Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 112 - Helps Arrive

All of the skeletons move towards us, Sir Esmir didn't scare with their number at all as he charges towards the undead skeletons. The skeletons don't have that much speed to dodge Sir Esmir attack. With every swing, Sir Esmir managed to take down five skeletons at once. 

On the other hand, Vicar was kinda overwhelmed by their number. Vicar still didn't accustom to the battle yet as he made some mistakes. That mistake was not fatal but surely could hurt him, luckily he had me as I was able to boost his stats and increased his health. 

So far the battle seems to be in our favor, I really thought that we couldn't do it as they were many of the undead skeletons here. It seems that I was wrong about it, about 25% of the undead skeletons were already killed by both Vicar and Sir Esmir.

But here comes the real threat, thereof the Elite Skeletons were coming towards us. I know we can handle it but three of them at once seem really hard as at the same time we need to deal with the skeletons. I guess it's time for Vicar to use one of my talents. 

"Vicar! Active my Daze talent..." I said to Vicar.

"Daze? What's that..." He asks me. 

"Just activate it! It would help in this fight with the skeletons."

"Okay... Daze Active!" Vicar shouted. 

A purple magical circle suddenly appeared underneath us, it was so big that Sir Esmir realize it as well. He was shocked to see Vicar did that as he thought that Vicar could never use magic. The magical circle was quite large and I'm not expected it to be that large. 

Before the magical circle fades away, it emits a purple light for a second. All of the skeletons in the area suddenly didn't move an inch. It seems that they have all been stunned, I immediately told Vicar to hit the Elite Skeletons as they will not be able to move for at least 10 seconds. 

Somehow my Daze talents also get a power-up, back then it would only stun the enemies for 0.45 seconds only and the user will be able to deal 40% more damage to the first two enemies. After the power-up, the stuns duration has increased to 10 seconds and we could 60% damage to the first four enemies now. 

Vicar didn't know what had happened but he follows my instructions and runs towards the Elite Skeletons. It was pretty easy to get there as Vicar just slash all the skeletons that in the way. We only had a few seconds and it seems that we would not make it as the Elite Skeletons were still far from us. 

The skeletons then start to move again, we were surrounded by all of the skeletons. Sir Esmir realized that Vicar had been surround by the undead skeletons and trying to help. But he couldn't do that as he was dealing with the Elite Skeletons at the moment. 

Vicar slashes the skeletons that were getting near him but their number was too much. We would be surrounded in just a few more seconds. This was really bad, I couldn't use Daze again as it was on cooldown. I begin to wonder if I need to use another talent of mine now. 

Vicar didn't realize that there were some skeletons behind him as he tried to fence the skeletons in front of him. The moment he realized that it was too late as he couldn't defend himself. Suddenly, a few arrows fly past us and hit the skulls of the skeletons. 

That arrows save us, we wanted to see who the one that shoots it but we didn't have that time to look for it. As there were still skeletons around us. The skeletons just keep coming and it seems that it has no end. We then hear loud footsteps coming this way. 

We both thought that it was the skeletons but we were wrong as it was the town guards. I could see that Tane was there as he shooting his arrows. I then realized who was the one that kills the skeletons just now. It was Tane and it seems that he brought some reinforcement to help us.

The town guards then engage in the battle with the undead skeletons, because of that Vicar was not surrounded by the skeletons anymore. He then joins the other guards and fights with them. I noticed that the captain of the town guards was present here. 

He was wielding a two-handed sword and it seems that he was slashing his way through. It has become quite a battle now, the whole trade central area has become a battleground. I could hear the battle cry from the captain as it was so loud. 

"Nobody can protect the town beside us now, we were not a coward! Fight! Survive!" He let out a battle cry to the town guards. 

This was the first time I see this kind of battle where there were a lot of people in it. I could see that the guards have a good relationship with them. When one of them was injured, the other would circle the injured guards and protect him within the circle. 

The town guards don't have any healers and they just relied on the health potion that they always carry with them. We were to focus on defeating the skeletons as we didn't realize that Tane was already beside us, we just noticed it as we turn to the right. 

Tane just smiles at us as he didn't fight with his bow, he instead uses a sword at the moment. He then said at us while we were still fighting the skeletons. 

"I'm glad that you survived, It must be that I believe right?" Tane said that as he slashes a skeleton with his sword. 

"Of course I will, didn't I said that I could handle it..." Vicar said that. 

It was great to see that Tane and Vicar were able to fight together right now, I still didn't believe how fast they could become friends again after all of the fights. It may be because they both admit their mistakes and realized that there were both wrong. 

Within two hours or more, with the town guards' help, we all managed to defeat the undead skeletons. I could see that some of the guards were badly injured and immediately get treated. It was such an intense battle but we know that it still not over yet. 

We just managed to reclaim some part of the trade center area, we didn't know what had happened in the town gate now and some part of the trade center area. Even though we were victorious here, the town guards suffer badly in this fight. 

The numbers of the town guards that still can fight were very small, most of the guards get injured in the previous battle. The captain of the guards then approach us and about to say something but was interfere with by Sir Esmir. 

"Young man? Are you fine..." Sir Esmir ask Vicar. 

"I'm fine..." Vicar sees that Sir Esmir has a large wound on his left arm, "Sir Esmir! Your arm is bleeding... you should get a treatment for that wound right away..." Vicar said as he saw that blood coming out from the wound. 

"I know! This is nothing, I once had a wound that worse than this one." Sir Esmir said calmly. 

"Don't try to act tough old man, you know that you should get that wound to heal up..." Captain Callum said that towards Sir Esmir.

"Ah! Captain Callum, it was rare to see you out in the field..." Sir Esmir said that as he sees Captain Callum. 

Hearing from their conversation, it seems that they had known each other already. I don't know how they know each other but I think it's just because they live in the same town. Everyone should know one another in the town they live in. 

"The situation has gone out of my hand and that's why I'm needed to solve this myself." Sir Callum said. 

"It indeed has gone much worse, I never thought that the follower of the demon lord is targeting the town..." Sir Esmir said with such a serious tone to his voice. 

"I thought that they were all killed? How could they survive that..." The captain said that as he didn't believe that there would be any survivors. 

"We shouldn't think about the past! Right now what important is the town safety." Sir Esmir said. 

With that, I confirm that they had known each other for a long time. They also seem to know something about the demon lord. What intrigue me right now was when they said about the follower of the demon lord. I really wanted to know about it but it seems that this was not the time for that.

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