Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 109 - Elite Skeletons

I know that with my current stats, I can beat it. But still there no harm in being a little cautious when fighting the Elite Skeleton. 

-Scanning All Monster/Creature Near 10 radius-

-Scanned 2-


-Displaying Monster/Creature-


>Elite Skeleton

"Elite Skeletons!"

>Elite Skeletons 

=A much more powerful version of the skeletal monster. It ranks in the middle among the other skeletal monster. This type of skeletons usually wears armor and fight using a gigantic mace. 




=Command Skeletons 


=Disease Touch

=Critical Strike 

I didn't have that much time to read all of the detail about its skill as it was already attacking us with the mace. Vicar able to dodge it as the time that the Elite Skeleton require to swing it mace towards us was just too slow. I guess the gigantic mace must be heavy. 

But if we get hit by that, it would surely give us a lot of damage. Vicar could sustain a massive injury, but they're nothing to worry about as he was able to dodge it. All of the skeletons in the area were already been shattered and it just us with the Elite Skeleton here. 

"I feel a lot quicker all of the sudden..." Vicar said that as he dodges the gigantic mace. 

"You should thank me for that, I'm the one that provides you with a massive stats boost," I reply to Vicar. 

"You were a stats booster ring, after all, it's your job to boost my stats." 

"Not just any normal stats booster ring, the most powerful of them all..." 

I somehow think that it was a good decision to let Tane doing the report, it would be hard for him facing the Elite Skeleton on his own. I began thinking that we could clear all of the skeletons in the area ourselves, there no need for the town guards' help at all. 

As I thought that it will be easy, something unexpected happens. The speed of the Elite Skeleton suddenly gotten faster each time, Vicar just barely able to dodge the last one. It surprised me to see that the Elite Skeletons swings that gigantic mace so fast. 

I thought that it might be gotten lucky on that last swings but when I observe it again. The Elite Skeletons do get much faster. I then begin to think that it might be best for Vicar to kill it now as I don't want to wait any longer. It might gain even more speed and eventually, it will be faster than us. 

"Vicar! We should kill it... this monster is gaining speed each time..."

"I know! I just waiting for an opening right now."

The Elite Skeleton was just about to swing it mace on us, Vicar took this as a chance to strike it on its legs but something stopped Vicar from doing so. He suddenly fell on his knee, we look behind and realized that there were skeletons behind us. 

One of them landed a hit on Vicar back, no wonder Vicar suddenly fall down. We thought that it was our chance to end this but it seems that it was the Elite Skeletons chance to kill us. The mace was on top of us and will hit us in just a second away. 

Vicar didn't have time to dodge as he was on the ground. I began to think that this might be the end of us, I might not die but Vicar surely will. There nothing I could do, if only I know how could I activate the Immortal Mode. 

A loud sound can be heard from the town gate, it was the sound of the Elite Skeleton mace hitting the ground. I then realized something, we were not in the town gate area anymore. I quickly see Vicar, it seems that he still breathing and doing fine. 

"Vicar? What happens... I thought that we got squash by the gigantic mace..." I don't know what had happened. Why Vicar still alive as I surely thought that we couldn't make it. 

"That was really close... It's true we were just about to be squash, I just use the teleport before it could hit us." 

"What! You did that but when... I didn't hear you activated the teleport talent." What Vicar uses teleport talent? How come I didn't hear him saying it. 

"I did, it's just that you didn't pay attention to me saying the words teleport," Vicar said that. 

"Really? It must be then..." I realized that it might be that I was so deep in my own thought that I couldn't even hear what he says anymore. 

I have a habit of doing so, that's why most of the people that knew me in my old world wouldn't even bother to talk with me. That why I always alone and only had a few friends, most of them were weird otaku likes me. 

I was really thankful that Vicar was using the teleport talent at that time as I don't want him to die that way. I still think that it's kinda a waste to use it but again it's the only way to avoid death at that time. Vicar really amazed me as he managed to even think in that kind of situation. He made the right call of using it. 

We could only use one teleport left, we should not waste it. It should be used when we needed it the most, I do think we must preserve the last one for some life and death situation. I then look around, try to see where the place Vicar had teleported us into. 

I realized that we were in the trade center area alleyways, there were no people around here. Vicar then stands up and begins to walk towards the town gate again. 

"Vicar! Are you planning to go back there?" I ask him. 

"Where do you think I'm heading too? Of course, I'm going back there, we haven't killed the Elite Skeleton yet." Vicar said as he really wanted to kill it. 

"I will not stop you but do you think we could kill it?"

"We could... It would be easy just like the other skeleton that we had shattered." He said it. 

When Vicar mention the skeletons that we had shattered earlier, I realized something about it. I remember that Vicar was attacked by a skeleton from behind, we didn't realize that it was behind us as we thought that we already clear all of them in that area. 

The only one left was the Elite Skeleton, how could there be skeletons behind us. I then began to think of two possible reasons for it. The first one was that there were more skeletons crawling out from the ground and we hadn't noticed it as we busy dodging the Elite Skeleton attack. 

The other one was that we actually didn't defeat the skeletons, simply by shattering it doesn't mean it already dead. They were undead skeletons, after all, they couldn't die with a blunt weapon. The more I think about the second reason, the more I began to think that this might be the case. 

Vicar came out from the alleyways and realized something weird in the trade center area. There were no people here at all. The last time we walked past here, there were indeed some people. The number of people here was not many but to think that this place suddenly became empty, it was just weird. 

We both find it somewhat weird that there were no people here, Vicar then tried to look around to see whether he could find any people here. After a few minutes of searching, we didn't even manage to find any person here. I somehow remember that this kinda similar to what had happened near the town gate area.

I really feel that something similar happen here, I then ask Vicar about it. "Do you think this situation kinda similar to when we arrived at the town gate?"

"I do feel the same way, where do the people go?" Vicar said that as he wonders where could all of the people could be. 

"Should we search for the people here or go to the town gate?" I ask Vicar whether he still wanted to keep on searching. 

"I do not know but I think we should head to the adventurer guilds, certainly the people there could help," Vicar said that. 

I then remember that this town has adventurer guilds, they would certainly help the people. The town was in trouble and surely they will help, they were adventurers after all. 

Vicar has a good idea, the adventurer was the only people we could rely on. The town guards surely don't have the knowledge to fight monsters or creatures as they might only handle brigands, thieves, and bandits. The town gate surely doesn't accustom to fight a monster. 

"Sure, there nothing we could do here... They could even fight the Elite Skeleton with us." 

We then headed to the adventurer guild that was located in the commoner district.

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