Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 152 - Needing Some Gold!

When we arrive at Lord Framer's mansion, we notice that the adventurers guarding the main entrance were replaced by normal town guards. I guess that after the battle was over, the town guards that were supposed to be guarding this place has returned to do their job. 

"Can I enter the mansion, there something that I need to talk about with the Lord of this town," Vicar said that as he approaches the guards that guarding the entrance. 

"Sure, you can enter the mansion but make sure to not do anything stupid while you in there." One of the guards replied. 

For this time around the guards were pretty nice to us as they easily let us enter the mansion. We didn't expect that they would give them permission to enter as we kinda get a hard time entering the mansion the last time we wanted to. 

I guess part of it might be because the adventurer was guarding it and they had some personal grudge on Vicar. The other part of it was maybe because Vicar was recognized as a hero now and people somehow trusted Vicar more than before he gets that title. 

Vicar thanks the guards for letting him enter the mansion, he then look for Lord Framer there. But that's might be a little hard as the area was so vast and it's kinda impossible to find him there. Vicar then realizes something while we're outside the mansion. 

"I just realized that Lord Framer might not be in his mansion right now, don't you think so?" Vicar said it to me. 

"I don't know but I do think he at his mansion right now. There no way that the guards allow us to enter the mansion area without Lord Framer in the mansion. If he isn't here, the guards would tell us so." I told Vicar that. 

"You're right ring, then I supposed we head to the mansion. I just hope that he could be able to talk with us for a moment." Vicar said that as he headed to Lord Framer's mansion. 

As the area was too large, it takes us a few minutes to finally arrive in front of Lord Framer's mansion. Both of us realized that the mansion was pretty big, we had never seen a house this big before. As soon as we get there, we were greeted by a beautiful maid. 

"Welcome sir, may I ask your name and why are you here?" The maid asks Vicar that question. 

"Uhh, My name is Vicar. Can I see Lord Framer, there something that I wanted to discuss with him?" Vicar said that. 

The maid smile at Vicar as she said, "Oh, you're the hero that saved our town... Lord Framer would be delighted to talk with you. Please follow me as you might get lost in the mansion." 

The maid then opens the huge door of the mansion and we both step inside the big mansion for the first time. Vicar couldn't help but be amazed at all of the decoration and the things in the mansion. I know how Vicar feels right now, both of us never see anything like this before. 

"Sir Vicar, please make sure to follow me until we get to Lord Framer's room." The maid said. 

With that Vicar began to follow the maid, while Vicar doing that. I took my time to see the things that were in the hallway. I noticed that there were a few paintings of people, I realized that it might be the Lord Framer family as they do look alike. 

"Vicar don't you think that this mansion is a great place to live," I said that to Vicar. 

"This mansion is great but if I could choose, I rather not want to live here... It's just too big as I prefer just a small house." Vicar said that. 

"I kinda agree with you, there's no point of living in a mansion with only yourself in it. It feels lonely to be the only person living in a big mansion like this..." I said that. 

While we're talking, we didn't realize that we already near Lord Framer's room and in just a few steps we are in front of the lord's room. 

"Sir Vicar, we finally arrive." The maid said that as we finally here. The maid then knocked on the door and soon after she opens it. 

When the door was open, we saw Lord Framer was doing his job as we noticed there was a lot of paper on his desk. Lord Framer realized that the door of his room was open and look in our direction. He then noticed Vicar right away. 

Lord Framer immediately gets up from his seat and approaches Vicar. Lord Framer then greet Vicar and invited him to enter the room. He also told the maid to prepare some drinks for us and with that order, the maid leaves to prepare some drinks. 

"Vicar! I didn't expect you to come here. I doubt that you've come here for nothing, tell me what the thing that you wanted to talk about." Lord Framer said that as he seat on his chair back. 

"They're something that I wanted to ask..." Vicar said that. 

"Is this regarding your title hero, do you really don't want that title?" Lord Framer asks. 

It seems that Lord Framer has misunderstood our reason to come here in the first place. I know that Vicar didn't like the title but it wasn't the reason why he came here. 

Vicar shakes his head as he said, "It's not about that, I wanted some help from you Lord Framer."

Lord Framer replied, "You should say that in the first place, what sort of help you needed from me?" Lord Framer ask Vicar. 

"Actually I need to go on a journey but I realize that I don't have any coins. I then thought that you could lend some gold coins for me." Vicar said that. 

Hearing that, Lord Framer simply laugh for a few seconds. He then said, "No need to worry, I would help you."

Vicar thought that this might not work but somehow it works. "Really Lord Framer? I promise you that I will repay the gold that I had borrowed from you..." Vicar said that. 

"Repay me? There's no need for you to do that... Let's just say you earn this as part of your job protecting the town from the skeletons." Lord Framer said.

"Thank you for the help, Lord Framer..." Vicar said that. 

The maid enters the room and serves us some coffee, Lord Framer then takes a cup of coffee and drinks it. After that, he asks Vicar about something. "May I something Vicar?" 

"Sure, you can ask anything as long that I have the answer," Vicar replied. 

"I'm curious why you're suddenly want to go on a journey... is there any reason behind it." Lord Framer ask Vicar about it. 

There's no way that Vicar could tell Lord Framer that he was looking for the demon heart. If Lord Framer knows that, he would definitely stop us from going on the journey. Vicar must lie and make sure that it sounded believable. 

"I just wanted to explore the world, there so much that I didn't know... That's the reason behind all of it." Vicar simply said that. 

I thought that it might not work but somehow Lord Framer believe it as he replied to Vicar, "That's really a good idea Vicar when I was at your age. I also venture the world as I also wanted to learn more about this world."

"I would love to hear your stories Lord Framer but I think that I should leave now as I think you had many tasks to do with those papers on your desk," Vicar said that as he tried not to take Lord Framer's time that much. 

"You're right Vicar, I do have a lot of work but they're another thing that I wanted to ask you... Where exactly do you want to go on your journey?" Lord Framer ask Vicar about it. 

"I guess my destination would be the Kingdom Of Vria..." Vicar said that. 

Lord Framer was a little bit surprised to hear Vicar wanted to visit the Kingdom Of Vria, "That's will be a long journey as it needs was on another continent... yet the journey would be dangerous." Lord Framer said. 

"I know it would be dangerous but isn't that suppose to be a part of a journey, you couldn't expect it to be safe all time," Vicar said that to Lord Framer. 

"If you still wanted to go there, wouldn't you mind if I request something from you..." Lord Framer ask Vicar about something. 

I began to wonder what sort of request Lord Framer wanted from us. It is a heavy request or just simply sending a letter to someone at the Kingdom Of Vria. 

"I guess so but I think I needed to know what sort of request you needed from me..." Vicar said that.

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