Reincarnated As Pennywise

Chapter 24 - Harry Potter (8) Release the Terror Final

Rob smiles as he watches from above the damages caused by Cthylla who rips through the tides and rocks with the greatest of ease, once Cthylla finishes her 'reawakening excises' Rob casually approaches her still in his clown form by jumping and floating through the air with his hands behind his back.

"It's great to finally meet your acquaintance, my dear Cthylla." Rob said before giving a short bow towards the towering figure of Cthulhu's daughter.

{What. Are. You. How. Not. Affected} Cthylla communicated through telepathy in broken english clearly indicating that this is the first time she spoke in millennia.

"Hmm lets just say we are similar but not at the same time." Rob replied without the uses of telepathy as he float down and stood on top of the oceans water, the response was unsatisfactory for Cthylla thus she unleashed a gust of air that caused massive waves the form up above Rob and with the stream of strong wind behind the wave it would normally kill any normal living being but Rob wasn't just a normal being.

Rob tap his foot on the water and instantly the water beneath him froze before spreading outwards covering a large part of the surrounding area including the tidal wave in ice with a Whiteout storm produced from Rob.

A few seconds later the Whiteout stops and colour comes flooding back in revealing 200 meter tall spawn of Cthulhu trapped in ice that encases the lower and mid part of her body, Cthylla tries to break free but is unable too until Rob jumps up on air as if there was a invisible platform beneath him until he reaches her head.

"Cooled off now." Rob said while snickering to himself before snapping his fingers causing the ice and snow incasing the area to disintegrate, just as she was free Cthylla was about to raise one of her eight arms equiped with dozens of razor sharp claws each 5 inch's in length.

{I believe that's enough now.} Rob said through their mental connection causing her to pause before the reality in front of her cracks and breaks away like glass revealing an endless void with three giant beings the size of planets awaiting them.


In the other parts of the world hundreds of thousands of wizards are trying to fight off eldritch monsters without any regard to being seen by muggles (A/N: Guess if it's the end of the world no one would really care.) using an endless amount of spells all ranging from curses, charms even transfigurations the wizards and witches charge on to push back the endless hordes of ancient monsters.

"Albus what's going on? what are these creatures?" Minerva McGonagall said as she was flinging spells left, right and centre at all the incoming Deep One's and Yugg that continue to crawl out of the black lake and swarm the castle in endless waves.

"I do not know Minerva but these dark creatures are a threat to the light." Dumbledore said in a grandfather like expression while stroking his beard and blasting a Deep One away, both Dumbledore and McGonagall rush to the Grand Hall where the remaining Professors and students make their last stands.

Somewhere in England a injured and bound-up Tom Riddle is seen being dragged through the streets by multiple Deep One's who are planning to take their newest prey to their master, standing on the edge of a large cliff housing the remains of an ancient structure stood a small army of robed cultist suddenly the cultist split into two sides allowing entrance to four Deep One's carrying a gaged and tied up Tom Riddle.

The Deep One's continued to carry Tom until they reached the middle of the decayed and ruin structure before dropping Tom onto his knees causing him to his in pain though it was muffled by the gag, the Deep One's walked to each of the four corners and waited until a large clawed hand reaches to the edge of the cliff and pulls up revealing Pennywise in his spider form but more alien and eldritch like with more eyes plastering all over his head.

"Hello Tom, it's been some time since we last met." Rob said in a distorted voice while Tom was busy getting his screamed muffled by the gag.

"You've been a thorn in my side Tom now you shall pay the price, you shall die a thousand deaths each one a thousand time worst than the last only after then you have my permission to die." Rob said as he open his mouth to an abnormal size making it large enough to easily swallow a human, Tom desperately tries to escape and break free of his ropes as he is dragged towards Robs mouth before an orange light encompasses him.

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