Reincarnated As Pennywise

Chapter 26 - The Phantom of the Opera

(AN: This is not really a chapter that continues with the story but I would still recommend to read it, I do not own Phantom Of The Opera as it is made by Andrew Lloyd Webber.)

In the middle of large dark hall a 'young' girl with long blue hair that reaches to her shoulders and dress (AN: here's the image i'm shit at describing) is seen walking around in bȧrėfoot but as she takes another step a spotlight is directed onto her and music starts playing.

"~In sleep he sang to me, In dreams he came.~" The girl starts to sing in a beautiful and soothing voice that doesn't match her young appearance.

"~That voice which calls to me, and speaks my name.~"

"~And do I dream again?, for now I find the Phantom of the Opera is there.~" She sings hitting a high note.

"~Inside my mind.~" She sings in a quiet voice, as she finishes a tall man wearing a tuxedo and a Opera Mask that covers the top part of his face.

"~Sing once again with me, our strange duet.~" The man sings in a deep yet also smoothing voice.

"~My power over you, grows stronger yet~" The man sings as he begins to walk over to the girl.

"~And though you turn from me to glance behind, the phantom of the opera is there.~" The man continues to sing as he walks closer to the girl.

"~Inside your mind~" The man finishes as he just arrives in front of the girl who is forced to tilt her head up to meet his gaze.

"~Those who have seen your face, draw back in fear.~" The girl sings as she try's to stroke his face but is unable due to the hight difference.

"~I am the mask you wear.~" The girl stops trying to reach the mans face instead she hugs his waist causing him to smile.

"~It's me they hear.~" The man sings and surprises the girl by picking her up and lifting her up to him by using the underside of her arms.

The two begin to do spins and twirls as they try to dance despite the height difference, the two go around in circles causing the giant spotlight to follow them.

"~Your/my spirit and my/your voice, in one combined.~" The two sing together as they dance.

"~The phantom of the opera is there, inside my/your mind.~" The two continue to sing and dance until once again the man lifts up the girl but this time he chucks her upwards.

"~He's there, the phantom of the opera.~" The girl sings as she spins and floats in the air as she does this small drops of water falls from her making her look like a heavenly beauty water goddess.

"~Sing, my angel of music." The man continues to sing as well, as he says this the girl enters a high note allowing her voice to be carried out all over the room.

"~Sing, sing for me.~" The man says as the girl goes voice goes even higher.

"~Sing, my angel of music.~" The man demands as once again the girl raises her voice to the point of making grown men weep.

"~Sing for me!~" The man roars out in unearthly voice as the girl raises her voice impossibly to the point of any mortal hearing it would die, the girl after finishing off her high note solo floats down and drops in the mans arms as this happens the lights turn on revealing hundreds of thousands Deep Ones and other Eldritch creatures sitting in a Colosseum Roman type arena/building each cheering in their native tongue impossible for normal humans to understand.

"I hope you had fun, Cthylla." The man said as he shape shifts back into his original Pennywise form revealing him to be Rob.

"I certainly did, darling~" Cthylla said with a sultry voice at the end as she clings onto Robs ċhėst which hides her smirk on her face.

(AN: If you have made it this far I would like you to comment down below which world should our favourite Mc go to, you also leave any questions, comments and queries down below.)

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