Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 117 - Yet Another Trouble!

While we were fighting the elite skeletons and had already taken down four of them, we noticed that there were other types of skeletons behind the elite skeletons. It was the first time we both saw that type of skeletons as we only had seen basic skeletons and the elite skeletons. 

We couldn't take a good look at it as we were still busy fighting the rest of the Elite Skeletons. But when we about to deliver our attack to one of the Elite Skeletons, a sudden fireball flew towards us. Vicar was hit by it and get burnt. 

Vicar was screaming as he take damage by the fireball and right now he was on fire. Tane realized that Vicar was hit by the fireball and immediately rushed to Vicar's place. I don't know why there was a fireball all of the sudden but I would have to guess that it was from the other skeletons that we had seen. 

I realized that it must be that, I could scan the area and see what kind of skeletons that we had saw now. I know that Vicar was on fire right now but I couldn't help him, I will just need to count on Tane for that. 

Scanning All Monster/Creature Near 10 radius-

-Scanned 3-


-Displaying Monster/Creature-


>Elite Skeleton

>Skeletal Mage

When I see the list of the monster, I noticed that Skeletal Mage was the new addition to the list. It must be that thing that unleashes the fireball towards Vicar. I wonder why would the skeletal mage appear now and not before as we never encountered it until now. 

Tane tried to put out the fire on Vicar, it was really hard for Tane to do that as the Elite Skeletons were trying to attack us right now. Plus the addition of the fireball that coming to us. Tane didn't have that much choice as the undead were disturbing him. 

The best he could do now was just to defend Vicar from all of the undead and hoping the fire on Vicar body would disappear in time. I do not think that it would be gone at any time soon. I could not see Vicar screaming in pain any longer. 

I check my skills whether there was something that he could activate that could make the pain go away and completely heal him. I do know that my heal talent could heal the burn but right now we need to stop the fire that been burning his body. 

I realized that my skills were pretty much useless and wouldn't have any effect that could help the fire to stop burning Vicar body. I was beginning to panic a little bit as I saw Tane getting a hard time from the Elite Skeleton and the Skeletal Mage. He couldn't hold them much longer. 

Still, I refuse to give up as I believe that there must be a way of this problem and thankfully I had found something that might work with the fire on Vicar body. I was opening my talents menu and I saw one talent called purify. 

The purify talent allows users to gain immunity to any kind of spell for 22 minutes, didn't remove the buff, and will remove debuff that been apply before using this talent. Thanks to my level now, the talent had their effect increase. I don't know whether this could work or not. 

As in my mind, I think that the burning right now was a debuff from the enemy, and using the talent purify it could remove the burning effect. I just hope that this would work, if not we will be in big trouble and the last option to remove it was to teleport ourselves to the sea. 

Vicar was still screaming as he couldn't stand the feel being burn, I quickly said to Vicar as I was afraid that he will be toast in a few more minutes. "Vicar! Say active purify, this will..." 

Before I could finish, Vicar immediately said that. "Active Purify!"

Suddenly white glitter surrounded Vicar and it makes Tane really worried as he thought it was an enemy spell that has been cast on Vicar. The moment he saw Vicar stand up from the ground without the fire burning his body anymore. He knows that it wasn't the enemy spell. 

Vicar still had some burning wound but it was immediately healed when he activated my heal talent. Tane was in trouble as he was fighting two elite skeletons and one skeletal mage on his own. With all of the wounds heal up, Vicar quickly joins in the battle as he was able to fight again. 

This time he needs to be more careful to not get hit by the fireball again as we couldn't use the purify skill at the moment as it was on cooldown. While they both were busy fighting, I do my job that was to see the skeletal mage skill. 

"Display Skeletal Mage!"

>Skeletal Mage

=A much more powerful version of the skeletal monster. It ranks second among the other skeletal monster. This type of skeletons usually fight with magic, this skeletal mage proves to be intelligent and it would make it much harder to kill. 




=Command Skeletons 


=Elementalist Power


=Dark Shield 


When I saw the skeletal mage skill, I know that it was a powerful undead. We must be really careful as it has much skill. The skeletal mage must know other spells rather than just a fireball spell as it stated that it has an Elementalist Power in the skill. 

I tell the info to Vicar and hoping that it would help the fight. It was pretty hard to defeat the Elite Skeletons as when we had the chance to land a strike on the skull, the skeletal mage will shoot a fireball to force us to evade and misses the chance to strike it. 

"Tane! Could you keep the skeletal mage busy for a while..." Vicar said as he wanted Vicar to disturb the skeletal mage so that he could defeat the remaining Elite Skeletons. 

"Sure... but I could only keep his attention for a few minutes, make sure you defeat them in those minutes," Tane said, I don't know why he couldn't keep the attention of the skeletal mage for a long time but I remember that the skeletal mage was undead with an intelligence. Of course, he would notice that Tane was just grabbing its attention. 

"Don't worry... I will." Vicar said like that and Tane immediately shoot his arrow at the skeletal mage and it works as the skeletal mage gaze has turned towards him. 

I don't know but I think Tane has fought a skeletal mage before, I notice it as he said that he could only keep the skeletal mage attention a few times. Tane must know that the skeletal mage has intelligence as I didn't tell him the info about the skeletal mage and I only tell Vicar about it. 

With the space created by Tane, Vicar didn't waste these few minutes. He immediately when offensive as started to defeat the two elite skeletons. Using his unknown skill once again, he was able to take down one of the elite skeletons in just a minute. 

It left us with only one left, Vicar was about to finish it off but a fireball was coming towards us. We realized that the skeletal mage had already noticed our plan and had returned his gaze on us. I didn't think that the skeletal mage would realize it so soon, no wonder the skeletal mage was the number two rank among the skeletal monster. 

It makes me wonder what was the top of the skeletal monster, the top one must be somewhat powerful than the skeletal mage or much more powerful. I shouldn't think this right now as I need to focus on this battle and search for the skeletal mage weakness as I doubt that it would be easy. 

"I'm sorry Vicar! The skeletal mage was too smart..." Tane said as he kept trying to shoot his arrow onto the skeletal mage. 

Sadly Tane arrow didn't even touch the skeletal mage as it was repelled by a shield around him. It was one of the skeletal mage skill that called a dark shield. It was obvious now that the skeletal mage dark shield could repel a physical object, I still wasn't sure if it will repel magic as well. 

We couldn't test it out as both Tane and Vicar weren't a magic-user. Right now we need to kill the last elite skeletons before we could attack the skeletal mage. If we didn't kill the elite skeletons first, it could interfere with us and give us trouble when we were focusing on the skeletal mage. 

It was pretty much impossible to even get near the elite skeletons as the moment we tried to attack, for sure there will be a fireball coming towards us.

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