Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 170 - Madness (III)

"I'm ready for this, we need to make sure that the Grimoire of Ruination is destroy once at for all." Vicar said that with Captain Neir. 

"You're really a brave person Vicar for doing this despite knowing that it would kill you..." Valia said that as destroying the Grimoire has a big consequences on Vicar. 

"Well, if you're really determined about it Vicar... Then let's all go to the room and destroy the Grimoire of Ruination tonight. Captain Neir said. 

Looking at Captain Neir expression, he seems somewhat eager to destroy the Grimoire of Ruination. I don't know why but the bad feeling hasn't gone ever since we enter the room that contain the Grimoire of Ruination. It's feel like something will happen when we tried to destroy the the Grimoire of Ruination.

I wanted to tell Vicar about how I felt but I doubt that he was willing to listen to it. So the best thing that I could do now was just to make sure that nothing bad happen and pray that Vicar wouldn't get killed by the mysterious force when he trying to destroy the Grimoire of Ruination.

"The sooner the better as I don't want to see anymore sacrifices..." Valia said that as we all headed towards the room once again. 

When we all arrived at the room which the Grimoire of Ruination was store in, Valia then closed and lock the door of this room. Vicar noticed it and question Valia for that as he think that we shouldn't lock the door, he didn't want the thing that attack us appear in this room again and we somehow can't escape from here. 

"Valia? Why you're close the door up..." Vicar ask that to Valia. 

"We must close the door or else the other crew will hear about this." Valia said that. 

Vicar was a little bit confuse when he heard Valia reason for closing the door up, "Why because of it sound? There's no way that they could hear it as this thing is made out of paper and not metal." Vicar said that. 

Captain Neir then replied to what Vicar said just now, "You didn't know Vicar, that it would make a pretty loud sound when you're try to destroy it as we had experienced it before." 

"Really? Hard to believe that the Grimoire of Ruination would make a huge sound..." Vicar said as he find it a little hard to believe. 

"Well Vicar, this a magical item after all so you couldn't lump in together with a normal the Grimoire or book." Captain Neir said. 

"It's kinda make sense when I think about it... So could we destroy the Grimoire of Ruination now?" Vicar said that as he unsheathe his sword and about to slash the the Grimoire of Ruination to pieces. 

But before Vicar could do that, Captain Neir immediately stop him as he said that he couldn't destroy the Grimoire of Ruination with none magical weapons as he also had tried it before and couldn't even scratch it a little. 

Vicar then ask about how he need to destroy the Grimoire of Ruination as he doesn't have a magical weapons that he could use right now, "So could anybody here lend me a magical weapon if only you guys have it of course..." Vicar said. 

"Don't worry, we have it as we expect that someone brave enough come and would be dare to do it..." Captain Neir said as he give Vicar the magical weapon. 

I then noticed something about the magical weapon that Captain Neir gave at Vicar. It was a dagger that I had seen before. It has the exactly the same shape and design just like the imposter that attacked Vicar in the room, was this a coincidence? 

With that, I began to doubt that the Captain Neir here was the real one as I think that the real one has been killed already. I tried to tell this information with Vicar but he simply refuse to listen as he didn't believe that what I'm been saying was true. 

"There is no way the Captain Neir right now is an imposter, so you're gonna say that Valia was also one of the imposter?" Vicar said that with me as he disagree with me completely. 

"I'm not saying that Valia is the imposter but what if Captain Neir has also been the imposter since we're arrive on the Dunkirk Neir." I said what I'm supposed to say hoping that it would somehow convince Vicar. 

"It's not like you're wrong about it but don't you think that the imposter could copy everything from Captain Neir?" Vicar said to me. 

When Vicar said it like that, I began to think that it might be a possibilities as the imposter copy the dagger and uses the dagger when he fight Vicar. But there was still something off as why doesn't the imposter copy the Captain Neir sabre. 

If the imposter copy everything why doesn't he copy the weapon on Captain Neir left hip. I couldn't think anything right now as I still need to know more about the imposter and the Grimoire of Ruination. I just hope that the Captain Neir that with us was the real one. 

"You're right Vicar, I guess I might overthink that a little bit..." I said that to Vicar. 

"I know that you just want to keep us safe but know that I will always be on my guard as I kinda feel like something might happen." Vicar said that. 

With the dagger at Vicar hand, he then approach the Grimoire of Ruination and was about to slash it to pieces but again there was some interruption as Captain Neir told Vicar to chant some words to active the magic in the dagger. 

Captain Neir tell Vicar what he needed to say in order to active the magic. After memorizing the chant, Vicar say it out loud and the dagger does begin to emits a faint red light. Vicar then proceed to slash the Grimoire of Ruination. 

When Vicar successfully hit the Grimoire of Ruination, something weird happen as the mysterious sound that we hear suddenly came back. The sound began to become very clear and we both realized that the sound was telling us to get out from here.

"Get Out! Get Out! Get Out!" The mysterious sound said it over and over again. 

Vicar then turn and wanted to ask whether Captain Neir and Valia heard that sound but something unexpected happen as suddenly Vicar fall to the floor. I could see that Captain Neir and Valia just standing there and didn't help Vicar at all. 

I was very surprised by their action as they suppose to help. Is this mean that Vicar was gonna die, was this the why I feeling something bad will gonna happen. I immediately call out Vicar name but he couldn't listen to it as I noticed that his body began to fade and so am I. 

I don't know what were happening to us but then I hear Captain Neir and Valia conversation...

"Another sacrifice for the Grimoire of Ruination, I would be rich when I reach Kingdom Of Kasneira and give this the Grimoire of Ruination to that man..." Captain Neir said.

Valia smile as she said, "I thought that the hero would be cautious but he was really stupid... I guess that title that been given to him was fake after all." 

"You're right Valia, a hero wouldn't be this easy to fall into a trap... He believe everything that we said and didn't bother to doubt us at all." Captain Neir said that as he laugh at Vicar. Valia then join in as they both laugh. 

I couldn't believe what I'm hearing from both of them. Was all of it just simply an act for Vicar to be sacrifice, were the crew of this ship knows about all of this or they're just playing dumb when we arrive here. I know that I shouldn't trust Captain Neir. 

If only Vicar trust my instinct, this would never happen and now I realize why we're hearing that sound. It's simply telling us to get out from this ship as it knows that Vicar would became another sacrifice to the Grimoire of Ruination. 

I notice that we're about to fade away and I know that this was the end of us. There so much that I wanted to do in the world but now I wouldn't have the chance. Before we completely fade away, I notice there a dark figure standing behind Captain Neir and Valia but I couldn't see it very clear as we fade away from the ship. 

It was very dark, a very dark place indeed. Is this death? I began to question that myself as I never thought that my life in this world would be much more quicker compared to before. As I was just about to accept the face something had happen. 

Suddenly, we're not in the dark place anymore as I realized that we're now in...

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