Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 157 - Sailing Buddies

We really didn't expect that Nedo was a woman, we both thought that it was a man because of the name Nedo. Vicar didn't know what to say as he feeling anxious right now, he doesn't talk to a girl that much and he has a hard time right now initiating the conversation. 

Nedo beauty was just average for me, not bad but I think that Aliss was much prettier. Compare to Aliss, I could see that she has rough hair. Maybe it's because she works on this ship and that's why she doesn't take care of her hair that much. 

But still, if I had a girlfriend like Nedo back in my world. I would really be happy as I never even had a relationship with any girl in my life before. What worse now that I couldn't even date a girl as I'm a ring, I don't have a human body. 

Back to the subject, I do curious why her name called Nedo, maybe it was her nickname cause there's no way that her name was Nedo. It's just weird to have a woman called Nedo but again, this was another world that isn't my old world after all so I guess Nedo could be a girl name. 

Nedo then notices Vicar in the room, she didn't look very surprised seeing Vicar here. I guess Valia had already told her about Vicar. She then approaches Vicar, I could tell that Vicar was panic when she gets near him. I just told Vicar to be brave as nothing bad will happen. 

"You're a Vicar right, the one that will be sharing this room with me," Nedo said. 

Vicar musters all the courage as he replied to Nedo, "Yes, I'm Vicar and I will be sharing this room... Your name was Nedo right?" 

"Valia has already told you all about me then..." Nedo said that. 

"No, Valia just told me your name and that's all," Vicar said. 

Nedo then smiles with Vicar as she continues to say, "Oh, I thought she already told everything... I heard that you wanted to go to the Kingdom Of Kasneira from Valia, is that true?" 

"Yep, that's why I will be joining this ship trip to that kingdom," Vicar said. 

"I think it would be rude if I ask you for the reason why you wanted to go there as we did not really know each other that well yet... So if you don't mind I wanted to get to know you as we're gonna be sharing the same room after all." Nedo said that. 

"Sure... It's good as there still a lot of things that I wanted to know about this ship and why does the ship heading to that kingdom." Vicar said that. 

"I could tell you about the ship but if you wanted to know about that matter, you need to ask Valia or Captain Neir as they will have the detail that you want," Nedo said. 

"I will ask the captain then in the morning but first the something I want to ask you..." Vicar said that as he wanted to ask about why her name was Nedo. 

"Just ask the question, if I can answer it... I will explain it very carefully." Nedo was ready for Vicar's question. 

Without any hesitation, Vicar asks the question. "Why your name is called Nedo, isn't that more to a boy name rather than a girl?"

Hearing that, Nedo laughs at it. Somehow, she found it funny but we couldn't see how it was funny at all. After a few seconds of laughing, she then replied to Vicar's question. "So you just thought that I'm a man when hearing that name... I could imagine that." 

"You didn't answer my question at all, is that your real name?" Vicar said that as he still wanted to know. 

"Sorry... My real name isn't Nedo but it was just a nickname that was called by the people on this ship. My real name is Necia Doloris." Nedo said her real name to Vicar. 

When I hear her real name, I could see where the Ne and Do word come from but I still wonder why she was called Nedo. That's must be a reason why her nickname was called Nedo and I wanted to know the stories but I do think that it would not be appropriate to ask her that as we didn't even close with her. 

"Necia Doloris is your real name... So should I call you with that name or Nedo?" Vicar asks. 

"I much prefer Nedo as I like the sound of that and maybe because I was used to be called that already," Nedo said. 

"But there something that makes me wonder, why your nickname is called Nedo... Is there any story behind it?" Vicar didn't even hesitate to ask that question. I guess this is what happens when Vicar was overflowing with confidence right now. 

"I could tell you the story about how I get my nickname but I do think that it's pretty late now so it's better for us to sleep," Nedo said. 

Nedo does have a point as it was getting really late. If we continue this conversation even further, I doubt that both of them will be able to wake up early in the morning. With that being said, Vicar does agree with Nedo and went to the bed. 

Nedo then put out the lamp that been lighting up the place, if we were going to sleep we wouldn't need it as everyone just sleeps better in dark after all. After that lamp been put out, we couldn't see that much. Vicar falls into the bed after that. 

When I just was about to sleep as well, Vicar said something to me. I really assume that he has asleep but it seems that my assumption was wrong. 

"What's the wrong Vicar? Shouldn't you be sleeping right now..." I said that to Vicar. 

"There's no way that I could sleep knowing that just on the left of me, there was a woman," Vicar said that. 

"Chill out man, she doesn't even sleep in the same bed as you... So why do you even care about it." I said that as I really think that Vicar should be asleep right now. 

"I know that but still we're sleeping in the same room... don't you feel weird about that," Vicar replied. 

"So what are you gonna do about it, change your room now? Just go to sleep and one more thing that I wanted to say, just really don't think much about it at all." I said that. 

"Tell me how? I can't stop thinking about it at all!" Vicar said that. 

I don't know why Vicar behaves like this, this isn't any big problem at all. I know it's the same room but it's not even the same bed. They have a separate bed to sleep in. It's really getting late and I really think Vicar and I should have gone to sleep. 

"If you really can't stop thinking, I suggest that you sleep outside the room then... I guess that would clear up your mind." I was kinda irritated with Vicar's behavior right now. 

I could tell that Vicar was getting off the bed after he heard what I had said to him. Does he really rather sleep outside just because he didn't want to share a room with a girl. But because Vicar's footsteps were pretty loud, it seems that it wake Nedo up as she immediately asks Vicar. 

"Where are you going? Is dark in here so please wait a while... I put the fire on the lamp back." Nedo said. 

Then all of the sudden, the room becomes bright again as the lamp has been put back on. Nedo then notices that Vicar was right in front of the door room as Vicar already grips the door handle. 

"Do you want to go somewhere?" Nedo asks Vicar. 

Vicar didn't reply to that question as he opens the door and walked out of the room. Nedo chases after Vicar and grabs Vicar's hand. 

"I will not your hand go unless you tell me where are you going!" Nedo said. 

Vicar doesn't want her to know the reason so he just simply said, "I just want to go to the bathroom that's all."

"Oh, I'm sorry then... Wait a minute, I think that you didn't know where the bathroom is located yet. So I need to show you the way." Nedo said that. 

"No, I know my way to the bathroom so I don't need your guide..." Vicar said that. 

"I really don't think that you know... I doubt that Valia has shown you the bathroom already and there's no way that you ask her that when you first arrive on the ship." Nedo said. 

Vicar tried to convince Nedo that he doesn't need the help as he knows his way but Nedo doesn't easily convince by Vicar. Vicar eventually told Nedo the truth about why he walks out of the room.

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