Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 155 - Dunkirk Neir

When we arrive at the docks, we noticed that the number of town guards here was quite many. I guess what's the guards at the town gate were saying the truth, they were making sure that the docks were still safe for people to trade and sell their goods. 

Vicar search for a ship that could get him to the Kingdom of Kasneira, he knows that finding someone who wanted to sail there was extremely hard as that kingdom was currently at war with the empire. Vicar walks around the dock area asking every captain whether they will be sailing to that place. 

But sadly most of them said that they wouldn't be sailing there as it was pretty dangerous, they would really like to avoid that kingdom as they were afraid of the war that been going on there. Vicar didn't give up as he believes that he would find someone that might sail to the Kingdom Of Kasneira. 

It's really unfortunate for us that we couldn't find someone who that willing to go there even though Vicar been searching for a few hours. Vicar had to stop searching for today as it's was getting late and decided to continue on the next day. 

Near the docks, there were a few taverns and Vicar went into one of the taverns that called the TailsFish Tavern. Vicar orders a beer as he sits down in an empty place in the corner. Vicar was pretty tired for today and I know because he been searching for someone that will sail to the Kingdom Of Kasneira. 

The tavern maiden serves Vicar the beer on his table and then ask if Vicar wanted to eat something. Vicar shakes his head as he just wanted the beer, the tavern maiden then left us as she needs to resume her duty. Vicar chugs all of the beer in just one go, he must be pretty thirsty for being able to do so. 

"Why is hard for us to find someone that will help us to get to the Kingdom Of Kasneira..." Vicar said it aloud as he was really frustrated.

When Vicar said that, I noticed there were some people that began to look in Vicar's direction. I guess they might think that Vicar was stupid for wanted to go to a kingdom that currently at war. 

"You also know why Vicar, people don't want to risk their lives to go there," I said that to Vicar. 

Suddenly, a beautiful lady approaches Vicar. She then asks Vicar about what he just said just now. "Do you really wanted to go to the Kingdom Of Kasneira?" That beautiful lady then seat next to Vicar. 

"Yes! But the problem is that I couldn't find anyone that wanted to go there." Vicar said that. 

"Look no further as you in luck, we're actually sailing to the Kingdom Of Kasneira." That beautiful lady said that to Vicar. 

Vicar's face looks really happy as he managed to find someone that actually wanted to go there. Vicar immediately ask that beautiful lady, "Really! Could I join then... I can pay you if you want." Vicar said. 

Hearing that, the beautiful lady looks Vicar with a smile as she said, "I don't have the permission to do that so as you need to ask Captain Neir... I'm just one of the crew of the ship." 

"So? Where is the captain... I wanted to speak to him immediately." Vicar said that as he didn't want to let go of this chance. 

"The captain is on the ship right now, if you really wanted to speak with him. Just follow me as I would lead you to the ship." The beautiful lady said so. 

"If that the case, lead the way then beautiful lady..." Vicar said that. 

"I'm sorry that I forgot to introduce myself before talking to you. My name is Valia... just follow me then." Valia get up from the seat and started to move. Vicar then follows her from behind. 

Along the way, Vicar introduces himself to Valia. But Valia said that she already know Vicar's name, it makes Vicar a little bit surprised that Valia had known her name as he never mentions his name before. 

"How did you know my name, did we ever met somewhere in the town?" Vicar said that as he was curious how Valia knows her name. 

Valia smile as she said, "Of course I know you, I went to the remembrance event and I saw you there... You're Vicar the hero, everyone knows you." 

Hearing that, Vicar just realized that everybody in the town had known his name because of the remembrance event. He didn't expect that the people of the town would remember him, Vicar becomes pretty much to become a figure in Eniesia Town. 

"Vicar the hero, a title that doesn't fit me at all..." Vicar said that. 

"Why? Doesn't your the one that defeats the skeletons... I even heard that you defeated a skeleton lord, a rare skeleton monster." Valia said that. 

Vicar laughs as he heard what Valia had said about him. "I defeated a skeleton lord... Where do you hear that rumor?" Vicar said that. 

"The lord of this town and the captain of the guards said that at the remembrance event... they said a man called Vicar had defeated the skeleton lord thus ensuring the town safety," Valia said. 

"When? I didn't think I heard that..." Vicar said that. 

I guess Vicar when Lord Framer and Captain Callum said that, Vicar wasn't around at the moment. If I remember correctly when we arrive at the trade central area which the remembrance event was held. The event was already going on. 

Valia didn't answer that question as we have arrived at the ship. It was a pretty big ship and I realized that the ship has a name on it. It was called Dunkirk Neir, if I was not mistaken the captain's name was Neir. I guess the captain named the ship using his name. 

"I think the captain is in quarters right now, we should go there..." Valia said. 

We then board the ship and realized that there were a few people on the ship deck. They were all men and all of them glared at Vicar as he was on that ship. One of the men approaches Valia, he whispers something to Valia and we couldn't quite hear what they're whispering about. 

If I wasn't wrong, I guess they might be whispering about Vicar right now. After that, the man walked away to resume what he was doing back then but he still looks at Vicar. Vicar realized it as well as he asks what was the whispering all about. 

Valia just simply said, "Nothing to worry, he just excited that he could see the hero in front of him."

That kinda explains why he was looking at Vicar but still, Vicar wanted to ask Valia about it, "Okay but it's really necessary to whisper then?" Vicar said that. 

"He just too shy and didn't trust anyone that easily... that's why he whispers to me," Valia said that to Vicar. 

Vicar didn't bother to ask anymore as he thinks that it might be true. He then follows Valia to the captain's quarters. Valia knocks on the door as she gently opens the door, we then see a man was polishing his Sabre sword. He was so into it that he didn't even realize that the door has been open. 

"Captain!" Valia suddenly said it in a loud voice, it's almost a shout. 

With that shout, the captain immediately drops the Sabre sword to the ground as he was surprised by that. He then turned and look in our direction as he finally noticed us standing in front of his quarter. 

"Why you do that Valia, you know that this Sabre sword is quite precious to me." Captain Neir said that as he picked up the sword from the ground and place it on the mounted sword rack. 

"I'm really sorry about this captain but as always you didn't pay attention," Valia said that. 

"Apology accepted as I rather curious about the man beside you, who is he?" Captain Neir ask Valia. 

It seems like Captain Neir doesn't know about Vicar, there's no way that he doesn't hear of Vicar unless he the type that doesn't like to know about the recent things in the town. 

"The man beside me is Vicar, the hero of Eniesia Town," Valia said. 

Captain Neir look pretty surprised when he heard what Valia had just said to him, "Oh! A hero in this town? I didn't know that there is a hero at this place. But, why he is doing here on this my ship right now?" Captain Neir said that. 

"That's because he wanted to ask you if he could join in for our next destination..." Valia said that to Captain Neir. 

"So this man wanted to go to the Kingdom Of Kasneira..." Captain Neir said that.

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