Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 183 - Our Bonds (II)

"If you did become a real hero, I would be known as the hero ring throughout the history of Acres... And some historian would forget that I was the ring of the first demon lord." I said that to Vicar. 

"So that's mean I need to work hard to be known by the world then... It wouldn't be an easy task but I do really wanted to help people as I was once dreaming of being a hero while I was still a kid." Vicar said that. 

I then remember something as I ask Vicar, "Is that your promised towards Aliss? That you would become a hero when you have grown up and she will become an adventurer right..." I said that. 

"I did promise that to Aliss, it was the promise that we made before we part away... As it might make our path intertwine with each other as we were hoping to meet each other in our adventure." Vicar said that. 

"But you meet her before you even become a hero and she wasn't even an adventurer. Still, it's good that you both get reunited back after all of the years," I said that to Vicar. 

"I remember about something that I had should tell you when I was locked in the dungeon," Vicar said. 

When Vicar said that to me, I was curious what sort of thing he wanted to tell me about. Did something happen back then we both in the dungeon? "What do you wanted to say back then? It is something about the necromancy..." I ask Vicar. 

"No, this wasn't about that but I should have apologized to you when I had equipped you in the dungeon..." Vicar said. 

It makes me even curious why, suddenly, Vicar wanted to say sorry with me. He doesn't make anything that makes me angry or what. I know that he made some mistakes in his choices, but I understand why he wanted to do that. 

"What's this all about? You have done nothing wrong with me..." I said that as I don't why, he was apologizing to me. 

"You might not remember it anymore but I do, when we first met in the town... You said that you wanted to go back to your owner but after hearing the Steenswis family name... I just left you on the ground and ran away at that time." Vicar said that as it was his reason why he felt guilty towards me. 

"Oh! I do remember now... I never mad at you leaving me that time as I just wonder why you suddenly left when hearing the Steenswis family name... But you know that I have been through an amazing adventure because of that and that was all because you left me on the ground. Without it, I may not go with the bronze knight at all and might not save Aliss from Dalgueuil Forest." I said that to Vicar. 

"You did tell me before about the story of you with the bronze knight saving Aliss. I guess you're right... but still, would you accept my apology to you." Vicar said as he still keeps apologizing to me.

To make this matter end. I said that I accepted Vicar apology and also told him that he doesn't do anything wrong. I already know what sort of past Vicar have with the Steenswis family, so I understand why he left me on the ground that day. 

While we're having a conversation, Tehreas approaches Vicar and ask him several questions. Because of that, our conversation needs to end as Vicar replied to what Tehreas ask him about. 

"I'm just a temporary town guard, it just that the town that I lived in has a trouble and I volunteer myself to protect the town from the trouble that arises at that time," Vicar said to Tehreas. 

"Seeing you fight the dragon, I doubt that you're just a town guard... You did mention about skeleton lord when you were about to fight the dragon, would you mind telling me about that?" Tehreas wanted to know more about it. 

Because Vicar did say about it before, he couldn't fake it as he tells Tehreas about the skeleton lord. "Skeletons attacked our town and the skeleton lord appear... I had to fight it to protect the town, just delay for the main reinforcement to arrive." Vicar said. 

Still, Vicar didn't tell it what really happens. He still tries to keep some part of the stories hidden from Tehreas. I guess Tehreas wouldn't need to know about all of the things. It was wise for Vicar to do that as I will suggest to him to do that as well. 

"So you really did fight a Skeleton Lord, the skeleton lord was a tough enemy to be fought and I still remember that most of my comrades had died because of fighting that thing... So do the that had defeated the skeleton lord?" Tehreas ask. 

"I wouldn't be able to defeat the skeleton lord as it was too powerful, I just told to hold off the skeleton lord on my own until someone strong enough managed to defeat it..." Vicar said. 

"But still, I'm surprised to see that you're still alive... surely fighting alone will result in you were dying but you seem fine, you must be really a strong guy yourself," Tehreas said. 

"Strong? I wouldn't call myself that as I was just still learning on how to fight properly... like I said I did came from the slums and had no skill in fighting at all." Vicar said that to Tehreas. 

"Are you trying to deceive me after that fight you had against the dragon, you're clearly a strong guy and really had the experienced on the battle before... There's no way that an inexperience person would survive fighting the dragon yet alone defeated it." Tehreas said as he didn't believe that Vicar was a beginner at all. 

Tehreas was only a half right about that as Vicar was really a beginner. But many things had happened on that day and because of that Vicar had picked up the fighting skills quickly. If he doesn't do that, Vicar wouldn't protect the town nor survive at that time. 

But I guess Vicar did manage to do it so quickly as I supposed a beginner would be having a hard time advancing on fighting. When I think about that, it was likely because Vicar did live in the slums after all. Because of the constant danger in that place, Vicar must learn some basic fighting or he would be beaten up easily. 

Vicar then replied to Tehreas, "I did learn it very quick and didn't think that I would be really good at it." Vicar said. 

"It was because you had the talent for it, you a natural warrior... Not like myself that need to train for almost four years and yet I don't grow in term of skill, the power that much." Tehreas said that. 

"Really? Cause I do think that you could defeat the dragon if you had your power back..." Vicar said that as we both think that Tehreas was powerful than Vicar. 

"I doubt that Vicar, even with my power restored... I don't think that I could beat you, you're on a different level than me." Tehreas said that he acknowledges that Vicar was more superior than him in term of power. 

Both Vicar and Tehreas continue the conversation as I wasn't taken much interest in that. I begin to fiddle with my system to discover what when wrong with it. I couldn't even check the stats properly as it just displays this question mark. 

I check my notifications whether there has been a change in my system but apparently there aren't one at all. After fiddling with the stats checker for around a minute less, I then tried testing it out on Tehreas to see whether his stats would be displayed properly. 

[Knight Of Tehreas] Level 37

HP: 5500

MP: ???






Int- ???/100

Perception- ???/100

Charisma- ??/100



Resistance- ???/100 

It seems that fiddling with my stats checker does fix it a little. I could see Tehreas HP and his level now as before it would just display a question in that spot. I guess I need to fiddle with it more as I might be able to fix it. 

A few minutes have passed and once again I tried on Tehreas but the result just stays the same. All of his stats beside his HP and Level wasn't a question mark. I tried it again and again but eventually gave up as it didn't fix anything else at all. 

With that, I just see my other system features, whether it still works or not. I need to check all of it out to get us more information about the Inquisitor before we engage the battle with him. I just hope that the other features work just as fine as before.

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