hasn't seen for months as she continued thinking about Severus four Gryffindor boys in the same year as her approached her.

"Hey Lily what's up?" Sirius asks.

"Don't tell me your thinking about that slimy snake Snivellus." James sneers while Lily closes her hands into fits.

"Lily just let him go, he's obviously doing some sort of dark magic why else no one has been able to see him." Remus says.

"That's right Remus the filthy muggle hatter is probably off doing some dark ritual or something." Sirius stated with a proud smile on his face causing Remus and James to smirk as if they heard something funny.

"..." Peter stands there unsure of what to say.

Lily gets up and walks away from the table and towards the entrance of the Great hall, seeing that she was leaving James and Sirius calls out to her.

"Lily where are you going?" Sirius and James both ask causing Lily to stop and turn around with a glare in her eyes causing James and Sirius's spines to shiver.

"That's none of your concern Potter, Black." Lily says with venom as she spits out there last names reminding them that there from pure blood families while Severus was a half blood and herself was a muggle.

Just as Lily was about to leave a half dead looking Severus Snape walks in like a zombie with is deathly white bone chalk skin and black rings around his eyes like some emo kid, Lily runs up to Severus before he even has a chance to seat at his table.

Lily jumps up and hangs Severus and notices his new changes especially the fact that he's new twig like body structure causing even more concern.

"Severus how are you doing, I haven't seen you in a while." Lily saids as she clings on to his arm causing the rest of the Slytherin table to sneer and James to be adopt an anger like expression.

"I'm fine Lily just need to *Cough* some things *Cough Cough* out." Snape says as he coughs like a heavy smoker.

"You don't sound fine, let's just take you to-" Lily was about to continue but was interrupted by the violent coughing of Severus, he then vomited out a small black fund substance Severus continued to cough and spew out this black blood substance until he had a small pool around him.

Lily tried to help but was pushed back by Severus and held back by James who ignored her scream of protest as he was smirking as he watch the 'dying' Severus Snape collapse to his knees in the middle of the black puddle.

With his new claws Severus went to the back of his head and dug in his claws lightly into the skin, he then started to pull back the skin which slowly got rid of his hair, Severus continued to pull the skin until it was half way over his head which revealed a white hairless scape, after finishes pulling off the skin of his face all that remained was a blank pale white face that released an uneasy and maddening aura.

Severus no the new being stood up and readjusted its new body growing taller and elongating limbs, the creature then used the black substance to creature a black suit out of it before sinking to the floor.

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