Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 178 - The Inquisitor (II)

"Why you suddenly attack me, I believe what I did that time was the right thing to do... Do you want to die before you could avenge your comrade death?" Vicar said that to Tehreas as he was pointing his sword onto Tehreas. 

"I-I... I just think that..." Tehreas stutter to said his reason. Because of this, he seems to look a little bit calm than before. 

Vicar then stops pointing his sword toward Tehreas as he said, "I know that you really wanted The Inquisitor to die but you just couldn't sacrifice yourself there yet."

Tehreas get back to his feet as he replied to Vicar, "I'm really sorry for attacking you, it's just that I couldn't control my emotion anymore..." Tehreas said. 

"It's okay, there was a time that we all couldn't control our emotions," Vicar said that as he still remembers how he reacted when Tane was badly injured in the battle against the skeletal mages before. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="/book/reincarnated-as-the-hero-ring_15773946405908905/the-inquisitor-(ii)_51045885039141053">/book/reincarnated-as-the-hero-ring_15773946405908905/the-inquisitor-(ii)_51045885039141053</a> for visiting.

"No, you don't understand... It's because I had lost half of my humanity, part of the human emotion has also gone and I might become a mindless undead when I couldn't control my emotion." Tehreas said that. 

Hearing that from Tehreas, both of us were quite surprised by it. We thought it was because Vicar teleported him back to this place unexpectedly. After all, he was an undead that moment. Was this the effect to become a part human and part undead in this Ruin World? 

"So that's mean you became an undead at that moment that you attack me, but the cause is still because I teleported you back right?" Vicar asks as he wants to make sure that if he really was the cause for Tehreas became an undead for a few second. 

Tehreas shakes his head and said towards Vicar, "It's not your fault, my anger was directed towards the Inquisitor and I might have become an undead at that moment... You teleported me back here as I was still unable to control myself and that is why I attack you." Tehreas said. 

With that, it was confirmed that Vicar wasn't the cause of Tehreas became an undead. It was all because of the Inquisitor back in the sanctuary. It's good to know that Tehreas wasn't mad at Vicar for what he has done. 

"I see and does this happen before?" Vicar asks as he was certain that Tehreas had gone through this before as he seems to know about it very well. 

"There have been numerous time that I have turned into an undead but this time might be the worse, I was about to hurt you... I'm sorry about that." Tehreas said that as he feels guilty about hurting Vicar. 

"As I said before, there's no harm done so nothing to apologize for," Vicar said that as he doesn't take this personally after knowing the reason behind Tehreas attack. 

"But I thought that I had hit you in the arm..." Tehreas then look at Vicar's arm and realize that there was no wound at all, he was astonished by it. "Shouldn't your arm be bleeding because of my attack?" Tehreas said as he was confused by it. 

Vicar simply laughs as he said, "It's one of my ability that could heal any wounds immediately... Impressive right?" 

It was actually my ability and Vicar should give me the credit that I deserve. But I know what his intention was as he doesn't mention me at all. He still wanted to keep me as a secret and because of that, I couldn't get angry at him even though he said that it was his ability. 

If people know about my existence, I bet the Inquisitors and it's Lord would probably target Vicar right away. Even Tehreas might want it to achieve what he wanted to do. Surely they would like to steal me from Vicar and Vicar doesn't want that to happen as I could just be easily pull off by from Vicar's finger. 

For that, Vicar must keep my existence hidden and so far he was doing a good job at it. Still, I wonder why the people in this world don't even recognize me at all. Shouldn't I be the ring that people be able to tell easily, I was indeed a legendary ring after all. 

It was just weird that people don't know me or it might be that this world has the knowledge of Acres at all. But Tehreas should have noticed me. I guess people tend to think that I was just an ordinary ring that just boosts stats of the wielder. 

"I assume that you must be a healer then? There's no way that you're an ordinary person right..." Tehreas said that. 

"Sadly I'm not a healer but just a simple temporary town guard," Vicar said that. 

"A town guard? I certainly couldn't believe that judging from your battle with me." Tehreas said as he was curious about Vicar all of a sudden. 

"Really, I'm not all of that you're thinking right now... I just happen to know how to fight." Vicar replied as he was trying to keep his identity hidden. 

"Come to think of it. We haven't talked about you at all as you're too busy asking about this world and me... I think it's time for you to tell me about yourself." Tehreas said as he wanted to know about Vicar. 

"They're nothing much to tell you about myself, I don't go to adventures as I was always stuck at the same place," Vicar said.

"Are you a noble son? Only nobles son wouldn't want to go to an adventure as they we're to busy spending their wealth." Tehreas thought that Vicar came from a noble family and many people had thought the same way as him right now. 

"I was actually from the slums and that's why I don't go to an adventure as I don't have the equipment nor gold to do that," Vicar said that as this time he didn't hesitate to tell someone where he's come from at all. 

"I see but I think that there still something that you doesn't yet tell me like how you could get so accustomed to fighting, it's fine as there might be the reason for you to do that right?" Tehreas said. 

"There's nothing else that I didn't tell you yet, it's just that I have been serving for the town as the town guards and there I need to learn it or I wouldn't be able to protect the town," Vicar said that to Tehreas. 

When Tehreas was just about to continue this conversation, suddenly the outpost that we're in started to fall apart all of a sudden. Both Vicar and Tehreas immediately ran out from the outpost. They were lucky that they were able to get out before the buildings crush them both. 

But why was the outpost suddenly collapsed, it's just doesn't make any sense? I do know this outpost was already in a bad state but it seems to be holding just fine if I look at it. There must be a reason behind all of this. 

We then quickly find out the reason behind why the outpost suddenly collapsed as it was because of the Inquisitor magic. He was standing right in front of us right now with a legion of undead and monster behind him. We all realized that this was an awful situation for us right now. 

"You thought that you both could escape from me while you're still in my lord domain!" The Inquisitor said that towards us. 

I thought that Tehreas said that the Inquisitor wouldn't leave the sanctuary no matter what. Why the heck that the Inquisitor doing here right now. Does Tehreas was mistaken about that but there's no time to think about that right now. We must get out from this place as we couldn't stand a chance against a legion of the undead and monster.

"Too afraid to fight us alone, that's why you round up all of the undead in this area just to kill us both right..." Tehreas said that as he seems to be taunting the Inquisitor. 

"Afraid?! I'm not... This was my lord order and I would not defy it." The Inquisitor said. 

We still have two teleport talent left and probably using it to get both Tehreas and Vicar out of this place would be an excellent idea. But there was only one problem to that, where do we teleport at. We didn't know anywhere besides the barren desert.

I told Vicar about this as he also thinks that it would be another problem if they teleported to the barren desert. As the Ruin Desert Dragon would surely kill them for sure. But at this time, Vicar doesn't have much of an option as he thinks that it would be better for them to teleport to the barren desert. 

"Tehreas, which do you prefer? The barren desert or fight the Inquisitor..." Vicar asks that question as it would determine whether we get out from here or stay and fight the creature.

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