Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 123 - Vicar Skills

While Vicar was trying to recover his stamina back, he and I talk about Tane. Whether he was still alive or not, Vicar believes that he would survive that and there's no way that he could die. I was in doubt but I do hope that Tane wound was not that bad and he could recover from that. 

"I do believe that he would survive, even though I only know him in just a very short time. Tane was a lot tougher than he looks." Vicar said that as he really believes Tane was fine. 

"I'm not sure about that as it penetrates him in the stomach remember..." I said that. 

I still remember how the sharp icicle penetrate into Tane's body and the blood that coming out from it when Vicar pulled it out. It was really horrifying to look at as I never had experienced that kind of thing before. I know that I had seen blood while I was adventuring with the bronze knight. 

But Tane's situation was kinda different from the bronze knight as he just suffers a minor wound and didn't let out a lot of blood. When I think about the bronze knight, I wonder where he was right now. If had not left the town when all of this happens, he could easily beat the undead. 

"I was the one that pulled it out remember, it was not that bad." He said. 

"Sure..." I said that as I think I should let Vicar rest a little bit and doesn't want to waste his energy to talk with me right now. 

After resting for about fifteen minutes, Vicar had recovered his stamina back and drink some health potion to restore back his health. I was kinda confused at first why Vicar's health was so low even though he doesn't get hit that often by the skeletons. 

"Vicar? Why would you HP drop even though you don't get hit by the undead." I ask him about it. 

"Oh! That's because I'm using a skill that will make my HP decrease every second." He said that as he drinks another health potion. 

I realized that the skill must be related to he become so fast and deadly when he fights the elite skeletons in the alleyway. "I remember! You said that you only had the cloak spell and didn't have any other skills or spell." I said that as that was the question that I wanted to ask him back then. 

"When was the time that I said that I didn't have any other skills." He said that to me. 

"You seriously didn't remember the time you said that," I said that as I clearly remember the day he told me about this stuff. 

"Sorry, but I can't seem to recall the time that I said that... because I think I never said that," Vicar said that to me as he denied that he never said it. 

"It was the time when we escape from the Murkshell, that was the time you said it." I still remember it very clearly. 

"Wait a minute... I try to remember it back." It almost took Vicar two minutes to finally remember that scene again. "I remember now!"

"Right after you use the cloak spell. I ask you about it and you said that it was the only thing you could use." I said with much confidence. 

"I think you misheard me or something causes what I remember telling you that it was one of the skills that my mother teach me," Vicar said that. 

The moment he said that I begin to recall what he actually said to me. Vicar really said that when I said about his cloak spell. I really feel ashamed that I remember something that was clearly wrong from what actually happens. 

"Yah! I think you had said that, but I wasn't sure..." I was trying to hide my embarrassment. 

"I was sure that I had said that, it must be that you remember it in the wrong way." Vicar reply back.

"Let not talk about that as I really intrigued about what other skills you had learned from your mother," I said that as I tried to change the topic and I really wanted to know about his skills. 

"I had learned some skills from my mother and some of it were a really dangerous skill." He started to tell me the skills he had learned. 

The first skill that he had learned was the Blood Stats, it was a skill that will raise the user agility and strength but it will drain your HP if you were active. When I heard about the first skill, I know why Vicar his movement became fast and his blow was deadly. 

Vicar's second skill that he has also use the battle but I didn't notice it, the skill called Combat Reflexes. The user will have the perception and agility stats increased, because of that the user will easily able to dodge and evade incoming attacks. 

"Wait! When you use the second skill?" I ask him as I really don't know when he had used that skill

"You didn't realize it ring... I thought you will now but never mind I will tell you." Vicar said. 

Vicar told me that he use it when he was fighting the undead all alone after Tane had been teleported. That's why the undead wasn't able to land a single attack on him. He also told me that the skill was a dangerous skill as it will drain stamina really fast. When the user stamina reaches 0, it will immobilize the use until he regains a bit of stamina back. 

When Vicar said that about the negative effect of the second skill, I now understand why he doesn't move even a bit after his stamina was depleted. He could not move as he was immobilized because he had used all of his stamina and need to recover it to be able to move again. 

Vicar then resumed telling me what his third skill was, he said that he had never shown or use this skill set in the battle. It was called Vanish, like its name Vanish. This skill will completely be erased the presence of the user and even the undead that have the skill called Life-Seeker wouldn't be able to see the user. 

"So it's just a better version of the cloak spell then?" I ask him as I think it was similar to the cloak spell with just some upgrade. 

"I guess you could say so, I think I should tell you more about this skill and you might know that this spell is different from the cloak spell." Vicar reply to me. 

He explains to me a bit more about this skill, Vicar said that this skill does not make you invisible as it rather erased your existence in this world for a few minutes. The user would not be able to hear or interact with the world as long as the skill was still activated. 

"So could you pass through a wall then?" I said that to Vicar.

Vicar then answers my question, "It can do that and much more but like the previous skill it also had a consequence of using the skill." Vicar said that. 

I never thought that the consequences of using the skill Vanish were much scarier than the other skill that Vicar had to tell me about. This time the skill will make the user forget his memories and the more he uses it, the more memory he will lose. 

At first, I thought it was not that bad but when Vicar tell me a story that his mother told him about this skill effect. I know that we shouldn't use it at all as it was really dangerous and would threaten Vicar's own existence if he decided to use it. 

"Well that all are the skill that I had learned from my mother," Vicar said. 

"Just three skills? I thought there will be six or five more skills that you had learned from your mother." I said that as I really expect that he had more skills. 

"I could learn more but my mother didn't have the time to teach me..." Vicar said as his face looks sad. 

"Oh! I'm sorry... it just that it will be better that you had learned more skills as it would be really helpful in this kind of situation. 

"Nah! It's fine, I know what you meant..." I cut in before he could say any other words. 

"Let's stop talking about this now! As I think we wasted a lot of time talking about this already, don't you think we should head to the battle now?" I said that to Vicar reminding him about the fight against the undead. 

"Yea! You right... I think I have rested for a good amount of time already, we should join in the battle." Vicar said as he started to stand up. 

With that, we were about to head back to the trade central area and fight the undead with the adventurers.

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