Conrad stops laughing when Desiric told him to or else he will get the same treatment as Desiric to get when he laughs about this issue. Conrad then proceeds to ask Vicar questions about why didn't he have any cloth with him as it was just weird. 

"I was just too excited about this trip and I kinda forgot about it." Vicar simply said that to both of them. 

"I never knew someone that would forget to bring their cloth and their stuff just because they're excited for a trip to a kingdom that currently at war..." Conrad said that.

I guess not all of the crew members of the Dunkirk Neir like the idea of where were they heading next. If I was in their shoes, I probably might also dislike the idea. Who in the right mind wanted to go to a kingdom that at war, it was too dangerous and might even put ourselves at a huge risk coming over there. 

When I think about it, why does this trip even make Vicar excited? There's nothing to be excited about going to a place like that. I guess it might be because he never sees the outside world too much, the same could be said with me. 

"It's true that people should not be excited about it but this is kinda my first adventure to the outside world and that's why I'm so thrilled about it," Vicar said. 

"Oh! This is your first adventure, I doubt that unless you're a noble child that was too comfortable living in a mansion or something that makes you never wanted to go explore places around you as you're too scared fighting a monster...They're all just greedy and coward!" Desires said that as he seems to hate the noble. 

Well, I knew what he meant as I know someone like that and it was Linceo. I guess what's Desiric said was true and maybe all of the noble sons or daughters were like that. I have also seen that some of the nobles didn't want their son or daughter to even venture outside the world simply because they're being too protective and didn't want their son or daughter to get hurt. 

"Hey, Desiric! You're going too far for that, I know that you had a problem with nobles but you shouldn't mix it with your own personal feelings and think about that. After all, this is just about him forgetting to bring clothes." Conrad said that as he tried to calm Desiric down. 

But somehow it didn't do it as Desiric proceed to ask if Vicar was nobility or not. He really thinks that Vicar was a noble son based on what he had known. "Are you a nobility? Answer my question..." 

Vicar then replied to Desiric's question, "I'm not a noble son but I understand what you're feeling right now as I once hated the nobles as well." Vicar said that. 

Desiric still refuses to believe what Vicar had just said to him. He doesn't believe that Vicar wasn't a noble son as he was sure that Vicar was certainly from a nobility. "There's no way that you isn't one, look at the ring at finger... Looking at the design, it must be a family heirloom or something..." Desiric said. 

I agree with Desiric as I think that my design was unique but his opinion about me being a family heirloom was completely wrong. If he knows that I was the first demon lord ring, I guess he would be shocked but he doesn't know that and really thought that I was just a family heirloom. 

"Desiric! You should calm yourself down, if he said that he wasn't a noble then he ain't. Beside, the ring might be a family heirloom but it doesn't indicate that he's a noble at all." Conrad said that. 

"Conrad be silent! I asked the question to him... not you." Desiric said that. 

Does this Desiric guy really hate nobles that much? There's must be a story behind it as I doubt that he starting hating the nobles without any reason. I guess he might have some sort of a bad past with the nobles in the place that he comes from. 

Vicar didn't want this argument to go any longer as he decided to spill about where he's come from with Desiric. "I really not a nobility, I'm simply just an outcast at Eniesia Town as I was from the slums. I never leave the town not because I was afraid but I just couldn't... If I tried to get out of the slums, the town guards would capture me and order me to go back..." 

Vicar explains his life with Desiric just to make him believe that he wasn't a noble son and how he stopped hating the noble. He also told me how he was able to obtain me as he doesn't want anyone to think that I was a family heirloom. 

It almost took about 15 minutes for Vicar to be done with all of that and after Vicar has done, we waited for Desiric's reaction. We don't know whether he believes it or not if he still doesn't believe it. I guess all of the time that Vicar takes to tell him his life stories was a waste of time. 

"Do you think I could believe it, it's all just fake... Nobles have quite the reputation of making lies and fakes stories just to gain people's trust, gold, love...." Desiric said that. 

I was quite surprised that Desiric still refuses to accept it as he still thinks that Vicar was a noble. Because of that, it really makes me curious about what really happens in Desiric past for him to be able to hate the noble this much. It must be a real bad history for him. 

"Stop this Desiric! You really think that this guy is lying... I really doubt that he is, I could really tell it was a true story." Conrad said that with Desiric. 

"It's fake! I tell you Conrad... Don't ever believe him." Desiric said that with a loud voice. 

Because of the noise that Desiric made, the door of our left suddenly opened up and a person came out. We then realized that it was the man that was staring at us when we arrive on this ship. He then approaches Desiric as he said with him. 

"I have listened to the entire conversation and Conrad is right, you should stop." That man said that with Desiric. 

"You don't even know this guy Gaemo! Why would you wanted to help him?" Desiric said. 

That man's name was Gaemo, well I'm glad that he decided to help fix this situation right now. As it might become worst sooner or later. I really hoped that he could convince Desiric that Vicar wasn't a noble son at all and just a person that came from the slums. 

"I don't know about this guy here? You're wrong Desiric, I guess it might be because you don't hear about it or just simply doesn't want to know about the current topics." Gaemo said. 

"So what you're saying to me that you know about this guy over here... If you really know about him then tell me!" Desiric said. 

"This guy here wasn't a noble but really come from the slums... He was well known at Eniesia Town as he was the one that stopped the skeletons and he was the town hero." Gaemo said that with Desiric. 

Gaemo seems to know about it, I guess what Valia said to Vicar was right after all. He must be a fan of Vicar as that might explain the reason why he kept staring at Vicar all of the time. To think that even the people at the docks knew Vicar, he has become quite well known. 

I guess the story of Vicar would spread all over the place as the merchant that had been to the Eniesia Town while the attacks would probably be told the stories. 

"I have heard that as well that a hero was able to stop the skeleton lord from destroying the town, I never thought that the hero was this guy right here," Conrad said it as he knows to know that Vicar was the hero that saved the town. 

"What! This guy was the hero that saved the town! Is this really him?" Desiric said that as he still has his doubt. 

"If you still didn't believe it, you could ask Valia or Captain Neir about it. Both of them will highly give you the same answer to what I just said. This man right here is indeed the hero." Gaemo said that.

Desiric went into total silence as he having a hard time to believe that Vicar was the hero that he has heard of back in the town. I guess he still in shock to realize that he was completely wrong about Vicar being a noble. 

Desiric looks a bit guilty right now.

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