Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 168 - Madness (I)

The red light lightens up the entire room and we're finally able to see who makes the sound and stab Vicar in the leg. When we saw it, we couldn't believe that the person was someone on the ship. 

Who would believe it that it was the Captain Neir itself that trying to harm us in the room? But what's weirder that how he was able to enter this room, he couldn't have entered it as Vicar has been guarding this room ever since he left. 

There so much question that been running through my mind right now after we know that it was Captain Neir. I noticed that Captain Neir was about to stab Vicar again and I quickly told Vicar to dodge the attack or else he would get hurt. 

Vicar managed to dodge the attack in time and he wanted to attack but somehow he couldn't do it. Vicar could never hurt a human, even though they were gonna bring harm to him. It's just like Eli back then as he couldn't dare to attack her as she looks exactly like a human that was still alive even she was undead. 

This would really make the situation hard for Vicar as he couldn't counter-attack. Captain Neir attacks Vicar relentlessly using the dagger in his hand. The only thing Vicar could do was to simply dodge the attack but because of the small room, Captain Neir able to hurt Vicar on his left arm. 

"Why are you doing this! Captain Neir answer me please..." Vicar said that as he wanted to know the reason why Captain Neir was attacking him right now. 

Captain Neir didn't even answer Vicar's question as I could see that he was just too focused on killing Vicar here in the room. 

"It's futile Vicar, I think this is what he said... He becomes a completely mad person." I said that to Vicar. 

"There's no way that Captain Neir has become insane, he looks just fine before," Vicar said that as he still believes that Captain Neir was still sane. 

"Believe it or not, you already know the answer to that Vicar... Why would he attack you if he still has his sanity." I said that as Vicar really needs to face the reality we in right now. 

"I refuse to believe it, there is just no way that he is mad..." Vicar still refuses to believe all of the things that happening right now. 

Because of that, Vicar keeps getting hurt by the dagger but he was yet to strike back at Captain Neir. This was what I hate about Vicar about his characteristics, any man would fight back but Vicar wouldn't do that if the opponent was a human. 

This makes us at a huge disadvantage right now and I know that just a few more times, Vicar would sustain a lot of injuries and wouldn't be able to move. After that, Captain Neir would be delivered the final blow and that will be the end of Vicar. 

I couldn't do much right now but they're something that I could do, that was to convince Vicar to fight back. "You must defend yourself, Vicar, you would die if this keeps going on like this," I said with Vicar. 

Vicar still trying to get an answer from Captain Neir but I realized that Captain Neir wouldn't answer it. He was already insane and the only thing we could do was to kill him or he would harm the rest of the crew on this ship. 

"Vicar! Listen... kill him cause if we don't there would be other casualties beside us, more people will die if we let him live." I said that hoping that this time Vicar would listen to what I'm saying to him. 

"I do know about that but I need to know why Captain Neir wanted to attack me..." Vicar said that. 

If he already knew that, why wouldn't he attack back? "Are you stupid or what? The reason was obvious already as he was insane and that's why he wanted to harm you." I said that with Vicar, I don't know why he doesn't realize that fact. 

"If he went insane, then explain to me why he wouldn't attack me before as he would be able to do so without me even realizing it," Vicar said. 

"I don't know, maybe he was just trying to trick us believing that he was mad. Don't you find it strange that he wasn't affected by the Grimoire of Ruination even though he used to be guarding this place?" I said that with Vicar. 

"But..." Vicar still was hesitant about this. 

"I think he was the one that gone mad... Why does he need to kill the previous person, couldn't he just lock them and tried to figure things out. I think Captain Neir was just making a story to make us believe him and when we do, he wanted to kill us like the previous person." I said that to Vicar. 

"You're right ring, it does sound a little strange when I heard he said that. Besides no one in the ship knows that the previous person that been guarding the room has been killed as they all believe that they quit the job. I guess he doesn't want people to know his secret." Vicar said that as he finally realized the one that has gone mad in the first place was Captain Neir. 

The one that received the Grimoire of Ruination was him and maybe he was already gone mad when he takes it. It all makes sense now, the one that had gone mad was indeed Captain Neir. I was just surprised to know that he was able to trick us until now. 

"I'm sorry Captain Neir...." Vicar said that as he begins to start counter-attacking. 

Vicar uses his sword as he slashes Captain Neir in the body making him immediately fall to the floor. We're quite surprised by that as we don't think that we could easily defeat Captain Neir, we expected that it would be hard fighting him. 

Blood coming out from Captain Neir as Vicar approaches his body. Vicar realized that with only one swing of his sword, Captain Neir had died. I could see that Vicar was a bit guilty about this but he had no other choice or else the other crew would be harm by Captain Neir. 

I then look at the dagger in Captain Neir's hand and noticed something weird about it. I realized that Captain Neir didn't have a sabre on his left hip as he should have one. Why does he use the dagger to harm Vicar as he could easily use the sabre as it would give Vicar more injuries? 

Vicar prays for Captain Neir for a few minutes as Vicar then tried to open the door of this room. He wanted to tell Valia about this incident but somehow the door couldn't be open at all. I realized that maybe Captain Neir was still alive and just faking his death. 

"Vicar! Look at Captain Neir..." I said that as I am afraid that Captain Neir trying to attack again if he doesn't die yet. 

Vicar immediately looks at the spot where Captain Neir's body should suppose to be but somehow it wasn't there anymore. Vicar look around the small room and realized that Captain Neir was nowhere to be found in his room. We find it very weird that his body could disappear like that. 

"Where does his body goes? Shouldn't it suppose to lying there..." Vicar said as he still confuses about what had happened here. 

"I don't know but I think that we're in some sort of a tricky situation right now, we couldn't get out from this small room..." I said that. 

"If it still wouldn't open, I guess the only option we had left was to use the teleport talent... Teleport ourselves out from this room." Vicar suggests that to me. 

"It's a good idea, I think we should do it quickly as I think something would definitely happen to us if we stayed too long in this room," I said that as I had been feeling an ominous vibe in this room since we enter here.

Vicar was just about to use the talent teleport but somehow we didn't use it as the door of this room suddenly opened up by someone from the outside. What more surprising that the person that opens the door of this room was none other than Captain Neir himself. 

Captain Neir smile at us and said, "Why are you inside the room? Didn't I tell you to not go inside..." 

Vicar was still a bit cautious after what had happened in the room as he immediately draws his sword toward Captain Neir. Captain Neir was surprised by Vicar action and immediately ask Vicar why does he draw his sword out from the sheath. 

"Easy there! Calm down, Vicar..." Captain Neir said that.

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